*Kaminari Gin's POV*
"Director Shirogane collapsed!!!!!"
"It's not life threatening, he's currently recovering at a hospital, Nijimura and the others are visiting him." said our coach.
"....." me and Daiki were speechless as we tried to comprehend what we just heard.
"What a shock~~" said a surprised Atsushi.
"But I'm glad he's alright.... Midorima-cchi did you already know about this?"
"I heard about it with Akashi this morning,however..."
"It's most unfortunate but... He won't be returning to his position as the head coach." he said regretfully.
"!?" none of us could contain our shock at the that statement.
"Coach Shirogane has had this illness for several years now,even though it was not fatal this time it remains serious. This is also one of the reasons why he was only able to spend a limited amount of time at practices."
"Therefore as of today, I will be taking over the position as the head coach, and one more thing in order to fill the gap left by Nijimura and the other seniors,around ten players from the second string will be promoted tomorrow."
"I know that this is sudden,and it may be hard to re-focus your attention on training, but the club activities can't stop, starting tomorrow we'll resume our usual training. Any questions?"
As he finally dismissed us from practice we all went to the locker room to change out of our gym clothes. Usually there would be some sort of conversations going on but it was completely silent. As we came out of the convenient store with only me and Atsushi buying a box if donuts each.
"But~~~ what should we do?" asked Atsushi eating a donut.
"What can we do? ......Well, it's no use just worrying." sighed Ryouta.
"Since Nijimura-senpai and the others visited him today we should try and visit him tomorrow."said Tetsuya.
"Then we should go as soon as we can I heard their going to be moving him to another hospital pretty soon,on top of all that you guys will be starting your regular trainging soon so we'll only be able to only drop by and see him very quickly." said Satsuki.
"Even so I think we should still go. And also..... Aomine-kun? Gin-kun?"
"Yeah we're listening..... Sure I guess." answered Daiki for the both of us as I continued to eat my donuts.
"Murasakibara-cchi is it just me or have you and Kami-cchi been eating more than usual?" asked Ryouta.
'Now that I thought about it I have been eating more than I usually have' I thought to myself while looking at the almost empty donut box in my hands.
"Not really,it's not like I'm worried or anything, you know?" replied Atsushi as I finished his sentence speaking the truth for the both of us.
"But for some reason I've been really hungry recently."
*Time the next day.*
Kaminari Gin's POV
As our new coach said we started to do our regular practices the following day,also he already chose the new players who would replace Nijimura-senpai and the other seniors. All I could say about them was they were pretty average for basketball players.
Since our coach decided to see how good they were he had me,Atsushi,Daiki,Seijuro, and Ryouta all on team having a practice match against them.
With Daiki, Atsushi, and me being the only ones on offense we quiet easily destroyed their team as we broke past being triple-teamed,and making powerful dunks.
When Atsushi was given the ball by Daiki he looked at the two people who were guarding him before he easily side stepped them and dunked the ball.
"Wow Murasakibara-cchi wasn't that spin you just did was really fast?!" asked a surprised Ryouta.
"It wasn't like I was trying particularly hard or anything.... But somehow I can't help but feel like I'm surging with strength.... If I start to play for real I feel like I'll crush even my allies."
Said a serious Atsushi.
While I looked at Atsushi I couldn't help bet feel sad about how everything is turning out.
"Hey you." called out Daiki to the guy who had marked him throughout the game.
"Um no,it's just.... I'm going my best.... Really!! But you're just to fast." tried to reason the panicking player.
"HUH?! EVEN SO YOU CAN'T JUST..... TCH." he didn't even finish his sentence as he turned around and walked away.
"Aomine-kun..."trailed off Tetsuya with a lost look on his face.
When basketball practiced ended I decided I wanted to be alone so I grabbed my bag and left the gym. As I began to make my way towards the basketball court by my apartment basketball in hand.
'The others are only starting to tap into their potential, our coach better handle this properly,but who am I kidding in the end I'm still the same as always.'
I was cut out my thoughts when I arrived at the basketball courts. I took my bag off my shoulder and set it on a nearby bench along with my uniforms blazer. For a little while all I did some simple warp-ups and practicing some of my street basketball skills.
But I was sadly interrupted by a group of monkeys(gangster looking people.)
"Hey didn't ya know we owned this court,go somewhere else you bastard." yelled the leader of the group.
I don't think they realized how much stronger(and bigger) I was then them because I was still in a crouching position from doing a dunk a couple of minutes ago.
As I stood at my full height(6'8) I saw most of them flinch away, I expected them to leave immediately but the leader decided to pick a different fight with me.
"Okay I see how it is how about this if I beat you on 1-on-1 then you better not show your face here ever again you got that!" he challenged.
"Hhmm that sounds pretty boring,how about this a 1-on-4 with the first one to score 5, I'll even let you start with the ball." I said pointing at them with my index finger extended with the basketball spinning on top of it waiting for their answer.
