ATEEZ - A headache worse than it seems | 🥀 |

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Sickie: San

Caregiver: ATEEZ

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Trigger warning: Throwing up (look for the ⭐️), blood


It was a sorta cold day and ATEEZ had a day off. They had planned to spend time as a group as they didn't get many breaks and the ones ATEEZ did get, the members were usually off doing their own thing. That's why Hongjoong told the members last night it'd be a day with the whole group.

Thats what led them to where they are now. The whole group is currently walking to a small café near KQ entertainment, wanting to sit down and have a small snack before heading to an arcade a little while away. There was a thin layer of ice in some spots of the sidewalk so Hongjoong kept reminding the front of the group while Seonghwa reminded the back of the group.

Some members in ATEEZ held cameras to film their day out for ATINY. They were close to the café as in it was in their eyeline and they could see the sign when San decided to bet Wooyoung that'd he'd have to buy San something if San made it first to the café. Wooyoung agreed and the two set off running.

"Guys, be careful!" Seonghwa yelled, "There's ice!"

Wooyoung and San both heard Seonghwa yell but ignored it and kept running. This ended up being a problem when Wooyoung misstepped.

"Ah fuck!" Wooyoung screamed as he slipped on a patch of ice and flew forwards, bumping into San.

The two fell to the ground. Wooyoung landed on San so he only got a couple scratches and maybe twisted his ankle but San was a little more unlucky. When he fell after Wooyoung accidentally pushed him, he banged his head against the hard pavement causing his forehead to start bleeding as well as his cheek.

When Wooyoung came to his senses, he scampered off San and immediately started apologizing like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh my god! San, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Are you okay?" he kept saying over and over.

"I think just, ugh, my head hurts a little bit." San responded, still disoriented from the fall.

"Sit up fully and I'll see if you're hurt" Hongjoong told San when he crouched down in his eyeline.

San struggled to sit up so Wooyoung and Yeosang helped him sit up, steadying him when he swayed a bit. San heard all the members gasp and Hongjoong kinda roughly grabbing his face and turning it towards him.

"San, you have a huge scrap on your forehead and your cheek's cut up too" he explained to San while looking through his bag for tissues.

"We should probably get you home and clean it up. We can go to the café as a group another day" Seonghwa added, "Wooyoung, how about you take him home since you two are pretty close?" he turned to Wooyoung who still looked guilty.

"Uh, sure" Wooyoung nodded, helping San stand up.

"We'll be there soon. If you want, we can head to the cafe to pick up something for you, hyungs" Jongho offered to the pair who stood a few meters away from them.

"Sure, that'd be nice" Wooyoung smiled.

San and Wooyoung soon parted ways with the other six, going back to the dorm. San's headache had gotten progressively worse during their walk. It was pounding and he began to feel nauseous. Along side these, San's been feeling foggy and quite dizzy too. He thought it could just be him recovering from the fall so he didn't think much of it.

Wooyoung on the other hand felt something was off. Sure his ankle hurt but while Hongjoong was checking to see if San was okay, he did a quick check of his ankle and saw it was bruised. But this isn't what he meant. Wooyoung took note of the way San was walking along with the fact that he saw that San looked off. Wooyoung too shrugged it off and they continued the walk back.

~ ⭐️ ~

Woosan got to the dorm after a couple of minutes and both of their legs were dead. Wooyoung unlocked the door and let San in first, closing it behind him. Wooyoung grabbed San's hand and led him to the bathroom to clean up San's face. When the two got there, San's stomach got the better of him and he rushed to the toilet, barely making it in time and throwing up.

"Oh, Sannie hyung" Wooyoung whispered as he crouched beside San and gently rubbed his back, "Why didn't you tell us you were sick?"

"I'm not" San rasped before he threw up again.

"You are, Sannie" he replied, dropping the honorifics that San didn't comment on, "You just threw up."

"My head hurts so bad" San whimpered, clutching his head in his hands.

~ ⭐️ ~

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as something about this seems familiar. Wooyoung quickly excused himself to grab stuff to fix up San and look something up. He grabbed his phone from his jacket pocket and came back to the bathroom to see San looking up at him with his eyes glossed over.

After doing a quick clean of San's scraped forehead and cheek and bandaging both up, he let San lean against him while Wooyoung went to Google. He looked up the symptoms of San's headache and came across two options. The first option was that San has a migraine but Wooyoung was skeptical about this because he seemed perfectly fine before he fell. Option two was that San got a concussion from when he fell. Wooyoung chose to test out this because San did slam his head hard against the concrete.

"Hey, Sannie hyung?" Wooyoung began and earned a hum from him, "What's the date today?. Day, month and year"

"Um..." San had to think about this, "I think it's Sunday, March 10th, 2024?"

"Okay. I'm about to say some numbers. After I'm done, repeat them back to me backwards. 2, 24, 10, 18, 8, 3"

"3, um... 8. 10? I don't remember the rest" he said barely over a whisper.

"Last one hyung. What are the months of the year in reverse order?"

"December? Uh... November. October? I'm tired, Youngie" San's eyes started to close.

