Chapter Eight: The Opportunity of A Lifetime

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Hey guys!
Sorry for the wait. I've been feeling really crappy lately, lots of anxiety over school. But at long last, here is another chapter! Votes and comments are very appreciated!
- The Killjoy Bride

You're bouncing on the balls of your feet, excitement courses in every cell of your body. You know you just met them but still, the awestruck, fangirlness won't wear off and you know it won't anytime soon. You just met My Chemical Romance! A dream of yours since what feels like forever. It just came true and you're still reeling from the fact that it was all you imagined and more. Honestly, you're just caught in a haze of Gerard filled giddiness. He was amazing, so sweet and adorable.

Soon after you and Jackson finished your Meet 'n' Greet, Mel quickly came and ushered you guys off to a another room. You showed you wristbands to a large, intimidating bouncer that stood at the door. Mel quickly assured you both that you're thirty extra minutes with the band would start soon enough and informed you that maybe a few others would start filing into the room.
You didn't get to ask what kind of 'others' she meant, because the pink haired woman was off in a flash.

That mystery was soon solved.

Record executives, musicians and some of the stage crew. There aren't many, but the few very well dressed guys there kinda freak you out. All spiffy and in charge of big record labels, probably hoping to get some sort of deal out of the band. You also notice a few people who look like movie representatives, most likely here to ask the band to do a song for a movie or something.

"Dude," Jackson says, voice wispy, "I hugged Mikey Way. Like, I got a hug from everyone, but his hug was different. I feel really tingly all over, is that bad?" You laugh, Jackson has to be the biggest Mikey fanboy that you know, writes fanfiction and everything. "It's not bad. I'm real tingly too." You say with a shrug.

From where you and Jackson are lounging against a wall, you have a clear view of the door, so thats why you're one of the first people to notice when it opens and Lyn-Z walks in, sans Bandit. She seems to spot you as well and gives you a small wave, then, she starts to walk straight towards you and Jackson. "Fuckin hell, is that really Lyn-Z Way walking towards us?" Jackson whispers in your ear. "Wait," he starts again, "You said you met her, right? Just before we met MCR and you went to get a non existent drink!" You nod, pushing his face away from where he had it practically mushed into yours. Now, Lyn-Z is in hearing range, so you hope Jackson shuts the fuck up.

"Hey, [F/N], this must be your plus one from the radio contest! Glad to see you both here. I'm Lyn-Z." She hold out her hand in introduction to Jackson. He shakes he hand, only looking a little startstruck. You understand where he's coming from, meeting so many famous people in one day has left your brain spinning. You've zoned out a little and you're quickly brought back when Jackson, subtly yet harshly, elbows you in the side. You hold back a yelp of surprise and tune into what Lyn-Z is saying.

"Did you guys enjoy the concert?" She asks kindly. You nod and a goofy smile stretches over your lips when you think of the amazingness that was the concert. "We had a blast! It was so awesome!" You gush. Lyn-Z just laughs, her eyes twinkling. "Thats good to hear, I sure hope you had that kind of enthusiasm around the boys, Gerard always gets a bit mopey whenever he thinks he didn't put on a good show."

Your heart starts to beat a little faster at the mention of Gerard, but you quickly clamp down whatever that feeling was that had started curling in your gut and sent sparks up your arms. All too eager to switch the conversation off of Gerard and avoid thinking about that weird feeling you just had, you bring up the first thing you can think of. 

"Where did Bandit go? She was with you last time we met. Speaking of that, sorry for all the cursing, I was... A bit upset." You say, a blush rising to your face as you think about the embarrassing encounter.

Lyn-Z just waves a hand, "Its all fine, I know that I can get like that too sometimes." She then jerks her thumb behind her in the general direction of the door. "I left Bandit sitting outside, unsupervised and alone." You tense up, she what? The looks of utter shock and mild horror on yours and Jacksons faces must send her into a giggle fit, because she nearly doubles over laughing. "Im just kidding!" She manages to squeak out through her laughter. "You should've seen your faces! Im not that irresponsible of a mother! I sent her back to the hotel with her nanny, it was way past her bedtime. But don't worry, she is in safe hands." You relax after hearing this.

