"Is that everything?" You asked Negan as he was setting the newly found supplies on the small wood table.
"Yep, pretty much darlin'." He smiled while plopping his masculine body on the small built in couch. " I just gotta say this couch is actually fuckin' comfy." You gave Negan a half smile while putting supplies away still thinking of today's events. " Is everything okay (y/n)? You don't seem like your usually "don't fuck with me badass" self." Negan mentioned to you.
" I...I..umm.. that guy..." You weren't sure how to answer without crying, but before you knew it you were balling your eyes out like a baby. " I'm sorry...can..we.. just...talk about this later?"
Negan nodded his head and embraced you in a giant bear hug. "Yeah, no problem princess."
After unloading and sorting the supplies within the RV, you and Negan finally decided you were both hungry. So looking over your recent finds, you suggested some dinner options to Negan, "It looks like we can have beans with a side of day old picked berries or canned carrots with a side of, what looks like stale pretzels."
"Neither," Negan held up his hand and said, "hang on, I'll be right back..". Negan grabbed his flashlight and exited the RV. While he was gone you were trying to think of what he was doing. Clearly, he wasn't going to go hunting for animals this late at night. Even though you didn't have a clock you assumed it was about 10 o'clock at night, which without much light can be very dangerous nowadays. A few minutes later Negan brought back a small sachel bag from his truck, which had looked like it belonged to Indiana Jones. As Negan walked in you sarcastically said to him, "Hey Dr. Jones did you bring me that crystal skull I've been asking for?"
"Hey don't make fun of the satchel... do you know how many hot fuckin' women I've picked up with this thing." Negan explained while caressing his bag. You couldn't help but laugh at the man."There's that beautiful smile I've been missing!" Negan said with cheer. You started blushing at the handsome man's comment.
Negan took the precious items (being noodles and a can of tomato sauce) from his bag holding them up in the air and boosted, " How about spaghetti...It's kinda my specialty."
"Wow, first eggs with bacon and now Spaghetti! You do know how to treat a lady." You responded with some sass.
"But wait there's more...drum roll please.." Negan was waiting for you to start tapping on the table, you rolled your eyes at the man. But once you did he announced in a very loud voice, "with this sweet ass bottle of green apple vodka."
"My favorite alcoholic beverage. How did you know?" You smiled at Negan going for the bottle.
"Well, when I first saw you I noticed you were sleeping with an empty bottle of this girly vodka.So I just figured it was your favorite because if I thought I was going to be eaten alive by ugly ass walkers then I would want to die with my favorite whiskey."
You briefly interrupted his story, "remember I was just "testing" my RV's "limits" I had everything under control!"
"Yeah, yeah whatever you say doll face...anyways when we were in that mini-mart in the mall I saw this on the shelf so I said to myself what the hell let's get drunk tonight, in honor of our victorious supply run!"
" Awww how sweet! You know if I would have to guess it seems like you like me a little bit, Dr. Jones." Your horrendous british accent came out and Negan started to laugh with amusement.
"Looks like you've got another accent down for the bedroom..huh (y/n)." Negan smirked at you.
"OMG Negan is all you think about is sex?" You threw a stale pretzel at him.
"Not as much as spaghetti! Let's get cookin' good lookin' !" Negan smiled at you turning around to start dinner. You thought to yourself, "It's a good thing Negan can't read my mind because if he could he wouldn't be cookin' right now."
Once dinner was over, you decided you would cleanup since Negan did all the cooking, so you grabbed all the plates and started to soak them in the sink when Negan asked out of the blue, "This is a pretty fuckin' nice ass RV... did you find it after the world went to shit or have you had it all along?"
"It was my parents..," you paused for a moment then said, "I still remember when they dreamed about getting one of these things in order to travel across the country."
"and did they?" Negan asked sounding hopeful.
"They got about half-way, Kansas I think, but we mainly used it for family camping trips in the summer. They were good people...man, I sure do miss those days."
" at least you have those memories, my parents didn't take me anywhere." Negan responded with envy in his voice.
" Were they at least decent parents?" You asked.
" mmmm...I guess... my dad was never around he was always working and when he was home he was sleeping or drunk. And my mom, shit, she was odd! She was always crying or bitching over something. "
"And I thought my parents were strange. How did you survive your childhood with no parental support? 'Cause I don't think I would be the same person today without them always being there for me."
" Let's just say my friends...their family's were like yours always there supporting their kid. So when it got rough I would just go over to their houses. One time I actually tried running away but then my girlfriend's dad kicked me out. So I just went back home." Negan laughed trying to ease the tension in his voice. He continued to say, "But I do recall having one bomb ass memory with my crazy ass parents. I was about 10, and my dad had gotten a bonus from work. So my parents and I went to two MLB games at two different stadiums, The Braves were playing the Phillies and then The Nationals were playing the Yankees. I guess you can say that was my road trip memory." Negan smiled at the happy memory he just shared with you.
You didn't want the rest of the night to go to waste so you grabbed multiple bottles of liquor and yelled, "Okay, no more reminiscing on the past, let's focus on the present and get this party started."
After playing multiple drinking games you decided to call it quits and go to bed. "This is... fun..*hiccup* and.. all... but I should probab-baabbaa-llly...bed to head *you giggled*..I mean head to bed now." You explained to Negan trying to sound as sober as possible.
Negan laughed at your behavior and said, "Okay doll, I'll just grab my things and head to the truck."
"Wait you're actually leaving? Like going home... to your house? " You whined at his comment.
"No, I'm gonna give you your space and sleep in my truck, tonight."
"But..it's soooo scaarryyy out..there." You sounded like a 4 year old at this point, "'eff your drunken state" you thought. You then said, "It's okay you can sleep with me.." you suggested to Negan while closing in on his beautiful face. Negan smiled and said, "As much as I would love too, (y/n) I don't think you realize how fuckin' drunk you really are."
"No, no, no I'm not drunk watch this.." You stated your case by trying your best to walk in a straight line when suddenly you fell with Negan catching you before you met the floor.
"Woah girl, okay fine I'll stay but I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight. Deal." Negan commanded to you, as if he was making a deal with his employee.
"Fine," you pouted. "But for your information its much more cozier in my bed..." You winked at Negan swaying your hips down the small hallway.
Right then Negan realized just how easy it could be for a man to fall head over heels in love with you.
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