Chp 5: Our Dark Past

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3rd POV

The guards have taken Vox Machina to the throne room where Uriel is enraged by the recent event that was cause by Vox Machina.

Uriel: You've ruin our banquy, assaulted political allies, and risked the security of the realm. Throw them in irons!

Guard: You heard him. Come with me.

Vox Machina were about to resist until Allura convince Uriel that she will see that they are properly punished while Uriel get some rest after a long evening. He agrees and left for the night.

Vex: Allura, something is very wrong with Uriel. He's under the Briarwoods influ, I can feel it.

Allura: That is a considerable accusation. Do you have proof?

Vex: No. But I can get it. I just need time and access to-

YN: (Interrupts.) Silas is a vampire who has the ability to manipulate anyone. He did it to ensure Uriel at the dinner so he wouldn't be suspicious about the Briarwoods.

Allura: I find that to be difficult to believe it. (Sigh.) Emon owes you a debt, but that does not mean you are above the law. Though perhaps Uriel is being too brash.

Until this is resolved, you are hereby confined to your keep under house arrest.

The group then tries to protest about the house arrest.

Grog: How can you arrest a house!?

Pike: (Comfort Grog.) Okay. Thank you, Lady Allura.

Allura: I'll convene a formal inquiry at once. Your fate will be determined once we hear the Briarwoods side of the story. If they'll even speak to us anymore.

YN: Lady Allura, the Briarwoods are up to something. Even if they wanted to speak to you, they'll just lie.

Allura: I'm sorry. But until there's proof, you will be under the house arrest.

YN: Allura-

Vex stops him for speaking further.

Vex: Just leave it.

YN looks away disappointed.

Time skip

They were taken to their home. the guards tied Trinket by the tree and took their weapons, including Scanlan lute.

Scanlan: Get your filthy hands off my instrument!

Jarett: The more you resist, the longer this will take.

Scanlan: Come on, man. Its not a weapon! I just want to serenade the group!

Vax: Then you're doing us a favor.

Jarrett: Your belongings will be returned if you are Exonerated. All points of egress to this compound are being surveilled. If you attempt to escape, you will be executed.

Vax: Are you fucking joking?

Jarett: I do not joke. I advise that you sit tight and wait for sovereign's inquiry.

Grog: And what, we're supposed to sit here?

Jarett: (Smirk.) You have the run of your keep. I'm sure you will find something to entertain yourselves.

Jarett shuts the door while everyone was frustrated.

YN: (Sigh.) I warned you guys about the party, I warned you. But did you guys listen? Nuuuuuuu. Well its always the same.

Vex: Oh shut up, we get it now.

Short time skip

Everyone mind their own business while they're lock up. Grog is just lifting weights, Pike is checking her broken necklace, Percy is looking at the map, Scanlan is looking at the book that Vax stole from the Briarwoods, and the rest are doing nothing until Percy tells Grog to stop because he's distracting him.

Percy: Grog!

Grog: What?

Vax: (Worried.) I know we have a lot to talk about, but (points the bite on his neck.) I'm not turning into a vampire, am I?

Vex says nothing and look at the window to see his reflection as Vax did the same.

Vax: I withdraw the question-

Suddenly YN splash a bugget of water at Vax.

Vax: Hey, what the hell!?

YN: Holy water, just to be safe.

Vax: Warn me next time!

YN: I did, you just weren't paying attention. Plus its hilarious.

Grog: So what are we waiting for? Let's fuck up these guards and bust out of here.

Vax: Oh? So you'd like to be fugitives of the crown, wanted in every corner of Tal'Dorei?

YN: (Scoff.) Been there, done that. It did not go well.

Keyleth: If Uriel is under a charm, maybe like has a spell that can cure him. Um Pike.

Pike was sitting at the corner, not paying anyone's attentions until Keyleth gets her attention.

Pike: Huh? Oh, um, I-I don't know. W-what she said.

Scanlan: Screw all that. We should focus on this book. I mean look at it, dead bodies, wolves.

    Its some kind of fucked-up evil diary. Oh, maybe it has some evidence that can clear our names.

Vax clears his throat before taking a look at the book.

Vax: Oh really? You think you can actually read this thing?

