Leafpool's POV
I wake up in a empty den...
Crowfeather was nowhere to be seen. I assume he was at Feathertail's grave, but I didn't find him there.
I started searching the entire abandoned camp.
"Crowfeather.... Crowfeather.. Crowfeather! Where are you?"
Squirrelflight's POV
We are super close to the mountains. I know we can find Leafpool. I just know it. We arrived at the base of the mountain when I heard a rustling in the bushes.
"Brambleclaw, did you hear that?" I hissed, my voice low and slick.
"I hear it, and it doesn't sound like prey. It sounds like a cat."he mewed, his eyes turning to slits.
My hopes turned to reality as a slender figure slid in front of them, I was ready to pounced before I recognized the icy gaze staring back at me.
"What are you two doing here? We didn't want anyone following us..." he hissed, his fur bristling as I hear his claw dig into the dirt.
"Crowfeather, we came to return Leafpool to ThunderClan. We also ran into a WindClan patrol, and they want you to come home as well, the clans need you both," I explained.
"Why should we come back, this is the only place we can be together without conflict. ThunderClan may need her, but I need her more. Now scram!" Crowfeather growled.
Before I could speak, Brambleclaw took off towards the Tribe of Rushing Water's camp. It didn't take long for Crowfeather to follow him.
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