You were so caught up with your conversation with Lyn-Z you didn't notice four more people come through the door, or the small commotion that happened when they did. You only notice it when someone walks up behind Lyn-Z and suddenly two arms wrap themselves around Lyn-Z's waist.

"Sorry to interrupt," Gerard's smooth voice cuts in, sending that strange wash of warm feeling throughout your body again. You watch as Lyn-Z turns in his arms, wrapping her arms up and around his neck. You look away, feeling like you shouldn't be watching their intimate embrace. You're glad for a new distraction, and it come in the form of Frank Iero suddenly popping up in front of you.

"Hey! Its Birthday Girl! Awesome! C'mon, lets go get a drink!" He puts a hand on your shoulder and steers you away from the small group that Ray and Mikey have just joined into as well. He leads you to a snack table that you didn't notice before and hands you a cup of punch. "You looked kind of overwhelmed back there, and I know that feeling isn't a good one, so I thought I'd give you an out." You're touched by his concern and a shy smile appears on your face. "That was really sweet Frank, thank you. You really didn't have to do that." He gives you a charming smile, and you'd think a smile like that would set any girls panties on fire, but for you, all you wanna do is keep this cute, tiny man as one of your best friends. "It was no trouble," he says, "I think you're pretty cool, and I'm cool too. Cool people don't let other cool people suffer." You let out a very unattractive snort, and that launches you and Frank into a laugh attack that has him almost knocking over the snack table.

An undignified shout stops your laugh fest. You both turn to see a short woman with a 'STAFF' shirt on, fighting with Mel and Gerard. The short woman looks enraged and looks ready to slap Mel, when Gerard steps in between them says something in a low voice to the woman, and judging by the extremely pissed off look on his face, it wasn't anything nice. He then points at the door and the short woman storms out.

You and Frank share a look, before darting over to Gerard and Mel. "What the hell just happened," Frank asks, just as confused as you are, "Why did Erial just leave like that?" The pissed off look has drained from Gerard's face, now he just looks tired. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, "She and Lyn-Z got in a fight about something, then she went and dumped a bunch of water of the amps! When Mel and I tried to confront her about it she lashed out and said some really fucked up stuff, so I fired her! Now, were down two amps and a lighting tech!"

By this time the rest of the band, plus Lyn-Z and Jackson, had gathered around to hear Gerard. "We can fix the amp problem easy," Ray says, "We have fallbacks set up incase they got damaged, but where are we gonna find a new lighting tech within the next four days?"

"What about [F/N]?" Everyone, including you, turn to look at Jackson.

Jackson shrugs, "She's been the light technician for all of our schools events since grade five, she even works and helps out at out local theatre and event centre for when plays or bands need a light tech. She's amazing at it."

Gerard turns and looks at you, you feel like you're going to pass out under the intense gaze of his eyes. "Have you really done all that?" You shrug, trying to play it cool, "Yeah, like Jackson said I've been programming and setting up light displays since grade five. I do it all the time."

"How soon would you be able to come work on the tour?" He asks, tone cool, but eyes desperate. You gulp, is this actually happening? "Uh, I-I'd have to ask my parents but as long as I keep up my studies I should be good to start whenever."

Gerard bites his lip and nods, thinking. "Okay, call them and let them know. I'll check in with you in a bit, we need to go survey the damage Erial made." He turn to leave, Ray, Frank, Mikey and Lyn-Z in tow. Your head is reeling. What just happened? You think your in shock, even more than you were when you won the radio contest. What the fuck just happened?

"Oh, one more thing," You look up to where Gerard has paused at the door, he gives you a smile that looks more like a smirk.

"Welcome to the crew [F/N].

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