ATEEZ - Beach day | 🧸 |

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Littles: Yeosang, San, Wooyoung

Caregivers: Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Mingi, Jongho

Idea - @cuddlepilefics

I got this idea from a list of littlespace prompts @cuddlepilefics posted so credits to them for the idea. 


The sun had started rising which caste a warm glow in the living room, indicating it was the next day. Today was a sort of special day not just because ATEEZ had a day off to do whatever but the group housed three littles (Yeosang, San and Wooyoung) and their caregivers (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Mingi and Jongho) planned a surprise for them. Something they never did yet was take the three littles to the beach and since it was getting hotter out, the five thought now was a pretty good time.

There was a little in each dorm which meant Yunho was tasked with waking Yeosang up, Hongjoong and Jongho were to wake up Wooyoung and Seonghwa and Mingi had to wake San up. Yunho, Yeosang, Seonghwa, Mingi and San would then meet up at Hongjoong's, Jongho's and Wooyoung's dorm. This was the plan at least but when all three members are little, rarely anything went the proper way. First off, Wooyoung and Yeosang both slipped to around 4 and loved creating chaos so it was tough to keep them in check. And second, San slipped the youngest at 1 or 2 and was much quieter than his fellow littles so he wasn't much of a problem. However, Woosang sometimes got San to follow along with whatever mischievous things they did to which the caregivers did not like one bit.

Back to the morning of today, Wooyoung was the first to wake up in his dorm and in littlespace too. The little took a few seconds to fully wake up before realizing what day it was. Wooyoung always woke up with a ton of energy so he shoved his blanket off of him, it landing on the floor and Wooyoung ran out of his bedroom. Not thinking that his caregivers were probably still sleeping, Wooyoung burst into Hongjoong's room and climbed onto the older's bed while screaming to get his attention.

"Joongie hyungie! Wake up! It our bweak! Wake up!"

Hongjoong opened his eyes with a groan and propped himself up on his elbows to see Wooyoung, "Youngie, it's too early. Why don't you go back to bed with hyungie for a bit?"

"Bu' it our bweak! An' I wanna see Sannie an' Sangie! Pwease, Joongie!" the little pleaded, getting irritated.

Hongjoong's eyes widened when Wooyoung said that, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Youngie. Hyungie forgot. Why don't you go wake up Jongho and I'll start on breakfast?"

"Yea, yea, yea!" the little jumped off the bed and ran straight to Jongho's room.

'Man, this kid has too much energy for 8:00am'  Hongjoong thought to himself.

Hongjoong hauled himself out of bed and slowly made his way to the kitchen for food and coffee because he knew it'd be a hectic day with the littles. He was glad there was already water in the coffee maker so he poured one mug and downed that in one go then another, and another until he almost had as much energy as Wooyoung had. Hongjoong got out the pan then all the ingredients to start making pancakes and called Seonghwa. The reason why was because the other littles were gonna come over for breakfast and if San slipped too young for pancakes, he'd make the little some oatmeal instead. Seonghwa responded by saying San wasn't old enough but still excited after knowing what was for breakfast. Knowing how much he'd have to make, he called out for Jongho's help and saw him carrying a still very energetic Wooyoung on his back.

"Apparently, this little one decided to wake me up by jumping on me and repeatedly yelling in my ear" Jongho spoke from the living room as he playfully threw Wooyoung onto the couch.

"Yea, that was my doing" Hongjoong followed the younger, "I'm gonna need your help with breakfast since seven of us are having the same thing and one of us aren't."

"Sure, hyung" he then turned to the mentally younger, "Youngie, I'll put a cartoon on for you to watch and call hyungies if you need anything, okay?"

"Otay! Bu' wait, I wanna get my colouwing book fiwst" the little rolled off the couch and ran to the playroom they had to grab his colouring book and pencil case before coming back.

Jongho put on a cartoon for Wooyoung and let him get settled before following the older into the kitchen, seeing the pancake ingredients. The leader explained San wasn't feeling old enough so they would have to make something else for him which would be kinda harder on the both of them.

In the middle of making their breakfast, a knock was heard on the door of their dorm and Wooyoung went to open it with Hongjoong following behind for the little's safety. The door opened to reveal Yeosang holding Yunho's hand and the older having a bag filled with some of Yeosang's stuff which didnt include anything for the beach. Wooyoung and Yeosang immediately hugged each other then Wooyoung dragged Yeosang in and to the living room, letting his fellow little hang out with him. Yunho jokingly called out to Yeosang for feeling abandoned to which little Sangie gave the other a quick hug. Having not much to do, Yunho set down the bag and joined Hongjoong and Jongho in the kitchen to help with breakfast while waiting for Seonghwa, Mingi and little Sannie.