By now, Wooyoung was certain that San had a concussion.

"Hyung, stay awake for a bit longer, okay? You can't go to sleep" Wooyoung responded by lightly pinching San's arm.


Wooyoung unlocked his phone and scrolled through his contacts before finding Hongjoong's and calling him.

"Hyung, where are you?" Wooyoung asked, worried for his hyung that was currently leaning on him.

"We just left the cafe. Is something wrong?"

"I think San has a concussion. He threw up not too long ago, he keeps saying his head hurts, he seems really out of it and I tried testing him and it didn't go too well" Wooyoung explained, pinching San again to keep him awake.

"Oh my god. Okay, we'll go back faster. Try to keep him awake and stay where you are."

Wooyoung heard soft voices from Hongjoong's end which was probably him telling the other members about there situation.

"The other members know. We'll be there in about 5 minutes."

"Thanks, hyung. We're in the bathroom right now. I'll also call an ambulance for San just to be safe."

"Okay, good. See you in a bit."

And with that, Hongjoong and Wooyoung hung up. Wooyoung looked down to see San staring off into space. Getting worried, Wooyoung lightly shook San which brought him to his senses.

"Yea?" he muttered.

"Just making sure you're okay. The others are coming home and I'm gonna call an ambulance for you because I think you may have a concussion, hyung" Wooyoung told the older.

San just hummed and rested his head back against Wooyoung's shoulder. Wooyoung did as he said and called an ambulance for San. The person asked Wooyoung a few questions about San then a few more questions. Wooyoung was also told to stay on the phone until the ambulance got there.

When Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho got back, the ambulance also just got there. Hongjoong made sure it was the one that Wooyoung called before leading them up to where their dorm was. Yunho opened the door and they were directed to where the bathroom was which where Wooyoung and San were. Hongjoong opened the closed door and saw Wooyoung sitting up against the wall on the floor and San sat beside him, head on his shoulder.

"San" Wooyoung pinched San's arm, "The medics got here."

San looked up to see 8 people standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

"It's San. The one with the bandage on his forehead" Seonghwa pointed to the younger boy who stared back.

"Okay San" one of the medics said as they walked in, "Your members here think you have a concussion. We're gonna move you out of the bathroom then take you to the hospital to get your head checked, okay?"

"Okay" San replied.

The two medics helped move San out of the bathroom and two the ambulance where the settled him in. One of the members were allowed to ride in the back with him and like earlier, they all decided it should be Wooyoung. Wooyoung got in the back and the ambulance took off to the hospital.

The other members split up into two vans that that a driver. The first van was Hongjoong, Yunho and Yeosang and the second van was Seonghwa, Mingi and Jongho. They got to the hospital after Wooyoung and San. Wooyoung was waiting in the waiting room, pacing back and forth.

"Wooyoung hyung" Jongho called out, "Did you get an update on Sannie hyung yet?"

"No, nothing" Wooyoung replied when he saw the members, "I'm still waiting."

Just as he said that, a nurse came into the waiting room and walked up to them.

"Are you the person who came in with Choi San?" she directed to Wooyoung.

"Yea, I am. Any updates?" Wooyoung responded.

"It turns out that San does have a concussion. We asked him if he knows what happened and he told us he fell and hit his head on something. He's currently in his room resting but you are allowed to see him. I can take you to him" the nurse explained as she looked at some papers in her hands.

"Please" Yeosang spoke up, worry evident in his voice.

The nurse led all seven boys to where San's room was. She opened the door and led them in, closing it behind them. When San noticed the members there, he sat up and gave them a soft smile.

"Hey, San" Seonghwa smiled back, "How are you feeling?"

"My head still hurts a bit but the nurse told me that was expected to happen" San told them what he was told.

"We're not surprised. Just glad you're okay, Sannie hyung" Mingi spoke from the foot of his bed.

"Thanks. I'm sorry I ruined our day out by making that stupid bet with Wooyoung and hitting my head" San looked down, embarrassed.

"Sannie, you didn't ruin our day out" Hongjoong softly replied sitting beside San, "Stuff like this happens and it's not your fault. When you left, I went back and grabbed Shiber for you" he placed the plushie in San's lap.

San took a look at the plushie and hugged it close. The same nurse from earlier came it to say San ready to be discharged. She also added that he should take it slow for the next few days as they don't want him to get another concussion. She told San to get well soon then left the room.

The members got San discharged from the hospital then they all left to go back to the dorm. Hongjoong gave San strict rules when they got back like no screens for a few days, that he has to stay back at the dorm for the first two days. That he's allowed to sleep but he'd be woken up every few hours just to be safe. Hongjoong also told San that after the first two days, he could go to practice but only watch. San was of course sad but understood this.

He spent the next few days resting like Hongjoong ordered and was eventually allowed to continue his schedule. San still had some rules to prevent another concussion but was beyond happy he could return to what he loved.


WC: 2012

Did you see Seungmin from Stray Kids' outfit at the LOEWE fashion show? It looks so good on him.

Song recommendation: 'Next Level' by aespa

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