Chapter 1

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You were tired, hungry, and just wished that the world hadn't gone to shit. With walkers surrounding you and your RV you believed this was the end of your life as you knew it. Pretty soon they will be breaking into your home away from home and then you will be eaten alive. The only thing you could have hoped for was for your RV tank to be full so you could run over these ugly creatures. But by the looks from checking yesterday, you knew that the fuel you had left would only get you about 20 ft from here, so what was the point. So you had gotten out the last of your green apple vodka and decided if you were going to die today you might as well die drunk. As the world started to blur in and out the last thing you remembered was looking out the blood covered windows and seeing a mysterious handsome man with a blood stained bat.

As you slowly came out of your drunken sleep you could have sworn you smelled bacon cooking on the stove. Surely you were in heaven because there was no way you got out alive plus you haven't smelled bacon since before the world got turned into a living horror flick. Once you had opened your eyes you noticed you were still in your family's RV in the bed you once shared with your parents on family camping trips, and luckily you were still in one piece. As you peered down the small hallway into the kitchen/living room area you saw what you guessed was your knight in shining armor, with his armor being a leather jacket of course, making him 10x hotter. "Man was he handsome", you thought, even his back side looked good from where you were sitting. He must have felt your eyes on his ass because without turning toward you he said, "Now shouldn't we introduce ourselves before you go get mesmerized by my ass, sweetheart?" . You started blushing once he turned toward you placing the bacon and eggs on two plates laying on the table.
Before you went to join him you checked yourself out in the mirror noticing that you had major bed head. So you quickly made up your beautiful (Y/C/H) hair in a side braid almost looking like your favorite movie character Lara Croft. After, you sprayed what was left of your fruity body spray on your shirt you had finally joined the mysterious stranger at the table.

"Well good fuckin' mornin', sleeping beauty!" He said while eating the last of his bacon and working on a word search from one of your dad's word search books from years ago.
"Umm... good morning to you too.." you said with some curiosity in your voice then continued, "I'm sorry if this sounds rude but who are you and what are you doing here, in MY RV?"

"My names Negan sweetheart and I just saved your sweet lil' ass from being walker bait. So I decided to make us some breakfast to celebrate my victory." Negan said with a chuckle in his voice. By the looks of it he did save you from a fateful end, because he seemed to be wearing a white shirt under his leather jacket which was covered in walker blood and guts. But even the walker guts didn't revoke your thought of this man being the most sexiest man you have ever seen in your life!
" Oh, well thanks this is really nice and all I really thought I was dead I mean normally am more careful but then one walker came and another and then eventually..." you started to say until Negan had looked at you silently telling you to shut the hell up.

"I'm sorry I was rambling wasn't I? My name is (Y/N) and thanks for saving my sweet lil' ass.", you said while laughing. As you were stuffing your face with food you were observing Negan looking down at the word search and wondering if he was one of the good guys or bad guys. You were more cautious nowadays not only about walkers but other people too. From your experience, people now will do anything to survive so instead of gawking at the man you decided to start a conversation with him. "So Negan... why did you save me? Is it so you can fatten me up to eventually kill me to feed me to your people, or do you plan on stealing my home along with all my things and then kill me?" You asked while slowly reaching for your knife in your belt loop.

Negan hard core stared at you and you thought you were in danger until he cracked that beautiful smile of his and said, "Neither," and he went back to his puzzle. After a few minutes of complete silence he had said, "You don't have to worry about me doll I'm neither here to steal your shit or even eat you unless you mean in the "bedroom sense"." He licked his lips and continued,"I'm here to rescue you."

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