Chp 4: Just a Peaceful Feast in the Realm

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Sorry for the late chapter, got some WiFi problem connection.

Percy POV

I had a peaceful family dinner with my family. My younger siblings were playing while the rest of us were at the table. My mother and I read one of my favorite book together.

It was the happiest moment of my life....until it happened. One by one they were murder in front of my eyes. my sister and I tried to escape as far as possible, but soon she was shot by arrows on her back.

Percy: (Gasp.)

I woke up by the same nightmare in the middle of the night. I was breathing shakily as I hold my neck while looking around and see that I'm in my room. I sigh and left my room to get some fresh air but I stop by a familiar voice behind me.

Vex: Bad dream?

Percy: Is there any other kind...?

I continue to walk and leaving her behind.

Time skip to morning, 3rd POV

Morning came and everyone is having breakfast as Keyleth enters, leaving flowers by the doors and smiles.

Keyleth: (Smiles.) Good morning everyone.

Everyone: (Grumbles.)

Vex: Why?

Scanlan: Why is she yelling?

Keyleth: Oh, good morning Vax.

Vax: (Bread in his mouth.) Morning.

Keyleth: Huh, where's YN?

Vax: (Muffled.) He's out training-

Before he could finish his sentence as he was about to sit, Grog immediately punches his balls. Causing Vax to drop his food as he collapse and wails.

Grog: (Smirk.) Seven to two.

Vax: (Strain.) I never agreed to this stupid game!

???: What game?

YN enters the room shirtless as he has a towel around his back from showering after his training.

Grog: Ball tag.

YN: Huh, now that's something. Morning by the way. (Confused.) Uh, Keyleth? You all right?

Keyleth: Huh, o-oh I'm fine yeah I'm fine. Uh is it hot here?

Keyleth blushes to see his abbs and muscles while YN helps Vax up after being tag.

Scanlan: Wow, guess I was right about him being ripped.

YN: You know, back home we use to do the drinking game. Throwing knives at the portrait while being drunk, its what we usually do in our free time.

Vax: Huh, doesn't sound like a bad game.

YN: You guys would like it-

Suddenly Vax punches YN's balls before he collapse.

YN: (Wails.) Fuuuuuuck!

Vax: (Smirk.) Seven to three to one.

YN: I didn't even ask to join!

Percy: (Sigh.) Must you?

Scanlan: (Eating chicken.) We can't all be aloof tight-asses, de Rolo.

Percy: I'm simply suggesting you could all benefit from some well-practiced restraint.

Vax: (Rubbing Trinket fur.) Emotions aren't mean to be bottled up. Maybe you should cut loose once in a while.

Just then, they hear someone knocking at the entrance door, reveal to be Allura who enter. She came to speak with them but couldn't find them until she realize that they're in the kitchen. They try to open the door but it was stuck until Grog kicks the door open and they all meet her.

Vax: Lady Allura. (Nervous chuckle.) Welcome. Hope you didn't feel the need to bring a housewarming present.

Allura: I didn't. Alas, I'm only here to remind you that Sovereign Uriel expects you at his dinner.

Vex: Oh shit. That's tonight?

Percy: (Smiles.) Finally. A proper evening of protocol and civilized conversation.

Allura: Its more than a party. Dignitaries from across the realm are here to form a new security pact. We must put our best foot forward.

Grog: Right. (Throw his plate away.) Which foot is that?

Scanlan: (To Pike.) Hey Pike, want to be my date? (Smirk.) I promise to be on my best-worst behavior.

Pike: Oh, I-I'm okay.

Vax: (Smiles.) Lady Allura, we appreciate the gravity of the situation and will present ourselves with the utmost dignity.

Right when Vax finished, YN immediately kick Grog nuts from behind who almost collapse.

Grog: Yeah. (Strained.) Good one. 7 to 3 to 4.

YN: Hell yeah, I'm on second place!

