Kiyotaka's POV
After That chat with that weird girl I went inside the school and started looking for the Entrance Ceremony being placed. I Disliked the entrance ceremony and I imagined that everyone in my same year there too was dying from boredom. The Principal and Students exchange their words of gratitude. There was far too much time spent standing in the line here. Honestly It was a pain to just stand there. But the entrance ceremony wasn't the only thing I had to worry about, In order to enjoy my peaceful life in this school I have to make friends, a failure will probably be troublesome for the future.
I had already made Ichinose as my Friend but having only a girl as my first and only friend will might get wrong signals and may cause a lot of misunderstandings, I needed to make more friends. Kushida could also be considered as a friend but she seems kinda twisted to me, It's better to be on guard when I'm around her.
If I wanted to make good friends I should probably give them a good impression on me. For Instance should I burst into the classroom and actively talk to everyone in the classroom. Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address on it?. Someone like me seriously needed to practice this, Because the environment I grew up in was completely different from this there are so much people And I'm only use to talking to one person in that Environment.
So I didn't have any experience talking to a lot of people. But thanks to Matsuo And his son I might give them a good impression on me.
Looking Around the classroom, I walked towards the seat that had a nameplate with my name on it. It was in the back of the classroom near the window. It was a good place to sit generally, I looked around the classroom, I saw there we're no Students yet. So I took a quick Nap.
Then two minutes has pass and the door of the classroom was opened and a students entered the classroom and I heard footsteps coming near me and I saw a guy with violent hair with yellow eyes and looked at me.
"Good Morning I am Ryuji Kanzaki it's a pleasure to meet you" he introduced himself while extending his hand towards me and I Got up from my seat and stood properly.
"Kiyotaka Ayanokoji It's meeting you too Kanzaki it seems we're the first people here" I replied while grabbed his hand shook it.
"Yeah it didn't seem like someone was following me earli-" He suddenly got cut offed
As Kanzaki was talking we heard someone panting seems to be someone tired for some reason and then we heard a knock coming from the Entrance of the room as we look at the door we saw a blue haired boy with gradient Purple eyes who was panting might tired from all the running.
"Hey! Sorry interrupting your conversation but could you guy's tell if this is Class 1-B?" The boy said to both of us while panting
"Yes it is" Kanzaki said to the boy
"Goddamn it wrong room again! why can't i find it" the boy said while going outside and started running again.
Then Kanzaki looked at me with a confused look
"Should we go after him?" Kanzaki asked me
"No give it 5 seconds he'll come back" I said to Kanzaki to which he shot me with another confused look
"What do you mean?" he was about to ask then I showed him five fingers and started counting down
1 then
Boom! we the door slammed open then we saw the same guy there looking out of breath
"Ahh this is Class 1-B why didn't any on you guys stop me? i have been looking for this class for the pass 3 minutes now. I didn't expect this school to be so big Seriously it's like a labyrinth!" The guy said then Kanzaki looks at me and starts nodding in amazement
"You're prediction was right Ayanokiji it did took five seconds for him to come back here" he said in a quite amazed voice, sorry Kanzaki for the first I Kinda guessed that. with all my abilities from the White Room I Guess that one because I was not sure if he would come back here.
"Seriously I was dying there of exhaustion and you were waiting for his prediction to happen or not! Seriously not cool Guys!" he yelled at us while pouting
Kanzaki started laughing a little
"Sorry about that . Well anyways it's nice to meet you I am Ryuji Kanzaki and this Is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji." Kanzaki said, And another introduced me again to someone did he also think that I can't make a proper Intrduction too
"Hmm well fine fine, oh almost my name is So Shibata it's nice to meet both of you" He said Introducing himself to us
"It's nice to meet you too Shibata" i said in a Monotone voice
After our little conversation there he started looking for his seat. Judging by his action I can say that he be quite athletic, apart from he seems to be quite childish as well. Then he found his seat Kanzaki sat in a chair ahead of me then Shibata sat on the chair ahead of Shibata it seems we're in the same rows then I heard a bunch of girls chatting coming towards the hallways and saw a silhouette of a figure that looks quite familiar of, it was Ichinose, as she was trying to find his seat her eyes met mine, if I look away she would probably think I'm Avoiding her, So I decided to wave my hand at her awkwardly as she waves back to me and and started to walk into the direction of my seat, did she have to say something to me?, As I was thinking about she was gonna say something to me she sat down to the seat next to mine, I didn't think or notice that it was her seat, I felt a little saddened knowing that she wasn't going to talk to me, then Kanzaki and Shibata looked at each other then looked at me.
