BTS - Trypanophobia | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main members: Jimin, Taehyung (V), Jungkook

Caregiver: BTS

Request/Idea - @jugglingzxs


It was the day of BTS having to get injections. HYBE labels has started something where every year on a certain date, their idols would have to get a certain vaccination to stay safe. They announced it to the idols as well as their fans. Most people took it well, some idols being a little scared but that was understandable. For BTS however, they had more than just one.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all had Trypanophobia which is a fear of needles so it made sense when the trio were skeptical about having to get injections every year. Taehyung was the worst of the three, never going even near a needle. It would still end in him getting it but with much struggle. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin assured the youngest three it was perfectly fine.

BTS were currently getting ready to leave for their injections. It was just the one thing then they had the rest of the day off so they planned a movie night afterwards.

"You guys ready?" Namjoon asked as he saw Jungkook approach the van with Taehyung behind him.

"Pretty nervous but I guess we have to at some point" he replied.

"Y-Yea" Taehyung stuttered, absolutely petrified.

"There's nothing to worry about. It's just a tiny prick and you'll be fine."

Namjoon guided the two into the van and climbed in after Taehyung, sandwiching him between him and Jungkook.

For the whole ride, Taehyung switched his view between Jimin who was being comforted by Yoongi and being told the same thing that it'd just be a small prick in his arm and hurt for like two seconds. He then turned to his left where Jungkook sat, holding hands with Hoseok in an awkward position since Hoseok was in front of Jungkook.

Taehyung felt something brush against his left hand then give it a kind of reassuring squeeze. Taehyung turned his body towards his left side.

"It'll be okay, hyung" Jungkook spoke, "We can get through this."

"I-I think" Taehyung started slightly panicking when the van stopped in front of the BIGHIT building.

"Come on, let's get this over with" Jimin turned and said to the youngest ones before exiting the van and leaving them as the last two.

Taehyung stepped out first then Jungkook right after him. Taehyung reached for Jungkook's hand, not caring they were still outside and took it in his own. Jungkook smiled even though he too still had the fear and walked in with the others all ahead of Taekook.

When BTS got into the company building, Namjoon walked up to the desk and told the worker there about them being there for the members' injections. The worker gave the leader some information along with the rest of the group and they were on their way. The group stopped in front of one of the company's doctor's office and they all crowded inside once the person inside let them in.

"Here for your injections right?" she asked, tying on her computer.

"Yep" Yoongi spoke up, "Fair warning though, some of the members are a little nervous" he didn't state the names as he would have preferred it that way if he was scared.

"It's fine to be nervous" she assured, "Being scared of needles is a perfectly normal fear. Who wants to go first?"

"I think the younger ones since they're the ones with the fear so they can get it over with" Hoseok suggested, everyone agreeing.

"I'll go first" Jimin hesitantly spoke up, wanting it to just be over.

The doctor smiled and guided Jimin to sit on the table laid with that paper stuff while she left to get the necessary supplies. Yoongi stood up from his spot on one of the two chairs and stood beside Jimin as moral support.

The doctor soon came back with a cart of all the vaccinations each member would be getting. It was labelled with each member's name to keep better track and Taehyung paled when he saw the bin with his name on it. It housed two needles like everyone else but he was still scared.

The doctor took out the first needle from Jimin's bin and gently cleaned part of his arm before going in with the needle. Jimin squeezed Yoongi's hand when the needle punctured his skin, wanting it to be over already. The doctor let Jimin breath for a bit before giving him the second one. Jimin breathed a sigh of relief once the doctor patched him up and told him he was done.

"Who's going next?" she asked as she cleaned up Jimin's needles.

"Jungkook, do you wanna go?" Namjoon turned to the maknae who nodded.

"I-I can go" he replied, sitting on the same table as Jimin.

"Want me to do what Yoongi did for me? I would ask Taehyung since you guys seem closer but he looks way too scared."

All the members looked over to see Taehyung staring off into space while having his legs up on the chair and resting his chin on his knees. Namjoon tried to get Taehyung's attention but Taehyung seemed too out of it to notice his hand on his back.