"Man you must be pretty stupid if you think you can take us all on,but we accept your challenge." as soon as he accepted my challenge I flicked my finger with enough power to send the basketball straight at his head as it got dangerously close to his head he clumsily snatched it out of the air all the while almost tripping over a rock that was conveniently behind him.
As the game finally started as promised with them starting with the ball. As soon as the leader made his way towards the basket net the others on his team decided to triple team me to let their friend score.
But that was to easy as I quickly got passed their defense leaving behind surprised players as I stopped the 'leader' at the three point line. As he tried to make a quick jump shot I jumped in the air and easily smacked the ball out the air. As the ball bounced on the ground I raced after it grabbing it before the others could as I made my way towards their basket.
As I was already in the paint line two of my opponents finally caught up blocking me from the basket. I sudden stopped making them jerk forward which I took advantage of and did a fast spin around them and dunking the ball scoring me two points.
As the game progressed with me in the lead of the game with 4-0 they were all guarding me leaving me with very little space to move. But that didn't mean I couldn't beat them only that I had to use one of my tricks.
I began to dribble the ball at a high pace between my left and my hands before I leaned backwards doing a quick dribble with the ball bouncing in between my feet.
As expected they all fell flat on their buts giving me plenty of room to move around even though I only needed one more point to win I decided to do a three pointer at the three pointer line.
*SWOOSH!* The ball went perfectly into the net making me the winner of the game. I looked behind and saw my opponents were still on the ground trying to catch their breath.
I picked up my basketball and walked over to my stuff putting back on my blazer and school bag.
"A deals a deal go find another basketball court." I told them and began to walk away but not without hearing the leader mumble something under his breath.
"Tch we were going to loose from the start...
.... After all who could beat a monster like you?"
I suddenly stopped in my tracks and slowly turned my head towards them. He must of saw that I heard him because he immediately shot up and ran away with his friends and off into the night never to be seen again.
I turned back around and made my way back home a bitter smirk on my face.
"If you only knew how right you are gangster-chan." I mumbled to myself as I walked away.
*Time skip a few days later.*
Kaminari Gin's POV
"DEFENSE! DEFENSE!" Desperately yelled the people on our opponents side of the bleachers trying to encourage them to keep playing even with the scores being how they were (71-31) and we're already in the third quarter there's no hope for them to catch up.
As Atsushi had the ball two players went to block him, SEIJURO who saw that went and showed he was open,but Atsushi only looked at him really quickly before performing a powerful spinning dunk that easily overpowered the two people trying to stop him.
As the we got in position to stop them from scoring Seijuro decide to approach Atsushi.
"Murasakibara." he called out before continuing when he saw that Atsushi was listening.
"It's fine this time since you made the shot,but you had two people marking you,it would have been safer to pass the ball to me."
"Huh...really? But I made it so it doesn't matter right?" as he turned away from Seijuro and back towards the game.
As everyone turned back towards the game I turned my gaze towards Satsuki and saw multiple emotions flash through her eyes surprise,amazement,fear, and desperation.
When her eyes locked onto mine I turned away and got back to the game.
After the game was over with us winning the ride back to be school was silent. When we finally got back we all looked at each other as we went our separate ways.
When entered my apartment it felt even more empty then usually, I looked to my right and saw my grand piano still tucked away in the corner
"I haven't played you in awhile why not lighten the mood." I said out loud as I positioned my hands over the keys playing the first song that came to mind(play the song up at the top.)
As the last key rang throughout the apartment I couldn't help but feel that my Chest fellt even more heavier. I sat their for a little while not even feeling the single tear roll down my cheek.
The next day
(Please excuse the following for Aomine's cussing.)
As usual practice went the same as it always did but after we did our warm-ups we had a quick practice match against some of the other first stringers.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!" Yelled a frustrated Daiki.
"Aomine-cchi!!" said Ryouta trying to defuse the situation.
"BUT I'M TRYING!.." argued back the player who has been marking Daiki.
"It's just that you're too strong!! There's no one who can stop you.... Ha, ha..." as he began to laugh nervously Daiki looked about ready to punch him before he stormed out of the gym.
As some of us got ready to follow him the coach stopped us and told us to get back to training saying he would deal with Daiki.
But before he left the gym walked up to him and said.
"Like a lot of other coach's I've met you better not put this school ahead of it's players, make your chose wisely because what happens next is all up to you.." I warned him before walking away hoping that he take my advice.
I should have known better not to have trusted him with my teammates.
When practice had ended neither Daiki or Tetsuya(who went out to look for him about a half hour ago.) had come back yet as we all began to get ready to leave.
"In the end neither of them came back.~~" said Atsushi.
"So it would seem." agreed Shintarou.
"Also what coa- head coach said after practice, about Aomine-cchi still playing in matches regardless whether he comes to practices or not... I know that Aomine-cchi is strong,but honestly is that okay?" asked a concerned Ryouta.
'No, it's not Ryouta he made the wrong choice that will severely hurt our team.' I thought angerly as my bangs overshadowed my eyes that were no doubt had a murderous glint in them.
