You were tossing and turning all night, it was most likely from the many liquor combinations currently in your stomach or maybe it was due to the horrific nightmares you were having tonight. Whatever it was, you woke up a few hours later in a cold sweat. Now in the old world to cope with your "current condition", you would just watch mindless hours of tv until you would be able to fall asleep, but that was impossible in the new world. Luckily, you still had your portable DVD player your dad had gotten you when you were younger. You got up and reached for the device in the side drawer, then as you were looking for the first season of (y/fav. tv show) through your dvd collection, you heard a moaning coming from the front of the RV.
"What the hell?" You thought to yourself. " it's probably nothing just the wind...or maybe a some walkers passing by... OMG what if it's Brody...what if his group ended up following us to the RV..." with all these thoughts running through your mind, you were scaring the shit out of yourself. Being as independent as you are, you decided to grab your knife and go investigate what was making that low moaning sound.
As you start creeping down the small hallway the sounds got loader and clearer. It seemed like someone was whispering your name. "Shit it's Brody..." you thought crouching below the windows while gripping your knife even tighter. When you got closer to Negan you realized the whispers and moaning was coming from him, Negan was sleep talking.
"Oh my gosh..." you thought observing the god-like-Man, " he is totally having a dream about me," you figured, but as you glanced at the sleeping man you saw his growing erection through the blanket, "oh lord...and it's a sex dream". Then it dawned on you " wait... HE'S DREAMING ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH ME!!"
You squealed not knowing if you were excited or embarrassed but your sound made Negan turn toward you. "Shit!" you whispered as you quickly tip-toed back to your room praying he didn't notice you standing over his sleeping body. Once you were back in bed you started to drift off back to sleep, hoping somehow you could join Negan in his dream.
In the morning you woke up with a bottle of water, some aspirin on your side table, and a note from Negan.
You read the note:
Hey there princess,
I'm gonna go see if there are any other things we can use from the mall. I didn't want to wake you because as drunk as you were I think sleep would be best for you now. I'll be back before night fall. Don't worry about me.
P.S: I hoped you enjoyed the show earlier this morning... I could have really used a hand.
You rolled your eyes and laughed then thought out loud, " great now he's gonna be extra-sexual toward me... but hey that might not be so bad." You turned to the mirror and saw your face slowly turn red as a cherry.
After leaving the note for (y/n), Negan got into his truck and left for the mall. As he was driving his mind flashbacked to his dirty dream last night. With (y/n) all over him whispering dirty secrets into his ear and doing things he had never even seen before. Negan smiled at the thought and said to himself , "Damn, if that shit ever comes true I'm gonna have to make her my wife!"
That's when the thoughts of his late wife Lucille came into his head remembering why he never wanted to remarry.
{ At first they were head over heels in love with each other but once the honeymoon phase was over and reality set in, it's like they were complete strangers. Always fighting and bitchin' at one another, Negan would stay out late in order to avoid the stupid fights, when eventually he cheated on Lucille with a variety of women. He blamed his faults on his parents for never showing him a loving example of what a marriage should be. But once he lost Lucille to cancer, he was devastated, and vowed to himself to never get married again because he wasn't made for a monogamous relationship. }
However, after spending so much time with (y/n) he thought he might want to rethink his thoughts about marriage.
On the road to the abandoned mall, Negan was stopped by two giant trees that had fallen down in the wind last night, blocking his way. "Well, shit how in the hell I'm I gonna get my truck through this shit? There is no way I'm going to carry all the supplies still left with this damn satchel." Negan thought to himself.
All of a sudden Negan heard chainsaws coming from the other side of the fallen trees."Okay boys, its time to put your wimpy ass bodies to use and cut this shit apart. And hurry because we don't got all damn day!" Negan had recognized the voice coming from the other side. He was 99.9 percent sure it was Simon, one of his friends and a fellow leader in his community. But, knowing those psychotic fuckers with "w"s on their foreheads were still on the loose, Negan decided to use a whistle signal Simon and him came up with back in their coaching days. However, if Negan doesn't receive the corresponding signal than hopefully the men on the other side are dumb enough to think his whistle was just a bird, in order to give him enough time to escape.
"Here goes nothin'," Negan thought than released the whistle. It was quite...when suddenly he heard the correct whistle response come back his way. That's when Simon walked through the small opening of the blockage with a few men in line behind him.
Simon looked surprised and said, "There's that ugly mug I've been missing. We all thought you were dead with that herd destroying our camp." Negan leaned into Simon giving him a bro-mantic hug, with a handshake and a pat on the back.
Negan replied, "It's good to see your ugly ass too, Si. And you know nothing living or dead can kill me... I'M A GODDAMN CAT!" Both leaders chuckled as the other men got back to work removing the trees blocking the road.
"So wha'chu been up to? Were you crying like a lil' bitch all alone?" Simon asked making a sad face.
"There you go again breakin' my balls you sarcastic son of a bitch. To tell you the truth, I actually met a girl." Negan smiled like a school girl.
Simon raised his brow at Negan, "I hope she is living...and human!"
Negan nodded in agreement and stated, "In addition to that, she is a badass and hot as hell!"
"Looks like you got the jackpot! Is she in the truck?" Simon asked pointing toward the run down truck parked behind them.
"No, she is back at the RV."
"That's fan-fuckin'-tastic, you can leave her and follow us back to camp?" Simon started to head toward the other direction when Negan grabbed his arm.
"Well shit I'll come back with you no need to beg...but first I need to ask her if she'll come back with me to the community."
"Damn she must have a pussy of gold," Simon stated then said, "Okay go get her, ill meet you back her tomorrow mornin'." Simon headed back toward the vans on the other side of the trees.
"If only I knew if what Simon said was true... but I do know she isn't worth leaving behind." Negan thought as he headed back to his truck which was on its way back to you.
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