Keyleth: 4? He was just at one.

Scanlan: (Smirk.) Oh yeah, that was a 3 pointer. You see, the rules of ball-tag are as complex as they are beautiful.

Percy: (Interrupt and speak to Allura.) I-I shall brief them on royal etiquette and manners. You have my word, nothing will go wrong.

Grog finally collapse and cries from the pain.

Grog: (Cries.) My balls. Hurt so much.

Allura said nothing as she leave them.

YN: Well, good luck with the party feast stuff.

Keyleth: Where are you going?

YN: Yeah, party stuff is not my thing. Well, not for witcher anyway.

Percy: Witchers don't have manners for a party.

YN: Oh I learned proper society behavior when it comes to royal party stuff. I just let it go because 1, most royal party leaves disaster, 2 there's always a fight among one of them, and 3, I don't get paid just to go to a party.

Scanlan: Huh, he does got a good point.

Pike: Well what if things did go wrong at the party? Like Krieg, you never know we may be up against another dragon.


YN: (Sigh.) I hate it when you're right. Fine, but only if there's gonna be an attack, and don't go thinking I'll mind my manners in the party.

Percy: Nonsense, nothing will go wrong.

YN: Not yet.

Time skip to the party, YN POV

After learning from Percy about "Royal etiquette and manners." We arrive at the party with proper dress.

(Your choice of color.)

YN: How the hell am I supposed to fight with this on?

Keyleth: At least it looks good on you.

YN: Uh yeah, look great in green dress.

Keyleth blushes until Percy speaks up.

Percy: Remember what we practiced. Be reserved, be charming. Protocol.

Vax and Grog bow like a lady as Percy sigh.

Percy: Just follow my lead.

Guard: Sorry. If you brought weapons, they must be checked.

We all look at each other until we leave our weapons. It took a while for me since I have more weapons.

After that, we enter the party where everyone else is here as well as someone announce each royal house.

Servant: From Kraghammer, Gradim Greyspine. From Emon, Vox Machina?

Scanlan: (Scoff.) Is that all you got? Allow me. (Clears throat.) Vox Machina, champions of justice, hunter of dragons, destroyers of chastity.

Most of the people gasp after finding out that it was us who slayed the dragon.

YN: Well that went smooth.

Scanlan: (Smirk.) I aim for the best.

Percy: Right, let's stick together. Follow my lead for formal greetings, and-

YN: Lame. Anybody who's too bored for that, just wander around and do whatever.

I walk away as the rest except for Percy, does the same. Each of us were in groups of two, I'm with Keyleth right now.

Keyleth: Sooo...this feels nice.

YN: I guess. Least they have some drinks here.

Keyleth: Too bad Grog would probably start looking for a bigger cup or taking everyone's.

YN: Probably.

We both chuckle at her joke.

YN: Percy is probably enjoying this party already.

Keyleth: Well its what he likes.

YN: Hey um, do you uh...want to dance?

Keyleth blushes by my question, but suddenly my medallion started to vibrate and I grabbed it so that nobody notice it.

Keyleth: What is it?

YN: Something's up.

I look around to see anything suspicious until I saw Percy who's sweating and look frighten as he see someone.

YN: Something's definitely up. (To Keyleth.) Come on.

Keyleth nod before we join with the others.

3rd POV

Vex: Percy, (Place her hand on his shoulder.) What's wrong?

Percy: It's... It's them. Whitestone was my home. Until those fiends took everything from me.

Vax: What do you want us to do? Should we say something? To Uriel?

Percy: We can't.

Vex then notice that the Briarwoods belonging are taken to upstairs.

Vex: Looks like they're staying overnight.

YN: Or they have something dangerous in those. Either way, they must be up to something.

Vax: Why don't I make myself scarce and slip into their chambers? See if I can figure out what they're up to.

Scanlan: Yeah, sounds like a plan. But in case of trouble, we should have a safe word. (To Grog.) Grog, suggestions?