The final trio arrived just as Hongjoong, Jongho and Yunho finished breakfast. Yeosang and Wooyoung had started complaining about breakfast taking too long so for Seonghwa and Mingi to arrive with San just as it finished was perfect. The five caregivers and three littles all sat down at the table meant for eight in case the whole group was at one dorm. This also went for the other two dorms. One chair however was vacant as Seonghwa had little Sannie on his lap and both him and Mingi helped feed the younger.

"Sangie, Youngie, Sannie. Since today is a day off for us, your caregivers had planned a surprise for you three" Hongjoong suddenly announced, gaining everyone's attention.

"Weally?!" Yeosang and Wooyoung yelled at the same time.

"We have" Mingi continued, "Us caregivers noticed it starting to get hotter and with a bit of planning, we have decided to take you three to the beach for the day"

"Yay!" Woosang said again at the same which was followed by San making a happy squeal, "When awe we leavin'? I wanna go now!" Yeosang shouted, getting off his chair.

"Not so fast, little one" Jongho grabbed the little by his waist and sat him back on the chair, "We have to finish breakfast first then you and Yunho hyung can leave to go get ready."

"Bu' I wanna go now!" Yeosang whined, squirming around in Jongho's grip.

"Kang Yeosang, if you keep going on like this, you can stay back at the dorm while Sannie and Youngie get to go" Hongjoong scolded and the younger stopped immediately.

"Hmph, fine."

It was sort of tedious because now all three littles just wanted to go to the beach but their caregivers weren't letting them. Wooyoung and Yeosang had gotten scolded again for not eating and were told either they eat and go or not go at all which made them scarf down the food. San was a little more obedient but still got a soft scolding for refusing the food Mingi was feeding him. At some point however, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Mingi and Jongho just gave up despite not wanting to and let the littles get ready.

Mingi stood up with San in his arms, letting the mentally youngest say goodbye to everyone as Seonghwa got their stuff then the trio left for their own dorm. Yunho pulled a reluctant Yeosang away from Wooyoung and threw the little over his shoulder to better carry him to their shared dorm. This left little Youngie, Hongjoong and Jongho sitting at the table. Jongho picked Wooyoung up and took him to the bathroom to brush his teeth before going to his room to get him ready for the beach. Hongjoong, already being packed from last night, started doing the dishes before grabbing some snacks for the littles.

"Joongie hyungie!" Wooyoung's little voice called out to the captain.

"Well hello, Youngie" Hongjoong caught Wooyoung in time as he jumped into the older's arms, "Are you ready to go to the beach?"

"Yea! Can we go now?"

"Hyungie has to get his stuff from his room then we can go, okay? I promise we'll leave very soon"

"Otay, Joongie."

"Should we meet you and the others downstairs, hyung?" Jongho asked when Wooyoung was put back down.

"Sure. Just make sure Youngie won't cause any trouble if he sees the others. We both now how excited he gets when he's with Sangie and Sannie."

~ When they get to the beach ~

"Awe we thewe yet?" little Youngie asked for the millionth time, pulling on his seatbelt.

"Now we are, Youngie" Yunho assured as the van came to a full stop, "Let's get you three out first then our stuff."

Hongjoong and Seonghwa hopped out of the car first, helping Wooyoung and Yeosang out. Seonghwa unbuckled little Sannie and held the younger in his arms as Hongjoong held onto Woosang so they couldn't run off while Yunho, Mingi and Jongho got out of the van. Yeosang was passed to Jongho since it getting hard to hold both littles without them running off and the driver and Yungi grabbed all their stuff. The beach they were going to wasn't that well known so there weren't a ton of people. ATEEZ walked to a more secluded part of the already not busy beach and set up their stuff. Since the three littles already had sunscreen on, Hongjoong and Jongho followed little Youngie and little Sangie into the water, Seonghwa, Mingi and Yunho staying with little Sannie who was perfectly content with just playing in the sand for now.

Woosang wanted San to join them in the water so Yeosang was sent to ask if he could join. He assured the three caregivers they wouldn't need to come and Hongjoong and Jongho were enough to which the caregivers hesitantly agreed before letting San go. Yeosang carefully picked up the mentally youngest in his arms and handed San over to Hongjoong who was waiting at the edge of the water. The group of five had to stay closer to the shoreline because San wasn't allowed to go that deep into the water and to play with the younger, they gently splashed San's legs with the water to cool him down. Little Sannie loved it to the point of even splashing his fellow littles back and laughing at how dramatic they were. They stayed for about an hour, Hongjoong and Jongho being switched with Seonghwa and Yunho halfway through until San started leaning on Seonghwa more and not reacting as much.

