Ch 5 [First Day]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

Me, Ryuko and Mako were getting ready to enter the gate's to Honnoji acadamy when we heared a girl screaming.

????:"Woah woah woah, i can't stop!"

I turned around to see what was going on, i wish i hadn't being completely honest, when i turned around i was sent to the ground and hard.

Y/N:"*Attempted screaming*!"

????:"Oh, thank you for breaking my fall kid, that was very nice of you."

Ryuko:"Are you alright Y/N? You look like you're in quite the situation."

????:"Aww, is someone jelious?"

Ryuko:"As if!"

????:"*Giggle* Aw c'mon, you know you want to-Ouch!"

????:"Dina, what have i told you about smothering people with your chest?"

Dina:"Sorry, it was an accident this time i promess."

????:"I have my doubt's."

Dina:"Viola! I swear on it!"

Viola:"Let's just get in before we're late."


-See you inside cutie."

It was obvious that she was talking to me, what a start to a school day, getting tackled to the ground and getting smothered.

Ryuko:"You okay bud?"

Y/N:"I'd rather not talk about it."

After that little incident we went inside and were met with someone who looked to be the size of a skyscraper.

Gamagori:"Student's, it would seem one of you has come underprepared!"

Ryuko:"*Embarrassed sigh*."

Gamagori:"It is clear you weren't prepared, it is a direct insult to lady Satsuki!"

Mako:"It is not!"

I froze in my place, was Mako seriously gonna pipe back to this guy?

Gamagori:"No-Star, what's your name?"

Mako:"My name is Mako Mankanshoku,-

-And my P.J's have one mount everist two hawk's and three eggplant's on them, it's normal for people to wear pajama's when they go to bed, don't you wear them when you sleep?"

Gamagori:"No, i sleep nude."

Y/N:"T.M.I, DUDE!"

Mako:"You'll catch a cold like that!"


Mako:"From now on wear pajama's when you go to sleep!"

I wasn't sure if i should break out laughing or not at this time, it was funny as hell watching Mako out of all people scolled this guy over not wearing pajama's when he goes to bed, i wanted to laugh so badly but i didn't.

After a while we all went to our classes and did what we were supposed to do, while i studied i was also kinda spacing out, Senketsu always reminded me to keep my eye's open so i didn't fall asleep in class.

Y/N:(Kinda hoping we get dorm's or something soon, i don't wanna have to drive up and down the mountan every damn day, granted i don't need to fill up any tank's but i also don't want to get pulled over for a traffic violation.)

The classes were kinda like what the lab did with teaching, it was long and boring as most school's probably are, after school was starting to let out i got ready to call Cavaliere R so me Ryuko and Mako could get back to Mako's place, Mako said her family already filled out the paper work for Ryuko and i to stay there, it's nice that her family is taking is in as there own, for once i feel like i belong somewhere.

We sped off back to Mako's place where i would be preparing to bolt off to Honnoji early the next morning, i over heared Mako talking about being an exibishionist or something like that, i kept my head out of it and continued to prepare for tomorrow.

Ryuko:"Oi Y/N?"

Y/N:"Yeah Ryuko?"

Ryuko:"Thank you for the help back there with Maiko, i thought we were gonner's for a second or two but i knew i could count on you."

Y/N:"Heh, tomorrow i'll try to get up early so i don't end up leaving you two hanging."

Ryuko:"Heh, maybe you won't get smothered by that Dina chick this time."

Y/N:"Don't remind me."

Ryuko:"Anyway, dinner's ready let's go eat."

We went to the dinning room where we ate and went to bed shortly after.

Y/N:(I have this feeling in my gut we'll be meeting this...Satsuki tomorrow or something like that.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, i'll see y'all later peace]

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