Grog: Right. The safe word is....Chenga.

They were both silent for the moment until Scanlan breaks it.

Scanlan: Okay. My safe word's "mommy."

YN: Meh, I prefer "silver." Let's just play normal until Vax gives the safe word.

Vax nod before he sneaks away while the rest joins the dinner where Kima and Allura are.

Kima: And somehow you guys look worse every time we see you. Where's Vax?

Scanlan: Oh uh, he has the-

YN: (Interrupt.) He went to look for the bathroom. (Fake chuckles.) You know how big this place is right?

Allura: I see. Delightful. Well if you'll follow me. Seats for the sovereign's dragon slayers.

They follow her and she take them to their seats at the table. Percy then notice that the Briarwoods are seated in the same table. Juts across to where Vox Machina are sitting.

    This made him glare at them and softly growls at them.

Grog: Ooh, shit's about to get real.

YN: (Sigh.) I knew this will be disaster.

Everyone were seated as someone announce everyone of Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei III and Empress Salsa Tal'Dorei ad they both sit.

Uriel: Nothing like a dragon attack to bring us all together, eh? Thank you, everyone, for making the journey in. Please, allow me to introduce our dining party.

    We have Arbiter Duala Juun, master of law. To her left, Seeker Assum.

As Uriel introduce each of them, the group notice that Percy was just glaring at them without saying anything. They try to get Percy attention until Pike threw a fort at Percy's fork. Which gave everyone attention for the moment before they return to their own.

Percy: (Whisters.) I'm fine.

Keyleth: (Whisper and sarcasm.) Oh, yeah, sure.

Grog: (Whisper.) Percy, I say you just walk over to the Briarwoods, say hello to break the ice, then punch them in the face. (Smirks.) See what happens

Pike: (Whispers.) Grog, no.

Scanlan: (Whispers.) Eh, I don't hate Grog's idea.

YN: (Whispers.) Guys stop, its only gonna make everyone suspicious about us. Percy, keep your cool damit!

Percy: (Whispers.) I'm fine.

Vex: (Whispers.) Still, we have to wait. Give Vax a chance to gather some intel

Time skip during lunch, YN POV

I then listen to sovereign Uriel talk to the Brairwoods. He speaks dark rumors about the Briarwoods and that no one travels in or out of their lands. They simply say its all lies by drunk and knaves, but I can tell that they're lying.

    Uriel wanted to send troops to check on their city. The man convince him that he doesn't need to as he place his hand on Uriel's and I saw the man's eyes glow and sovereign Uriel acted different afterwards for some reason. I have no doubt that they're not normal.

    They can fool anyone but not me. I can smell they have blood on them, but mostly the man and since he has some sort of manipulation ability, then he must be a vampire. The lady on the other hand, she isn't, but I can tell that she's more dangerous.

    Soon the lady brairwood then looks towards us, especially to Percy. After a minute, she ask curiously.

Lady Briarwood: Have we...met before?

Percy was about to speak but Vex spoke before he could.

Vex: We haven't met. I'm Vex'aliha, I'm sorry what was your name again?

Delilah: Delilah. hat an absolute pleasure to meet the protectors of the realm. (Gesture her husband.) My husband Sylas.

Silas: (Smiles.) Charmed.

Percy brakes a wine glasses after so Scanlan says he likes Delilah beads and that he has a set just like them Keyleth says she never seen them until she realized what he was talking about.

Keyleth: Ew.

I smack Scanlan head to shut up which Delilah looks towards me with curiosity in her eyes.

Delilah: Say, what is your name young man.

YN: YN, the Dark Wolf

Delilah: Hm, interesting title. What exactly do you do?

Uriel: Ah, YN is a Witcher.

Delilah: A Witcher?

YN: Monster hunter for hire of course.

Silas: Never heard about your kind.

