Cravity - Irritable & Dizzy pt. 3 | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Taeyoung

Caregiver: Cravity

Request/Idea - @Carateume47

Trigger warning: Throwing up, Fainting


One day has passed since Cravity had gotten their break and it was back to their next and second to last promotion week. Taeyoung has sadly gotten worse, the symptoms more visible and stronger than yesterday. He told Serim when the leader came into his room to wake him up for their schedule and Serim went to inform Jungmo, Allen and Seongmin about it before calling their manager. Understandably, their manager was pretty pissed at this and thought Taeyoung just didnt want to follow his schedule but after threatening to get him fired, Taeyoung was allowed to stay back. The downside to this was that Taeyoung was the only one who could stay back so Cravity (minus Hyeongjun) made sure he had everything he needed.

Serim and Seongmin were the first members ready to leave so they went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast and lunch for Taeyoung as they'd be back for dinner. Minhee and Jungmo set up the living room with easy access to the bathroom just in case and Allen, Woobin and Wonjin just floated around while helping out with whatever was needed. The oldest and youngest finished with breakfast and lunch, Serim packing up the lunch and putting in the fridge so it wouldn't go bad and Seongmin placed the bowl of oatmeal and smoothie on the coffee table in the living room. He entered Taeyoung's room quietly to see his hyung seemingly have fallen back asleep. The maknae chuckled at the older before sitting on the bed to wake Taeyoung up.

"Hyung, breakfast is ready" he slowly tugged at the blanket covering Taeyoung but keeping his eyes closed, held a firm grip, "Hyung, you have to wake up or the food's getting cold. Minhee hyung and Jungmo hyung set up the living room so you can rest there."

Taeyoung groaned before sitting up, be careful not to trigger the dizziness again, "Can I go back to sleep after?"

"Of course you can hyung. But I suggest you eat breakfast first then you can sleep as much you want slash can" he replied and the sick idol nodded.

The youngest helped Taeyoung out of his bed and slowly walked beside the older as he made his way down the hallways and into the living room. On the couch rested many pillows and a few hung off the couch in case Taeyoung wanted to take a nap, he got cold or just wanted a blanket. Taeyoung's breakfast sat on a tray on the coffee table along with different medicines depending on what Taeyoung's symptoms were. Seongmin left Taeyoung to get settled on the couch and ran to get his hyung's phone from his nightstand in his room. He gave Taeyoung his phone when he returned along with his powerbank and charger then told his hyung to feel better before leaving. Taeyoung looked through a bunch of shows before settling on a movie instead while eating the breakfast made for him. Halfway through the movie and after he was done eating, Taeyoung accidentally fell asleep.

~ After Cravity finishes their schedules ~

It's been quite a few hours and Cravity had finally finished the last thing on their schedule: two photoshoots that were luckily in the same building. At the start of their day when the group met up with Hyeongjun at the practice room, he asked Cravity where Taeyoung was, anger and a bit of annoyance in his voice. The member wanted to storm into the other dorm to tell Taeyoung off but Minhee stopped him, saying their manager was already mad Taeyoung was home and didnt want him to get more pissed. Minhee eventually took his hand off Hyeongjun (😏) and dragged the younger to the middle where the others were waiting to start.

Right now, Jungmo, Serim, Allen and Seongmin were headed back to their dorm to check up on Taeyoung but right before the door opened, Woobin offered to stay in the other dorm for the second youngest's sake. Wonjin and Minhee followed suit in agreeing and Minhee harshly nudged Hyeongjun to make him say yes even if he was mad at the younger. When they entered the dorm, Taeyoung looked up from having his eyes on the floor to the group of eight while he was laying on the couch in the living room. Taeyoung's nauseousness had gotten worse and he wasnt able to do much except lay there and try to sleep. The idol stood up when he saw his members come back and watched them walk towards him.

"Hey, Youngie. How are you feel-" Woobin started when he was close enough but Hyeongjun interrupted him.

"KIM TAEYOUNG! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU STAY BACK?!" Hyeongjun screamed, making everyone flinch. Taeyoung just stood there with his head down, "WELL?!"

"Hyeongjun, please" Jungmo moved to stand beside the younger, "Don't yell at him like that. Taeyoung didnt do anything wrong, he's just sick."

"Kim Fucking Taeyoung! Answer me right now!"

~ ⭐️ ~

While Hyeongjun yelled at his dongsaeng, Taeyoung heard the loud noises but he wasnt registering what the older was saying. The problem was that Taeyoung could feel his lunch not sitting right in his stomach and felt like it was rising up his throat. He kept his eyes trained on his feet as the idol wrapped his arms around his stomach slowly and just breathed, trying to get this feeling to go away. It didnt help when he lurched forward, gagging and covering his mouth with his right hand. Hyeongjun immediately went silent and asked if the younger was okay while reaching forward but he just slapped his hand off of him and ran towards the bathroom, the other members including Hyeongjun in toe.

Taeyoung was hunched over the toilet, harshly coughing up bile while tears streamed down his face. The members winced as each cough brought up another wave of sick while talking amongst themselves on what to do. Seongmin held Taeyoung hair back with his hands, Wonjin went to get a glass of water for Taeyoung and the rest stayed in the cramped bathroom. The second youngest hated the way he could taste his lunch again but this time with a foul taste to it.

~ ⭐️ ~

Wonjin came back and the members all shuffled over so he could hand the glass to Taeyoung when he was dome throwing up. Taeyoung, however, had different plans and turned right to Hyeongjun after he was done with tears still streaming down his face.

"Hyeongjun, why are you so mad at me? I've done basically nothing to you, I haven't even said anything today yet you decide to keep yelling at me! I wasnt that mad at you but now that you came in and started screaming at me with no explanation, I kinda am! On top of that, as soon as I was about to throw up in the living room you suddenly cared about me. Can you for once use the brain you have and maybe not yell at your members?!"

Taeyoung took a piece of toilet paper and wiped his mouth before getting up and walking out of the bathroom. They all sat in silence as Taeyoung tried to walk out, especially Hyeongjun who was guilty as fuck for how he treated his dongsaeng. The second youngest was almost out of the bathroom when he suddenly got really dizzy, even worse than yesterday and earlier and fell to the ground. Serim was the closest and let him fall into his arms instead of onto the ground. Serim took one look at the unconscious boy and told the others to meet them in the living room.

~ Half an hour later ~

"-Young! Taeyoung, wake up!"

Taeyoung came to with a groan as his arm instantly went up to shield his eyes from the bright light of the living room. Once Taeyoung opened his eyes again and saw himself in a dark room, he tried sitting up but multiple hands pushing him back down forced him not to. He moved his arm away from his eyes and saw the 16 eyes of his members staring back at him with Hyeongjun standing at the back, looking away from the younger. Taeyoung called out for Hyeongjun to come closer so they could talk and Hyeongjun immediately started by apologizing to the younger and for his behaviour for the past month and a half. He stopped the older and told him that he would eventually forgive him but it could take a while just because of how he was treated. Hyeongjun knew why he deserved it and felt like what Taeyoung said was right.


WC: 1436

Here is the last part! I'm really sorry this was posted so later than I intended but with exams coming up I'm focusing on that more so my update schedule may be a bit weird until the end of June. I'll still do my best to update though. My first exam will be on Thursday so lets hope I do good.

P.S. - I'm sorry the ending is so shitty

Song recommendation: 'TA' by Stray Kids

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