Kiyotaka's POV
"Umm ahh Where's the Gymnasium?" Shibata asked while scratching the back of his head to which gained a few giggles and laughs from everyone
"Shibata It's in the Student manual so I think you won't get lost" Chabashira-sensei said to Shibata in a stern voice
"Thank you sensei" Shibata thanked our teacher, as she nods.
"If that is all I'll be taking my leave now" She said and and closes that door
a few Minutes has pass
"You guys wanna go together" Shibata asked us as he turns his head to face Me and Kanzaki as Him and I looked at each other.
"You guys still owe me one for doing that earlier" Shibata Complained to us which kanzaki laughed and I just looked at him if I should accept his offer
"Sure I'll come with you how about you Ayanokoji?" Kanzaki asked me, took me out of my thoughts.
"Ok I'm in we have nothing to do anyway so why not?" I said to both of them
"YES!" Shibata yelled and turned to the person in front of him
"How about you Hamaguchi wanna join us" he asked to the person named Hamaguchi
"Sure I have no complain on that" He said with a Smile on his face, We all stood up from our seats and walked to the Door together and opened The Student's Manual To look for the Gymnasium
As expected it was BORING once Again even though this school seemed a bit different the ceremony was and always be boring some of us almost fell as sleep especially Shibata we had to force him to be awake. It's Just some important people offered their word of thanks. Then it was noon, After we received some General info about the school and it's campus the crowd dispersed
Most of the people went towards the Dormitories, the Remaining students formed Groups some made their ways to the cafe's, some went to Karaoke, And Me, Hamaguchi, Shibata and Kanzaki Decided to go to the Convenience store before heading to the Dorms, so we all walked their together then Coincidentally I saw Ichinose going somewhere which I asked her if she would like to go with us to go to the Convenience Store to which she happily said yes, Normally I wouldn't have asked her Because she is way out of my league she was always Surrounded by girl in the classroom before four of us left for the Entrance Ceremony and plus there is no way I could fit in her Group so I'll stick with these guys That I could call friends maybe I mean Shibata said that we are already friend to begin So I guess I Can call them My Friends.
According to me, There's three Type of friends according to me, There were The "Hi Bye" Friends who just exchanged greetings and next the "He's my friend" they are the types of people who occasionally keep in touch with you and lastly There's the "Best Friends" Who are close to with each other. If I Had to Categorize myself in the I would have definitely been in the "Hi Bye" part but now I don't for sure all I could say is I'm waiting for the future to see what's gonna happen to me and my "Friends".
We roamed around The Convenience Store for a while, pondering over what to buy, We all split up to buy something we need in the store, As I was looking around the store had I Heard two people Talking to each other loudly
"Let's go dude they all have all kinds of cup noodles in here, ah coming to this school was the best choice I have made in my life" A guy said who had black hair who seemed to be an below average person
"Yeah I know right, I can buy whatever I want, Come on dude stock up on everything , we have 100,000 points so don't hold back" the next guy said to his friend maybe?, He had beige colored hair who also seems to be a below average person.
A/N: You guys know this Two right? comment if you guys know this two fucking "DEFECTS"
Really this two must be really stupid, It's not a good Idea to spend so many points it'll be better if you save the. I looked at their baskets and they were all filled with Instant noodles and Junk food, Do people normally like this kind of stuff? Matsuo did say does kind off stuff are pretty good and quite tasty but that amount really?, If they spend their points like this then they are gonna be in a quite for a surprise next month.
I was scanning around the store thinking about what to buy. Except for the toothbrush, soap and shampoo everything else I took were the cheaper ones.
"My what an Unpleasant Coincidence" It was the same black haired girl I sat next to in the bus.
To which I just Ignored Her and then I saw Ichinose looking at me she seems to be done with her shopping and now she was looking at me quite concerned.
"It's rude to not reply when your talking to somebody" the girl said quite annoyed, jeez I can't believe there are people with a superiority complex in this Generation? I keep Ignoring her
"tch" She seems to have given up, I don't really care that girl really acts so high and mighty someone needs to put this girl in her place and that person is me, Then Ichinose came out of the corner where she was watching me and walked towards me
"Do you know that girl Ayanokoji-kun?" She asked looking really concerned about me
"No I don't she's just some weird girl" I said to her in a monotone voice
"Weird? You know it's quite rude to call someone that Ayanokoji-kun" She said to me
"Sorry Ichinose But it's the truth she seems to be quite weird she first called me for stupid reason about why was I looking at her in the bus and now she said it was A annoying coincidence that she met me here" I said to her with a monotone voice
"Well I guess she is Quite Weird and Rude also" she said to me, I was Quite happy that she understands but I didn't show my happiness in my face as I was thinking, something Caught my eye that was behind Ichinose I then walked towards it and Ichinose also seems Curious and followed me and took a closer look
"Free" I said in a Low Voice but enough for Ichinose to hear and she also looked at it
"Hey Guys check this out" I called the three who seems to be done with their shopping and walked towards me and look at the free stuff in the store
"Free?" Kanzaki Pointed out who looked confused it seems he has the same Idea as I am
If we are given 100,000 points every month why would there be free items in here? also in the cafeteria earlier there was also a free lunch set, This just confirms my theory even further that there was a catch.
