"What did you just say?" You asked Negan as you ate the last bit of your eggs.
"I'm here to rescue you darlin' your own personal knight in shining armor!" Negan had stated with pride.
All your life since you were a little girl you dreamed about finding your own Prince Charming. Just like the ones in fairytales but your parents had taught you to be independent and that's what you were best at in your past life and in the new world you learned that the only thing you can depend on is yourself. Unfortunately, you learned this lesson a little too late...
When all this started you tried working with others and it worked. You felt like within your community of survivors that there was still good in the world. You also thought you found love too as crazy as that sounds. But your world came crashing down when a group of psychotic sons of bitches ransacked the camp killing everyone who you loved, including your parents. Luckily that day, you were on a run looking for a present for your mom's birthday and when you came back they were all dead or gone. The only thing you found was a note tucked into the driver seat of your RV from your boyfriend stating..."(y/n) my love, I'm sorry for what they did. They told me if I lead them to our community they can help us make our community more safe. So I lead them here. I'm so sorry but now I must join them in order to survive. -Brody"
So from that day on you learned that the only person you can trust is yourself.
Focusing your thoughts back to Negan you thought to yourself, "am I really willing to put my fate into yet another man's hand? I mean I literally just meet him an hour ago. He could be apart of the group that killed my parents. I mean he was gorgeous and he did make me breakfast, in addition you hadn't gotten any since the world went to shit." Negan's deep voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"You okay (y/n)? Or do I need to find another damsel in distress to save?" Negan teased you with a wink. Which made you nervous causing you to blush and ramble all of your concerns to Negan once again...
"Okay so why do you want to rescue me? 'cause I'm sure a guy like you probably has a camp near by so why not just take my shit and leave? Also, if you do have a camp nearby what are your intentions with me? I mean I don't have much to offer because as you can see my fridge is empty and you were the one who had the bacon and eggs. And just so we're clear, I am not a damsel in distress I was just testing how long my RV could hold until I needed to bash some walkers brains in.." Before Negan could speak you gripped your knife just in case Negan tries to do anything to you.
Negan lifted his hands in surrender and started to laugh once again smiling that amazing dimple filled smile of his. " Woah girl calm the hell down won't ya! To answer your million fuckin' questions I do have a camp near by... well I think..." You looked at Negan with a confused look. Negan continued, "I got separated from my group about three days ago and have been livin' in the woods ever since. And for your information my group is safe we won't hurt you I promise. The only reason I decided to rescue you is because I saw you out scavenging that old diner not to far from here and I thought you were a complete badass when you took out those walkers in there in order to get the shit you needed to survive in this god forsaken hell hole. So I followed you back, setting up my camp just over there and decided to wait for the morning to introduce myself, cause I thought we can help each other out." Negan said while biting his bottom lip." Then I heard those walkers coming and saw you "just testing" your RV's limits. But it looks like to me you need a buddy to be your plan B just in case your plan A doesn't fuckin' work out, doll!"
Your face turned bright red as you realized Negan was prying your clothes off with his lust filled gaze.
" You know what fine, let's help each other out. But I'm letting you know now if I feel out of place I'm ditching this deal and going to go back on my own. " You stated proudly while placing your hand out for Negan to shake.
" Deal, but darlin' if you are gonna make a deal with a man like me..." Negan pauses while staring into your (y/e/c) eyes " You need to understand I will do ANYTHING to survive!"
As the day went on you and Negan decided the first thing you two needed to do was to set out to find more food and fuel. Negan had mentioned to you there was a small town a few miles away with a gas station. So you both packed up a backpack with supplies you needed for the run and got into Negan's run down truck.
"Nice truck!" You said with a smile knowing your dad had one just like it when you were younger. Negan grinned at the comment. As the truck started you looked at Negan trying to imagine if you two would have ever meet in the old world. Maybe he had a wife? A family? A dog? Whatever the case you are just glad that your paths crossed when they did because even though you were independent out here in the new world it did get lonely.
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