YN: (Softly Chuckles.) Perhaps you two should be out once in a while, you'll learn a thing or two instead of sitting and do nothing. But then again, no one travels in or out of your lands. Pity that you can't get a message sooner where everybody knows what you don't.

This made some of the people softly laugh as both Briarwoods took it as an insult.

Silas: Tell me "Witcher", what monsters do you hunt?

YN: I can tell you a story about monsters beyond mankind strength that only magic will save them or a overwhelming numbers. Monsters that'll give nightmares to the people in the night. Monsters that only witchers a can kill.

    But at least we don't shit ourselves when their fangs and claw kiss our skins at the brink of death. Which is all I do hope for you. (Raise his wine cup and smiles.) A shitless death, but personally, I doubt it.

I sip the wine before continuing speaking.

YN: After all, it rarely happens for a monster to pop out of nowhere. Least they're polite if you offer them a sacrifice of you lunch.

Everyone softly laugh as we are now having dessert. Sylas talks about how he and his wife aren't originally from Whitestone, The original rulers got bored and abandoned the kingdom and kids raided the Treasury. This made Percy yells out what they were saying was a lie.

    Sylas then excuses him and wife and started heading to their room. They both look back towards me, still curiouse about me. I notice Percy was gripping his hand that it caused his hand to bleed.

    Luckily we excuse ourselve before anyone would realized. Once we were alone, Percy's still obsessed about those two. Saying that we don't understand until Pike convince him to help us understand.

    Percy tells us about the Brairwoods killed his entire family. This made us shock.

Vex: Do you know why are they here, Percy?

Percy: I don't know. Nothing good that's for sure.

YN: I do.

Everyone looks at me surprised before I continue.

YN: They're here to make sure no ones suspicious about the Whitestone. I saw Silas did something to Uriel, he did a manipulation spell on him so that Uriel wouldn't send an army. Call me stupid, but Silas is a vampire.

Percy: What!? How do you know?

YN: I can smell blood on him, lots of blood. Delilah isn't on the other hand, but she's dangerous. Only question is, what?

Keyleth: Percy, why didn't you tell us?

Percy: I've tried to tell many over the years. No one's believed me.

YN: Because they're assholes.

Percy: Obviously.

Pike: Wait. Vax is up there. What if he needs help?

YN: Fuck, he doesn't know they're on their way.

Scanlan: Okay, I'll distract, you go. Quietly.

We nod and leave while Scanlan distracts everyone by doing what he does best. We went to get our weapons.

Guard: Ticket please.

YN: Damn it, who has the ticket?

We all check are pockets and all of the sudden, Vex sense that her brother is in danger.

Vex: Vax....we have to move.

Pike: We fucking lost the ticket?

YN: Wait, I got it!

I hand the ticket to the guard as he inspect it.

Guard: What is this, fake!?

Pike & YN: ....Grog!

Grog: (Grabs the guard.) Come here fuckstick!

He threw the guard away while Percy and Vex, and I jump over the counter to get our weapons and head outside.

YN: Fuck! I forgot my Potions!

Vex: Then you'll have to go without it. Keyleth!

Keyleth nods and transformed into a hawk and flew. Soon we ran in to them and Vax is badly wounded after fighting. Delilah knocks Keyleth back as she transform back into her regular form.

Percy: Sylas, Delilah!

Percy tries to shoot but Delilah evaded them with her magic.

Delilah: (Smirk.) Would you look at that dear? Its the pup who survived, all grown up.

Vex: (Ready her arrow.) Step off, bitch.

Pike goes and heals Vax while the rest of us started attacking them. Grog and I fought Silas while the rest fight Delilah.

Grog: No one kills Vax but me or YN!

Silas dodges Grog attack easily as he laughs.

Silas: These are Emon's "Protector of the realm"?

Silas punches Grog as Percy found an open shot towards Silas. But Silas quickly heals.

Pike: Oh shit. That ain't good.

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