"Hyungies, something wrong wif Sannie. He not reacting to what we do" Wooyoung called out as he noticed San's drooping eyes.

"Youngie, baby, nothing's wrong with Sannie" Yunho slowly rubbed the youngest little's back as Seonghwa moved side to side, "He's just tired and needs a nap. Don't worry, he's okay."

"How about we all go back and while Sannie's sleeping, you guys can just play in the sand? It'll be easier to watch over all of you" Seonghwa suggested, now whispering as San had fallen asleep.

"Can we pwease stay here? I don't wanna leave the watew" Yeosang pleaded but Seonghwa and Yunho wouldn't budge.

"Sangie, you and Youngie can't. We have to watch over Sannie while he's sleeping and you guys can't stay here by yourself. It's dangerous without supervision" Yunho replied.

Wooyoung and Yeosang ran back surprisingly happy after Yunho told them they'd be getting popsicles from the small store. When the other five members got back, they noticed the sleeping little in Seonghwa's arms and Jongho helped San get settled onto the large beach towel. Seonghwa was used a pillow for San and held the little's head on his chest as he carded his fingers through little Sannie's hair.

Meanwhile, Woosang were again told to be quiet for San's sake before continuing to play together in the sand with some of the toys ATEEZ had brought with them. This part of the day was mainly quiet with Wooyoung asking for the popsicles now but was turned down, being given some strawberries that were packed instead. Another hour passed by, it being around 1:00pm now and Seonghwa looked down to see San looking back up with a quiet whine. Something in San's eyes told Seonghwa the younger was at least feeling a year older.

"Hey, Sannie? Are you feeling any older after your nap?" the older asked and San nodded.

"Hungy" he whined, gnawing on Seonghwa's shoulder, making the older chuckle.

"Sannie, I'm not food. We don't gnaw on people" he used his free arm to pull San away, "We promised Sangie and Youngie popsicles after you woke up. Do you want one too, Sannie?"


"Is our Sannie finally awake?" Hongjoong cooed when Seonghwa and San sat up, Seonghwa positioning San to sit between his legs and lean back against his chest.

"He is, he's feeling older and he said he's hungry" Seonghwa replied, "Should we go get the popsicles now or wait a bit?"

"I think we should go now. I'll just take one of the other members with me."

Hongjoong got up and walked over to Mingi who was watching an episode of a random anime and since Woosang couldn't go, Sanhwa couldn't go and Yunho and Jongho were taking photos for Atiny, he asked the younger to help him carry the popsicles. The idol agreed and after taking everyone's orders, headed to the mini store. It didn't take that long before Minjoong came back with eight popsicles, two in each of the duo's hands. Wooyoung and Yeosang moved to sit beside San and Seonghwa on the beach towel to prevent the popsicle from falling into the sand. 2ho helped the littles open the popsicles and wrapped the sticks in napkins before giving them back. Wooyoung and Yeosang were relatively careful so as to not get their hands sticky but San, being younger, wasn't as careful and started whining when some melted popsicle got onto his hands, making them sticky.

"Sannie, what's wrong?" Yeosang worriedly asked.

"Icky! Off!" San complained, dropping the popsicle just in time for Seonghwa to catch and trying to remove the stickiness by moving his hands around.

"Did you get some melted popsicle on your hands, baby?" Yunho followed up with, San nodded, his eyes filling with tears.

"Oh Sannie" Hongjoong cooed, "You don't need to get upset. Here, let hyungie wipe your hands and Seongie can hold the popsicle for you."

Hongjoong grabbed a wet nap from the bag they brought and started cleaning San's hands and cheeks as Seonghwa held the popsicle for the little. The captain finished and even if the occasional tear fell in the next couple minutes, Hongjoong gave small pecks to get rid of each one. San finished the popsicle without getting anything else on his hands and what made him feel better was when half of Jongho's popsicle fell into the sand. They spent the rest of the day without anymore tears nor Woosang getting scolded which was, to say the least, definitely surprising.


WC: 2555

Late update but yes, I'm still alive. Exams are going well so far and I have 3 actual days left of school and 3 exams left. I'm also renovating my room and I was using a measuring tape to see where to put my new bed and I cut myself with it at the same time on two hands one day after the other. I'll give an update when my room gets painted which may be a while.

🎂 Happy Birthday to Taeil from NCT! ðŸŽ‚

Song recommendation: 'Forbidden Midnight' by iii

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