Sickie: Taeyoung
Caregiver: Cravity
Request/Idea - @Carateume47
It's been a long (and i mean long) couple weeks of promotion and the tension between the Cravity members was unbelievably high. The sixth week had just finished but they still had two more to go. Cravity was beyond exhausted to the point of some members refusing to get out of bed and having to be forcefully dragged out. The members had basically stopped talking most of the time as they needed a break from each other and were on the verge of snapping. The worst one out of the nine was Hyeongjun. He would get triggered at the smallest of things, whether it would be dropping something, an action his members did, simple mistakes and way more. This would cause him to snap and yell at the members, scolding them for doing the tiniest of things and the 8 younger and older members had to be very careful when around him.
One of the first incidents I'll be talking about is in the living room. It was the weekend and for Saturday only, Cravity got a day off then they'd be continuing promotions the next day. Wonjin, Woobin, Minhee and Hyeongjun had slept over at the other dorm. Taeyoung announced at breakfast he was feeling "off" and would be taking a nap before he had lunch. The members all agreed to be quieter and Hyeongjun got shot with 7 members glaring at him, to which he just returned it.
"Hyung, don't look at us like that" Seongmin broke the silence, "You're the one who's been yelling the most out of us."
"Maknae's right, Hyeongjun. We're all tired and need a longer break so we get being a little irritated but you need to tone it down" Allen added, staring into his dongsaeng's eyes and Hyeongjun just rolled his eyes before going back to eating.
"We'll see" the third youngest mumbled before taking a bite of his pancakes.
They all glared back at Hyeongjun again but he didnt seem to notice this time as he now had his headphones in and was looking at his phone. The atmosphere was rather quiet as the group of eight were careful so as to not disturb Taeyoung's nap but also because the anger emanating from Hyeongjun was pretty visible. Minhee and Woobin finished eating around the same time and they left to do their own things, Allen finished eating next but he wanted until Serim was done because they planned to hang out together, Jungmo finished with his food and went to his room carefully since his and Taeyoung's room are beside each other, Wonjin was done 6th and washed his dishes before going to the living room to watch a k-drama and finally, Seongmin was done eating then entered his room. Hyeongjun was the only one left and he purposely ate slowly so he could spend some time alone at the table.
He spent a good hour just sitting at the table, looking at Luvity's tiktok edits, watching fan videos and random stuff on YouTube and playing games until he began to get bored. Hyeongjun got up and washed his dishes while music played in his headphones before disconnecting his headphones, resting them against his neck then joined Wonjin in the living room. He sat down beside the older and started watching the drama playing on the TV. Wonjin asked Hyeongjun when he noticed him if he should change the show to something his dongsaeng wanted but Hyeongjun was glad with watching what was currently playing.
~ 2 hours later ~
It's been 2 hours and Hyeongjun and Wonjin had switched to playing Mario Kart, causing rage but quiet rage which was nice. Going to Taeyoung, the second youngest had woken up from his nap somehow feeling worse than before he fell asleep. He had a pounding headache that felt like it'd be a migraine and while sitting up in his bed, he got dizzy and leaned against the wall for support. Taeyoung sat in bed for a couple minutes while looking at the wall, waiting for the dizziness to pass. When Taeyoung was feeling well enough, his movements were slow as he swung his legs off of the bed, grabbing the edge of his nightstand and using it to stand up.
Taeyoung let go of the nightstand and grabbed his phone before exiting his room to hear Hyeongjun and Wonjin bickering about something. The idol held his hand against the wall and slid it across as his feet led him to where he wanted to go, the living room. When he got there, Wonjin looked up which made Hyeongjun look up too.
"Hey, Youngie" the oldest of the trio exclaimed, "Finally awake, I see. How was your nap?"
"It was good. And thanks for being quiet while I slept" the youngest replied, putting on a fake smile.
"Do you wanna come hang out with us until you're ready to eat something? There's an extra controller so you're also welcome to play Mario Kart" Wonjin suggested and Taeyoung nodded.
"I'll just watch though, not play" he followed up with.
"Fine with me."
Wonjin and Hyeongjun both moved over to make space for Taeyoung and he pushed himself off the wall, fully entering the living room. Unbeknownst to him though, Hyeongjun still had his hand resting on the stop beside him after moving over and sat right down on his hand, earning a cry of pain from the older and being shoved off of the couch. The not present six members came running into the living room and saw Taeyoung on the floor, Hyeongjun standing up and Wonjin watching while on the couch and the controller still in his hands.
"Are you fucking blind?! Did you not see my hand on the couch before you sat down?" he started again yelling at one of his members.
"I'm sorry, I didnt see it there" Taeyoung apologized but Hyeongjun kept on going.
"Well, you should've! Just because you just woke up and are probably still fully waking up doesn't mean you can ignore things around you!"
"I really didn't mean to, hyung. I promise. I can do something to show I'm sorry if you don't believe me. I didn't mean to hurt your hand" Taeyoung was going to bow but Serim stopped him and shook his head silently.
"Hyeongjun!" Jungmo yelled, "Why are you screaming over something small?! We know you're exhausted but this has to stop!"
Hyeongjun annoyingly sighed, "I dont care, just deal with him on your own" he then proceeded to walk out of the living room, all eyes turning to Taeyoung.
WC: 1087
1 out of 3 parts! The concert last night went really well and I'm glad I didn't make any mistakes. I'll be leaving for my trip in around an hour and I'll be back at around noon on Sunday. I'll have data though so I will be able to respond to any comments but I'm gonna be busy so it may be a bit.
Song recommendation: 'Blind' by ATEEZ
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