Scanlan: We'll, yeah, I mean, I-I only just started translating it. (Smiles.) And Delilah's handwriting is Luke the worst but-

YN: Can you translate or not?

Scanlan: Of course I can. Its not that hard.

Vax: (Smirk.) Uh-huh. (Pass the book to him.) So what does it say?

Scanlan: Oh uh, it says "Piramid", " spirits of the dead", and right here in tiny letters it says. (Flips off Vax.) "Uh, fuck you, Vax."

Vax: Oh lovely. Care to translate this?

Vax and Scanlan middle finger each other until YN swipe the book away and takes a look at it.

Scanlan: Hey I was reading that!

YN: Oh wait, I know what this is.

Vax: Wait seriously?

YN: (Smirk.) Yes, this little wee lad here. (Flip off both of them.) Is my finger.

Grog: (Laughs.) Good one!

Pike: Can you three stop!?

The three of them didn't say anything while Vex takes the map away from Percy.

Percy: I was using that.

Vex: We need to talk. All of us. Percival?

Percy: Certainly. What would you like to discuss, Vex'ahlia?

Percy sits down without making eye contacts to anyone.

Vex: For starters, what the hell happened back there? You never thought to mention that the Briarwoods killed your family.

Grog accidentally drop the weight lifter, causing a mess

Grog: My bad.

Percy: I wasn't aware that you were owed information about my past.

Vex: When your past comes to kill us, I'd say we deserve a heads up.

Percy: And how exactly was I to know the Briarwoods would be attending?-

Keyleth: (Stands up.) I want to know about the smoke! Sorry. I...d-d...loud. Sorry.

Percy: Smoke? My weapon burns black powder. Perhaps that's what you saw.

Vex: What we saw was you shooting an innocent kid.

Percy: No one in the employ of the Briarwoods is innocent.

Suddenly YN enraged punches the table with both hands in front of Percy, getting stick and tired of this nonsense. This made everyone silent to see YN this mad.

YN: First you shot an unarmed civilian without hesitation and then you're hiding something from us. You cost our trust and look to where it got us! So I'm only gonna say it once and you better answer if you want to gain our trust, what is it that you're not telling us?

Percy sigh, admitting that he got carried away. Then he begins the explain everything between his family and the Briarwoods. That when arrive at the Whitestone, they came as allies.

    But they brought death to his family, not allowing anyone to stand in their way. Not even children. They slaughter them in cold blood and seizing his ancestral home.

    Even their tutor who his parents entrusted with their safekeeping, betrayed them. After enduring weeks of torture, he and his sister tried to escape together. But she never made it.

    This made everyone speechless before Percy continues.

Percy: The Briarwoods know I'm alive now, and they are not in the habit of leaving loose ends.

Vex: So what's your plan?

Vex hands him back the map as Percy sees that they'll help.

Short time skip

At first they manage to sneak out by a secret passage, but then ended up getting caught by the guards. Turns out they were waiting for Vox Machina by the exit. Obviously they know about the secret passage before the group did.

    They were all split into two or three groups in each room. Vax, Vex, and Scanlan in the kitchen, Grog with Pike in her shrine, Percy by himself in his own room, and Keyleth and YN are in his room.

Jarett: Your group clearly can't be trusted, so we're separating you, like children.

YN: (Sarcasm.) Oh no, I'm sorry mommy.

He shuts the door as YN flip off before he grabs his bag underneath the table. Just some couple throwing knives and some tools to repair his hidden blade. He then get started to sharpening the knives while Keyleth sits by the chair next to the bed.

Keyleth: You seem quiet.

YN: Hm.

Keyleth: Just you and me here, stuck in a room....Uriel was mad, huh? We didn't ruin his entire dinner. Just dessert.

YN paid no attention to Keyleth, since he's focusing on his equipments.

Keyleth: (Softly smiles.) I didn't know about Percy's past. But I guess none of us ever share that kind of stuff, huh?

YN: We never asked.

YN sharps his hidden blade until he heard her again.

Keyleth: (Sadden.) I may never see my family again.

YN stops sharpening.

YN: What...?

Keyleth: Yeah. My Aramenté. I don't get to go home until I complete it and prove myself worthy. (Chuckles.) Which might not happen, so...