They turned back to Jungkook when he said he was ready for his injections. The doctor started with the same one as Jimin, pressing down on the needle and letting the liquid inside enter Jungkook's body. She let Jungkook too breath for a couple more minutes before doing the next shot. Once they were done, Jungkook curled up next to Jimin who happily took him into his arms as they sat there.

"Taehyung, you're up next" the doctor exclaimed, getting Taehyung's injections ready.

Taehyung's head shot up, tears welling in his eyes.

"I, um...I have to- I have to go to the bathroom. Yea, bathroom. Be right back" Taehyung nervously smiled before sprinting out of the room, Jungkook behind him.

He called out to Taehyung once he was close enough for Taehyung to hear what the maknae said. Jungkook lightly gripped Taehyung's arm and made him turn around.

"Don't make me go back in there" he rasped, breathing heavily.

"Hyung, you'll be fine. It was just a small prick then it's over" Jungkook countered, starting to walk back and pulling Taehyung with him.

"No" Taehyung stood his ground, "I'm not going in there and you can't make me."

Jungkook sighed. He knew him, Jimin and Taehyung all had this phobia but he didn't know it was this bad for Taehyung.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to bring Taehyung back by himself if he was resisting this much so Jungkook pulled out his phone from his back pocket while keeping a firm grip on Taehyung's wrist still. When Namjoon answered Jungkook's call, Jungkook explained that the real reason why Taehyung left was to get out of getting the two injections and that he wouldn't go back in so he needed help.

Soon after Jungkook and Namjoon ended the call, the pair still in their original spot could see Namjoon walking down the hall and towards them.

"Hyung, please don't make me go in there. I don't want them" Taehyung whined.

"You're going, Taehyung" Namjoon picked up and threw the younger over his shoulder, "We all did ours while we waited so you're the only one who still has to get the shots."

Taehyung started struggling against Namjoon's grip but only got his butt slapped in return. He shoved his face into Namjoon's shoulder and covered his ears when they reentered the doctor's office. Namjoon stopped walking and Taehyung heard muffled voices through his hands and jumped when he was placed down on the table.

Two arms wrapped around Taehyung's stomach, restraining him from behind. Hoseok and Yoongi each held down one of his arms, Taehyung's palms resting against the paper beneath him. Jimin and Namjoon each held down one of Taehyung's legs and Jungkook stood between his legs and hugged him, guiding his head onto his shoulder.

"Count down from ten with me, okay? When we reach one, the doctor will give you the first injection" Jungkook told Taehyung who nodded from his shoulder.

"Ten" the two started, "Nine. Eight. Seven..."

The two counted until they reached one, and the doctor pushed the needle into Taehyung's arm, pressing down on it. Taehyung struggled against his members' grip and tried to move his left arm where the needle was but Jungkook shushed him and tried to distract him by having him talk.

"What do you have planned for after this, hyung?" Jungkook asked the older in his arms.

"Aren't we having a mov- fuck" Taehyung winced when he felt the second needle.

"Shh, it's okay. Did you mean to say movie night? If so, we are hyung. You can choose the movie" Jungkook tried to continue until the doctor pulled the needle out and patched Taehyung up.

Taehyung waited until the needle was out of his arm and the doctor placed bandaids on both spots the needles were before squirming out of his members' grip and running out of the room.

The members chuckled at the second youngest before thanking the doctor and leaving the room to. They walked back down the hall they came and saw Taehyung sitting on the couch at the entrance. He broke out of his stupor when Yoongi called out to him that they were leaving. The members left the room and got into the van that was waiting outside for them.

"We know you have a fear of needles but we didn't know it was that bad" Seokjin spoke from one of the seats beside him.

"Now you do. It was always bad that I've never had a shot in my life. I mean, I did once but for the others, I always ran when the needle came close to me and hid until I had to go home" Taehyung explained.

"Next year we'll make sure you do it first so it's out of the way, okay?" he suggested.

"Okay, hyung" Taehyung smiled.


WC: 1632

Thanks @jugglingzxs for the request and I hope you like what I did with it!

🎂 Happy Birthday to Wonbin from RIIZE and Kawashiri Ren from JO1 🎂

Song recommendation: 'Silent Cry' by Stray Kids

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