Chapter 9

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Last time, on Kissed By Death..

"Ahh, Lily. Ready to decide?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. He smiled and sat down. "Alright. What's your decision?" I took a deep, shaky breath, "I've decided that I want to.."


I shook slightly and took deep, shaky breaths. "I.. I decided that I.. want to stay." He nodded, "You're completely sure?" Hesitantly, I nodded. He was quiet for a second, thinking, then he stood up and looked at me, "I'll be right back, Lily."

He walked out of the office, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I tapped my foot and looked around nervously.

A- You keep tapping like that you'll cause an earthquake.

I jumped and looked around. I shouted out, trying to sound though, "W-who's there..?" But it sounded like a mouse squeak.

A- You don't remember me? I'm offended! It's me, Autumn. I'm your wolf.

L- My wolf..? Wait.. I remember you! You helped me dodge those.. those hunters!

A- Yup! That's me. I have finally returned after, what? Seven months?

L- Yeah.. where were you?

A- I was-

The door opened suddenly, making me jump and fall to the floor. I heard a gasp, "Lily! Are you okay?" Violet rushed to me and picked me up. She checked over me making sure I didn't have any bruises, "I'm fine Violet! Promise! You just scared me.."

She sighed and set me down, "I'm sorry Lily.. Beta Joesph just told us you decided to stay. You do know what will happen if you aren't a werewolf, right?" I nodded. Then, I remembered Autumn.

"Violet! I am one of y'all! My wolf said her name is Autumn! She disappeared before you found me all those months ago!" I started rambling off on how Autumn helped me.

Suddenly, Violet cut me off, "You didn't tell us before?!" I shrunk back and looked down, "So-sorry Violet.. I just thought that.. I had made her up.." Violet calmed down at the sound of my voice shaking. She picked me up.

"I didn't mean to snap.. I was just confused and surprised. Now, hopefully Autumn will show herself on your 10th birthday." My head snapped up, "10th birthday?! That next year!" Wait.. didn't I shift when I first ran away..?

A- Yeah, that was my fault. I got excited with seeing the outside that I accidently shifted early.. we're an early bloomer. It's not uncommon, don't worry.

I looked at Violet, "I'm an early bloomer.

~Line break~ 10/31/2017 2:32
~continuing~ 10/31/2017 8:20

She looked at me, shocked, "How do you know what those are?" I started to fidge. "Um.. Autumn told me.. when I first saw the outside, I shifted. She got so excited about seeing the outside we accidently shifted.."

Violet nodded and looked at me, "That's alright, Lily. It's not uncommon. Come on, let's go tell Jack and Beta Joesph." I smiled and nodded.

            ~random time skip~

I yawned and looked at Jack, "What time is it Jack?" He looked at his watch and stood up, "Almost 9. Time for you and Luke to get to sleep. Got school tomorrow." I nodded and got up. I tapped Luke on the shoulder, "Bed time."

He nodded and stood up. "Night Lily. Night mom, dad!" We hugged and said our goodnights. Today was a long day. Found out I was a werewolf, learned more about our history, went on a small run, and ate.

Today was a good day. Now, I'm going up to my comfy bed to prepare for tomorrow's school day. I walked into my room and shut the door. Hopefully, I won't be up all night again.

I changed into some pajamas and crawled into bed. Can't wait til Halloween, which is also my birthday. I drifted to sleep thinking about everything and nothing at once.

I sighed as I sat in class. I was bored. Really bored. Still had 20 minutes of class, sadly. I looked down and sighed. I had started a drawing, even though I'm not very good yet.

A- it doesn't look that bad.

L- it looks like a typical 9 year old's drawing
A- you'll get better Lils. Just practice

I looked around and examined the classroom. The walls were yellow, paint peeling off. The desks were brown, the seats were blue and uncomfortable. The room smelled of dirty socks and air freshener.

The pack planned on remodeling the school soon so it wouldn't look so run down. Some parts looked better than others. I looked up at the clock, 5 minutes. Wow.. I must have been zoned out for a while.

I played with my pencil while waiting for school to end, then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Luke, "You need something Luke?" I whispered. He nodded and whispered back, "You have a crayon or colored pencil on you?"

I nodded and grabbed one, "Here you go." He smiled, "Thanks Lils." Suddenly the bell rang, making me jump and fall out of my seat. I turned red as people started laughing at me.

"Leave her alone!" Luke yelled at them and helped me up. He helped me gather my stuff and looked at me, "You alright sis?" I nodded, avoiding eye contact.

He hugged me, "Don't worry sis. They're just jealous because you live with the Alpha, Luna, and future alpha." He beat his chest with his fist, making me giggle. "Future alpha my butt. You're 9 and have a lot to learn big brother."

We laughed and started our way to home.

Hey guys! Sorry the chapter is short, it's late and I'm trying to keep things in order. Hopefully this was alright. I'm having a slight problem but I'll get it worked out. See y'all next chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed!

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