"It seems we're going to seat mates" Kanzaki said to me and Shibata which to Shibata has gotten and wide smile.
"I can already feel that we're going to be Good Friends!" Shibata yelled to both of us which gotten a little smile crept on Kanzaki's Face as to which I nodded, Hmm I Already made two more friends I'm on a roll today!
Honami's POV
I entered my new classroom as I saw my new classmates, I was excited and want to meet them all already, as I was trying to find my seat my Gaze met Ayanokoji-kun's, He waved his hand to me as I waved mine and then I saw my seat next to him, I walked to my seat and sat down with a smile
I wanted to start a conversation with Ayanokoji-kun but then a Purple haired boy ask something to Ayanokoji-kun and a boy a seat ahead of him, It seems that Ayanokoji-kun already made two more friends I am Quite happy about that which I couldn't help but smile, Then the purple haired boy picked something up in his bag and the boy ahead of him as well.
So I then decided to initiate a conversation with Ayanokoji-kun.
"Looks like we're also going to be seat mates Ayanokoji-kun" I said to him with a smile
"It seems so Ichinose" he shortly replied then students started walking inside the classroom one-by-one to me which was a good time start meeting everyone
"I guess this is a good time to" I mumbled to myself, I stood up from my seat and walked in front of the podium.
"Excuse me but can everyone please give me some of your time, I would like to know everybody so I thought while the teacher isn't here yet how about we Introduce ourselves" I said politely and everyone looked at each other and nodding at each other to which they all agreed to it.
"Great how about I start first, My name is Honami Ichinose I would like to be friends with all of you and I am Planning to join the student council" I said to all of them, I then pointed to a boy that was chatting with Ayanokoji-kun earlier.
"My name is Ryuji Kanzaki, I'm not good in anything particular, It's nice to meet you all" Kanzaki-kun said then a girl stood up next.
"Umm hi everyone My name is Chihiro Shiranami, I like to paint and I hope to be good friends with all of you" The girl named Shiranami said and sat down and the boy that was a seat a head of Kanzaki-kun stood up next.
"My name Is So Shibata, I want to join the soccer club if anyone wants to join me in the club feel free to ask me, nice to meet you all." He said and sat down.
Then a boy stood up next
"I am Tetsuya Hamaguchi, Feel free to call me however you want, I don't have any Particular interest in hobbies but I like studying Nice to meet you all" Hamaguchi-kun said with Grayish Purple hair and Black Spectacles.
a few more students introduce themselves, then it was Ayanokoji-kun's turn to introduce himself I wonder how will he introduce himself.
"Up next is you Ayanokoji-Kun" He stood up from his seat
Kiyotaka's POV
Ichinose walked to to the podium and ask everyone if it's ok to give some of their time to ask something to which she wanted everyone to well acquainted to one another which everyone agreed to the idea she first introduced herself then she pointed to Kanzaki then a girl named Chihiro Shiranami the Shibata was next then a guy named Tetsuya Hamaguchi then everyone started introducing themselves then it was my turn
"Up next is you Ayanokoji-Kun" Ichinose said to me which I Stood up from my seat
"My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, I play some sports But mostly I like to read and And play the Piano and some Instruments and also doing calligraphy, I hope to get along with all of you" I introduced myself to which Shibata gave me a Thumbs up and smile indicating "Nice Work Dude" and Kanzaki nodded to me of approval also Indicating something like "Good Introduction", did these two not believe in me to introduced myself with a lot of people?, But granted it would have been a disaster if it weren't for Matsuo I was lucky enough then everyone started praising it each other and me for some reason?.
"You like to read too Ayanokoki-Kun" Someone said
"Man I wish we could see you play the Piano Ayanokoji-kun" Someone also said to me
"Alright that's everyone, I hope we all get along for the next three years" Ichinose said with a smile and went back to her seat.
Honami's POV
"My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, I play some sports But mostly I like to read and And play the Piano and some Instruments and also doing calligraphy, I hope to get along with all of you" he Introduced himself, I was Kinda surprised that he could play The Piano and some Instruments?
what could they be? I asked Myself then everyone started praising each other.
"Alright that's everyone, I hope we all get along for the next Three Years" I said with a smile and then went back to my seat.
Kiyotaka's POV
After a few minutes the best bell rang, the class became quiet and a few seconds later a teacher strode into the classroom. If I had to guess I would place her age in her late 20's, She wore a suit and and had long brown hair tied into a ponytail and eyes which it is also colored brown, She seems very Disciplined and Beautiful.
