Field Trip

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The next day was different than the first day of school, thankfully. I was up and dressed before my alarm went off, allowing me to eat eggs and toast and make a sandwich for me to bring for lunch to the Museum. After packing my shoulder bag and slipping on my shoes and jacket, I headed out to meet with my Ancient Civilization class at the Museum.

                As I crossed the road towards the Museum, I spotted my class on the front steps. The teacher was giving them instructions and rules about the day. I walked up just as he was telling everyone about the quiz we were going to have next day in class. As the group broke apart, James walked over to me, handing me a coffee.

                "Thanks," I said, smiling at him. Together we entered the Museum, ready to start wandering around and soaking up as much as we could.


                Hours later, we sat on the steps outside, laughing and eating hot dogs from a nearby vendor. James was telling me about his time in Scotland, when all his friends tried to run away and he was forced to ride a horse to find them, wearing nothing but his underwear. The image of him was both hilarious and sexy.

                "That's ridiculous! Why did they run away in the first place?" I laughed, leaning into him.

                "They were off believing some myth, thinking they'd be married off the first chance their parents got, with no choice of their own!" James wrapped his arm around me, making my heart skip a beat. We laughed a little bit more, but soon James was standing up and pulling me to my feet.

                "I am sorry, Firea, but I must go now. I have to get to work, and I think we've seen everything by now. I'll see you next class," James leaned in and kissed my cheek, making my face flush a brilliant red. He chuckled as he walked away, waving.

                I waved back to him, and watched until he disappeared around the corner. Then I turned and walked up the stairs – or tried to. Three other women in my class were blocking my way, wicked grins on their faces.

                "Excuse me," I said, trying to go by them. One of them caught my arm and they crowded me, pulling me with them inside the Museum. We went past the giant dinosaur in the foyer, and towards the washrooms.

                Once inside the washroom, they began to get everyone else out.

                "Please, I don't want to cause problems for anyone. Why are you doing this?" I asked my voice frantic and desperate.

                "Because," the tallest one of them said. "You aren't even American, and you think you can just waltz into Columbia with your grades. You need to be taught that we work hard to get in to this school."

                "I'm not sure I understand – you hate me because I'm Canadian? Or because I seem to be doing better than you in school, is that it? I can't really apologize for being me–"

                "Shut up, bitch. It doesn't matter what fancy words you come up with to convince us otherwise, you are going to get what's coming to you. And on top of everything, you're dating that good-looking Scot. I've had my eye set on him since day one, and you show up and take him away." The tallest responded, taking a hold of my upper arm and slamming me face-first into the wall. Pain sprang up all down my body, and I could feel warm blood dripping down from out of my nose. I tried to move away, but they all held me in place, laughing at my misfortune.

                This is high school all over again, I thought, crying out when a fist connected with my lower back. My head was slammed against the wall again, but I was able to turn my head at the last second.

                "You better be quiet, bitch. If anyone hears you, I'll beat you and leave you in here. But you know what? I think I'll do that anyways."

                I was just able to catch my breath from my back being hit the first time, when a barrage of punches hit me from my head to my hips. The women that were holding me gripped my arms tighter, and more pain exploded in my head as the woman behind me began hitting my head repeatedly against the wall.

                The pain built and built, making tears run down my face and half-hearted sobs to escape my mouth. I cried out for them to stop, but that only spurred them on. The girl shoved my head into the wall once more before throwing me into one of the stalls. I landed on the floor, my head bouncing off the ground one last time, and my world went black with the sounds of their laughter and the door to the washroom locking behind them.

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