The ground below my face was harder than I was used to – wait. Ground? Where was my pillow?
I jolted awake, sitting up in the bathroom stall. My head began to ache, and I stood, walking to the mirror. The lights were still on, thankfully, and I glanced at my reflection. And then stopped, staring.
My face and neck was covered in blood from the beating I had taken at the hands of those idiots. I shook my head, gathering up my shoulder bag and finding more pain in my side and back. Moving slowly, I tried the door. It was locked, dammit. I knocked on it, calling out. No response.
"Hey! Help me! I'm locked in the bathroom! Someone help me, please!" I called out, banging my fists on the doors and trying to ignore the pain. I hit the door one last time, pain exploding in my hand.
"Oh, that's wonderful! More pain, thanks!" I dropped my shoulders and sat on the counter. I heard running footsteps after a few minutes, and I jumped up, wary of whom it could be. The lock jingled for a moment, but soon the door swung open. The man who was staring at me was dressed in a Night guard's uniform, with short black hair and a very shocked expression.
"Um, hi. What are you doing in the washroom?" He asked me, leading me out of the room.
"Well, I wasn't in there on purpose. I was dragged in there and beat up by a trio of prissy girls from my Ancient Civilizations class. They knocked me out and left me there, apparently locking the door on the way out. I'm Firea, by the way," I turned to him and shook his hand.
"I'm Larry, the Night guard. Now, I don't want you to be frightened by anything that happens, okay?" He looked worriedly at me, as if I might run off screaming. I smiled.
"I am totally okay with most weird things. I'm from Canada, and lots of weird shit happens there."
"That's...not what I'm talking about. Brace yourself," he smiled smugly back.
A man on a horse rode up, calling to us.
"Lawrence! Who is this welcome guest?"
"Teddy, this is Firea. She got locked in the washroom. How's everything looking?"
"It is all ship shape, lad. Though the Huns are messing with the Civil War Soldiers, and I do believe there may be a problem arising there quite soon." The man on the horse turned to me.
"Hello, my dear. Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of these United States. I assume Lawrence has forgotten to tell you the details about this Museum?"
The shocked look on my face apparently told all. As in the 26th President; the dead one from the foyer?
"I'm sorry, no, he hasn't." I stared at Teddy a little longer. "You're dead, yeah?"
He laughed. "Of course I am! I'm made of wax. I'm one of the exhibits. The only real person exhibit here is the Pharaoh himself, but he's technically dead as well, at least for the past thousand years."
"How about I just clean up all that blood and then I can send you home, okay? You'll probably think this was a dream by the time you wake up," Larry assured, leading me towards the foyer.
"That would be nice, thanks. I'm kind of confused about what exactly is happening here, but I might be okay with just waking up," I chuckled nervously, glancing at the giant dinosaur.
I looked again, stopping in my tracks. "It's gone. The dinosaur is gone, Larry."
"Yeah, that's happens. Rexy! Here, Rexy!"
The ground shook with great leaping footsteps, that I realised were approaching us. Scared, I looked around, only to see the largest living skeleton to exist come running towards us. Screaming, my brain overloaded, and I fell to the floor and passed out once again.
"...You cannot just let her leave. She has seen us, and she might tell people and bring them here at night. You must tell her about the Tablet, and about all of us."
"I can't, Ahk, you know that. She screamed; you all heard her. I need to take her home and put her to bed, so that she can wake up from this dream tomorrow morning."
"Lawrence, whatever you do, make sure that you think it's right. If you have any doubt that she'll believe you, let her go. But I believe that she'll believe anything right now, just like Nick when he first came here."
The voices were confusing, but I was able to discern the last two of them. Larry and Teddy were talking with a British man about me, and some big secret. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a couch in what looked like an office. All the blood was cleaned up, and the three men were continuing to talk just outside the door. I peeked in that direction and saw Larry's uniform and a golden, shimmering cloak, presumably of the British man's attire. Standing quickly and quietly, I found my shoulder bag again and looked around for another exit. This situation was getting stranger by the second, and I was not staying around for when the men came back.
Spotting a door on the far side of the room, beside a loading dock, I slipped out and into the night.
Getting home, I locked my door and stood for a moment, leaning against the door. The dinosaur was like a dog; I met a President and have seen a priceless gold cape. I rethought everything that had happened. Oh, and I passed out twice, the first time from a brutal beating. Oh yes, my day has been just peachy!
off his textbooks somewhere. "My name is James, in case you wanted to know." He smiled again, making me smile out of pure envy to those teeth. (I had dimples, too, you know.)
I shook his hand when he offered it. "I'm Firea. I'm also new here; I'm from British Columbia, Canada." James wished me a 'good day', and told me that he would see me tomorrow in class. I smiled and waved and bid him the same, sounding like a dork in love. Which is kind of what I was, at that point.
Taking the bus home, I got everything ready for tomorrow, packing my shoulder bag with everything I could possibly need. Reaching the end of my day, I collapsed onto my bed, weary after sleeping on the couch the previous night.
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