"Good Morning to all of you, I am the Instructor for Class B my name is Sae Chabashira I usually teach Japanese History But at this school we do not change classrooms for each grade so for the next three years I'll be your homeroom teacher so I hope to get to know all of you, It's a pleasure to meet all of you. The entrance ceremony will be in the gymnasium one hour from now but first I will distribute the written materials with the information about the school's rules, I will also hand out the admissions guide." From the way she spoke she looked like she rehearsed everything already, She said the whole thing in a robotic way
The teacher handed over the manuals to the student's in the front who passed back the documents.
This school Different from the Multitude of other Japanese High schools in a few key ways. Here all students were required to live in dormitories located on school premises. Also except for special cases, such as studying abroad, students were forbidden to contract anyone outside the school. Even contact with your immediate family was forbidden without authorization, Naturally, Leaving school grounds without permission was also strictly forbidden.
However, the campus also came equipped with many excellent facilities. With it's own karaoke spot, theater, cafe, boutique, and more, you could easily compare this school to a small city. The campus spread over more than 600,000 square meters.
This school boasted another unique feature: The S-System.
"I will now hand out your student ID cards, By using your card, You can access any of the facilities on campus or to buy necessities. It acts like a credit card, However, it is adviced that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything located on the school premises is available purchase." She said,I was a bit suspicious of what she had said, could we literally buy anything in this school if we had points?
Our points, loaded onto our student ID cards, acted as kind of currency. The lack of paper money would prevent many students' financial troubles. However, students needed to keep a watchful eye on their spending habits. at any rate, the school provided these points free of charge.
"Your student cards can be used simply by swiping them through the machine scanner, The method is simple, so you shouldn't get confused and Points are automatically deposited in your account on the first of every month, You should all have received 100,000 Points already for This month. Keep in mind that one point is equivalent to one yen" Chabashira-sensei said with an Emphasized a little on "This month" part which no one else had noticed.
Murmurs could be heard in the classroom upon the mentioning we had received 100,000 Points. I on the other hand was suspicious about this, no matter how you look at it there's no way any school would offer 100,000 points for a mere high schooler.
The classroom erupted upon hearing we had received 100,000 points, I could see a faint smile in Chabashira-sensei's face, but it didn't look like a normal one, it was definitely a genuine smile and not a fake one, the only difference was the emotion it conveyed, it looked like a type of smile one would give to someone they were toying around with. My Suspicious only rose higher.
"Shocked by the amount of points you've been given? this school measure it's students true ability. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can use your points without restraint. After graduation, however all of your points will return to school, because it's impossible to exchange your points to cash, there's no advantage for saving them. Once the points have been deposited into your account, it's up to you how to spend them. Do as you like. In the event that you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However extorting money from peers is not allowed. This school monitors bullying carefully." Chabashira said to us
What Merit could a harmone ridden teenager possibly have to receive such a massive allowance. Considering There were 160 students in my year, if we consider the second and third years have the same amount of the students there would be 480 students in the school, that alone would sum up to 48 million points each month, annually that would be 576 million points even for a government supported school this is way too much.
"This school measure it's students true ability" this line caught my interest the most.
If what sensei said is true, then the amount of money we may receive will depend on our skills and discipline. But to track down each and every student will be pretty much impossible.
Now considering every student in all the classes has received the same number of points it may be possible that the private points are linked to something involving the whole class. I looked around the classroom and noticed security cameras in the corner of the class, hard notice but not for me.
"Hmm it looks like no one has any questions, I hope you enjoy your time here as students" Chabashira-sensei spoke everything in an even tone, but if you observe very carefully she sounded a bit sarcastic at the end. If you look at the surface she may have just said what was necessary but if you pay close attention she pretty much revealed everything to me.
"Sensei can I ask you one question?" I asked as I stood up from my seat gaining everyone's attention
"Yes, What is it?" she asked me
"Umm how many points will we receive next month?" I said this she showed a mischievous smile towards me, her smile confirmed everything for me. On a side note she is quite Beautiful when she smiles
"I see thank you sensei" I said while the class was dumbfounded at our interaction since Chabashira-sensei never answered my Question.
"If that's all I'll be taking my leave" she said while about to leave the classroom but someone Interrupted her
"Wait Sensei" The person shouted was Shibata
"Yes Shibata" Sensei Asked
"Umm ahh Where's the Gymnasium" He asked while scratching the back of his head
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