YN: I'm sorry, wish I knew.

Keyleth: Don't be, we all have secrets like Percy and we don't want to share. But no one's alone for that. Even now, I might not be strong enough.

YN: Keyleth I....Whatever your going through to prove least you don't have to go through what I've gone.

Keyleth: (Confused.) What do you mean.

YN turns around looking at her eyes.

YN: I was never born with these eyes, nor was born as a witcher.

Keyleth: You were created?

YN: Yes...but to do that, we needed to prove ourselves. By going through the trials.

Keyleth: The trials? What happened?

YN hesitates, but tells her about the trials.

YN: There were at least 20 of us when I was a kid. We had to make our way back to the fortress our we're food for the monsters....

I pull out a griffin claw and remember that day.

YN: Even now, I still remember that day.

Flash back at the swamp, YN POV

I saved my friend from the living dead creature but it pinned me down as I try to push it away.

Y/N: Run! Save yourself!

My friend hesitated but then got back up and ran. Just when it was close to bite my face off another kid stabbed it with a pointy stick. The stick was a bit big for him but he manage to kill the creature.

    I then push it away from me and see who saved me, it was Dally. He then offers me a hand and helps me up.

Y/N: (Relief.) Dally, you saved me...thanks.

Dally: You'd do the same for me. Now let's get out of here before-

Out of nowhere, something grabbed him by his shoulder with sharp claws and took a bit bite of his upper body. I froze as his blood splattered at my face until it hit me with its tail and I saw what it killed him...a Griffin. I saw his lower body on the ground as the Griffin's eating his remain.

    I felt my heart beating so fast, blood running and burning, tears were starting to fall, and my mind wasn't straight as I clenched my fist. I closed my eyes and felt everything going on at the same time...and it snapped.


I cried out with my rage as I pick up the pointy stick that Dally used and throw it at the Griffin like a javelin. It landed on the Griffin's neck as it screeches out of pain.

Y/N: (Shouts.) I'LL KILL YOU!!!

The Griffin tries to fly away but I jump from the log to top of the Griffin and grabs on the stick to push it deeper to the neck.


Just as I try to push it more the Griffin was in mid air but I snapped the upper stick and was about to stab it more until I realize its wing.


With all my strength I stab between its wing and the Griffin screeches louder so loud that people in Kaer morhen Might hear. Just then we both fall as I was holding on to its feather while the Griffin tries to flap its wings. As soon as I saw the ground everything went black.

Flash back ends

YN: That was the day of my first monster killed and my friends death.

Keyleth: Oh were all just kids?

Keyleth was frighten after hearing my story before I continue.

YN: Yes....but little did I knew, it was only the beginning. They tied us up on tables and begin the final trials. Turning us into what I am, but only a few of us survived and became witchers.

Keyleth: Why would they do that, especially to kids.

YN: Because to fight monsters, you need to make a monster.

I sat down on my bed and sigh. Knowing that they'll hate me soon enough.

YN: Look, I understand that you guys will hate me and you want me out of the group. I'm fine with it, really....I can leave tomorrow-

Suddenly Keyleth hugs me, catching me by surprised. For the moment I hesitated but I gently big her back.

Keyleth: I'm sorry, you had to go through all that.

YN: Its all right. Its how the witcher world is.

We both let go while we're still looking at each other and I sigh.

YN: I can leave you guys if thats what you want.

Keyleth: You're not a monster, not the bad ones at least. You helped us, and we trust you. Besides, now that your in this world, maybe they'll see you as a friends.

    So let's make a promise, let's watch each others back. Till the end?

She offers a hand shake. This made me smile, knowing that she doesn't see me as a freak nor a monster. I happily accept her hand shake.

YN: Till the end.

We both realize we were holding hands and we both blush as we look at each other. Our faces were close and we were about to kiss-

Grog: (Breaks the door open.) Everyone up! Creepy shit incoming!- (Confused.) Wait, what are you two doing?

We both immediately let go and look away from each other. Keyleth tries to cover her red face.

YN: Damit Grog, why didn't you knock!?

Grog: Forget it! Somethings going on! Let's go!

Grog leaves to get the others while Keyleth does the same and I grabbed my knives before joining them.

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