"I don't know what the head coach's true intentions are, but I share your sentiments." agreed Seijuro.
"Hm, about that~~ hey Aka-chin I don't like losing~~ so I've kept coming to practice up till now but if we can win without having to practice then I don't want to practice either~~."
"If Mine-chin can do it, I was thinking maybe I should stop practicing too~~" finished Atsushi.
"Don't say such ridiculous things. There's no way I could permit that." refused Seijuro.
"But I just feel there's no way I can lose right now~, and you know~~ the reason why I've been following Aka-chin all this time is because I felt no matter what I could never win against Aka-chin."
"But recently I've begun to feel... That maybe this isn't the case~ I Don't
listen to someone weaker than me." finished a serious looking Atsushi as he looked down upon Seijuro in a sense of both power and height.
"....what did you say? Murasakibara." asked a enraged Seijuro.
"I just wanted to say~ I hate having to listen to someone who is weaker than me, that's all."
"Step aside momoi." he said putting his hand on her shoulder.
"Murasakibara I can't simply ignore what you just said,although teams strongest player should not necessarily be the captain, but my position being questioned is another matter, if you can't understand this in any other way then by force, I'll give you the honor to try, don't underestimate me." warned Seijuro as he began to bounce a basketball.
"Let's play a 1-on-1 whoever scores five points first wins."
Atsushi quickly accepted the challenge wanting to prove he was stronger than Seijuro. As they started the game with Seijuro starting with the ball at the beginning he tried to make a shot but he was quickly blocked by Atsushi who in turn dunked the ball.
When Atsushi was only one point away from losing the game I looked at Seijuro's face and saw that he was completely panicking at the thought of losing the game.
'So this is where everything changes, huh why does this thought make me so sad?......I guess I really did get attached to this team.... Sorry Tetsuya but everything is changing from this point on.'
As Atsushi was still standing if front of Seijuro who was creepily standing still as Atsushi got ready to score his last point.
"The me who is able to triumph over all is absolutely correct." he said out loud while lifting up his head showing us his now red and gold heterochromatic eyes.
As he was about to pass Seijuro and score his last point but the ball was knocked out of his hands before he could even blink.
As everyone looked in surprise at what just happened I simply leaned my head down not wanting to watch the rest.
"You got carried away a bit huh, Atsushi. Don't make me lose my patience. Anyone who oppose me,even if they are my parents should be eliminated." he threatened Atsushi as he picked up the ball before turning around towards Atsushi's basket in the procces using ankle breaker on him as he tried to block him.
'I hope you realized you just made yourself the villain Seijuro, everything you've done at this point was to keep this team together,and this is no different but even if you have a second personality your still Akashi Seijuro.' I thought to myself as I looked sadly at Seijuro.
As the game ended with Seijuro winning the game Atsushi began to stop around angerly even going as far as kicking over some random water bottles.
"I'll go get ready to go home~ good job everyone." said a defeated Atsushi as he began to leave.
"Wait mu-kun!" yelled out Satsuki trying to stop him.
"Don't worry~ I'll be a good boy and come to practice everyday.~" he told her waving her off.
"No you can forget that agreement, do what you want as long as you help the team win in competitions." when Seijuro said that Atsushi turned around surprised at what he just heard.
"The same can be said for Gin, Midorima, and kise so long as we win I won't say anything." said a serious Seijuro looking at each one of us but when he saw that I wasn't showing any sort of reaction towards this situation his eyes widened slightly before continuing.
"I found out after the 1-on-1 match that we are too strong, it's impossible for all of us to achieve harmony, our performance will be much better if we act on our own."
"WHY.... IN SAYING THIS DOESN'T THAT MEAN WE SHOULD ABANDON TEAMWORK.....?" yelled one of the random first stringers.
"That's right. To win, the team's ultimate goal should be to allow each member to develop their full potential and use it as best as possible, but for the 'Generation Of Miracles' teamwork is nothing more than something optional, that is what I'm referring to." declared Seijuro.
Everyone stared at him in surprise at what they just heard they were dismissed as practice was already over.
"Gin before you leave I want to talk with you, come back here when your done changing." ordered Seijuro.
I sent him a quick nod telling him I understood before making my way towards the locker room.
When I stepped out of the locker room in my teiko uniform I looked around and saw that Seijuro was standing by the basketball hoop with a basketball in his hands.
"What did you want to talk about Seijuro?" I asked him as I made my way towards him.
"Out of everything I said today how come you didn't seem surprised in the slightest?" he questioned me.
I thought about it for a few seconds before answering.
"Out of everybody here the people that I have the most in common with would be Atsushi, Daiki, and you. In some ways your going the exact same thing I did in the past."
"In the past? Explain."
"Basketball wasn't the first sport I've ever played, I've played many sports before but they never lasted,no not because I was weak far from it actually it was because I was to strong for both my teammates and my opponents, I reacted to each sport differently but in the end nothing felt right that was until my dad showed me basketball." I told him think about when I first played basketball.
"That answers
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