"Hmm" I start thinking
"Is this connected with the question you asked Sensei earlier Ayanokoji-kun?" Ichinose asked me to which the three looked at me
"Maybe but's it's just an assumption" I said to them
"What do you mean Ayanokoji-kun" Ichinose asked me again
"You think we won't get 100,000 points next month Ayanokoji" This time Shibata asked me this
"Hmm well the question I asked from Chabashira sensei during the begging of the school was related to the point system, And if you remembered correctly she said that we got 100,000 points "this" Month, her emphasis on the word "this" means it's possible that our points might get deducted or might not be the same next month, and the question I asked her just confirmed my suspicions. Apart from that the teacher said that the school judges it's students based on their merit alone so I think that our behavior on class might reflect on our points for next month, It might be difficult to examine every students behavior in class but it is mostly certainly possible if you guys noticed that there were camera's in the corner of the classroom, I think that their purpose might be keeping an eye on us students" I said to them to which they all looked at me and started blinking
"Ichinose could you tell the class tomorrow you have more Influence than the three of us" I said kicking them of their thoughts and the three seems to agree to what I suggested
"Ok But I'll tell that you got the Idea of this" She said to me
"You don't really have to Ichinose" I said to her, I don't really want the attention
"Sorry Ayanokoji-Kun but I just don't like taking credit from other's and if it weren't for you and your observation skills we wouldn't might have 100,000 points for the next month" She said and the three nodded to her
"-Sigh- Fine I guess" I Said in defeat
"YAY!" she yelled we all picked up our baskets and walked to the scanner to pay for the thing we bought and I told them to save their Points then we all head outside the Convenience Store and we saw Three Upperclassmen arguing with a first year student with red hair and looks like he has a short temper
"Who are you? I was already sitting here first. You're in the way Get lost" The red haired guy barked to the three Upperclassmen.
"You hear this guy? "Get Lost" he says, What a cocky little first-year punk" One of the Upperclassmen Mocked the red haired guy
""First-Year Punk" huh? You tryin to make fun of me, Huh?" Alright the conclude that the red haired guy seems to be a short fuse. If I had to Judge, He seemed like the type of Immediately threaten everyone or anything that crossed him
Ichinose was about to jump in and De-Escalate But I stopped before I wanted to hear more about this those three know about the camera in the area They might wanna Black mail him and Exploit for points they might have planned this
"Ayanokoji-kun Why are you Stopping me?" Ichinose asked me why
"Let's hear this first I want to know something more" I said to her which gotten her to be Confused
"What Class are you First Year?" One them asked him
"Class D why?" He said aggressively
"Hahahaha Your hear That guy's he's in the class full of defects how funny is that?" One of them said which pissed the guy off even more
I Then thought to myself "Defects?" is Class D full of Defects? I guess those two who bought the Cup noodles and Junk are from Class D as well
The Red haired guy seemed to be done and started charging at the three
"I'll stop him I have already here everything I want to hear" I said to them and started walking towards the red haired guy before they stop me from doing it
I blocked the red haired guy with my hand I slightly Pushed him to which he was shock
"Woah" the red haired guy yelled taken a back a bit with the strength I put in to the push.
"Sorry For Ruining you "Plans" Senpai they we're taken a back to this and Shocked that I Figure out their Plan to export this poor guy.
"What do you mean Plan Kouhai?" One of the senpai played it off like nothing is happening
"You know Your plan For Black mailing this guy and extort him for points you do guys know there's a Camera here?" I Pointed out to which they were now nervous and started running away
"We'll get you back for this" they all said while Running Away
"Sorry about that I am Kiyotaka Ayanokoji" I Introduced Myself to the Red Haired guy
"Ohh I Should be Thanking you For saving me there Ken Sudo It's nice to meet you Ayanokoji" The guy name Sudo said
"Well if you need something feel free to ask" I said to him
"Yeah Thanks Again Dude" He said to me I then extended my hand to which he saw and also extended his hand and shook our hands we then bid farewell with each other and I got back to the Four
"Well my assumption once again got even Further" I said to myself but it seems they heard it
"What do you mean Ayanokoji?" Hamaguchi Asked me
"Well when Sudo said that he's From Class D They all laughed and mocked him saying he's A Defect last of the last" I explained to them
"Hmm what could that mean" Kanzaki starts thinking
"Well let's think or talk about it for now and Ichinose you know the plan tomorrow right?" I asked her to which she nods
"Yes I well and Know Ayanokoji-kun but you need to Explain to them Ayanokoji-Kun" Ichinose said to me
"Okay Okay" I Said in defeat why just why can't I say no to this Girl? I asked myself
"Well shall we go back to the Dorms?" I asked them to which they nodded it seems were already tired after everything
"Did you guys buy anything you need?" Ichinose asked us, we reply with a nod Toothbrush check, Soap and Shampoo check and most of the essentials needed I Already have them and Lastly Ingredients for Cooking Check.
We started going back to the Dorms and said our Good Byes to one another, I made my way to the reception desk, I received a keycard for Room 401 and a hand book containing information about the Dorm's rules, I then boarded the Elevator. I quickly flipped through the pages of the hand book, Which only detailed the basic things that we needed for our daily routines. The Dates and times for garbage disposal's were listed, as well as a notice for avoiding excessive noise. I also saw notes about not wasting water and electricity, and so on.
"So, they don't place a restriction on electricity or gas Usage?" I said to myself
I'd Assumed that the school would deduct the cost from our points. This school really went great lengths to have a perfect system for it's students
However, I was a little Surprised that they'd implement co-ed Dormitories. After all, this was a high school, so the rules stated that unsuitable romantic relationships were frowned upon. In short, sex was strictly forbidden......
My room was eight tatami mats wide. Also, Though this was a dorm room, It was the first time I'd lived alone, without anyone monitoring me.
I felt far from tired, However. I was also incredibly excited for my new life to begin that I was unable to calm down. My eyes remained open.
So this is the start of my new life, I can start from Zero with this.
I then layed my body to the mattress of my bed and looked at the ceiling .
"I hope Your alright Matsuo and Eiichiro and also I hope your alright too Aniki" I said to myself
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