Ch 4 [No-Late Day]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V

It was really early in the morning when i woke up, Mako and Ryuko weren't there, that made me worried then and there i saw miss Mankanshoku and she told me what was going on.

Sukuyo:"Mako and Ryuko started off to school, it's no-late day so they have to go and fast."

Y/N:"N-No-Late day! So i need to hurry my happy ass up if i want to get there!"

Sukuyo:"Oh, don't forget this."

She gave me a lunchbox full of croquette's, i thanked her for the lunch and i hurried out the door.

Y/N:(There's no way i'm gonna get there in time on foot, i have an idea.):"*Whistle*!"

After a second my mote of transportation came to my aid.

Y/N:"Hey there sexy, let's get going."

I got on Cavaliere R and sped off toward's the school.

Y/N:(Alright, if i keep this speed up i can get to school on time without being late.)


I reved the motercycle to pick up more speed, i had to get to Honnoji before i end up being expelled, if that happen's i'll lose my chance at possably destroying a hell gate.

Y/N:(Fuck, i hope Ryuko and Mako are alright, i wouldn't be able to forgive myself if i couldn't protect them from danger, Ryuko could probably protect herself but that Mako girl i'm not so sure about, i have to speed up!)

I reved the motercycle more and more to pick up more speed, but low and behold there were trap's everywhere trying to stop me.

Y/N:"I don't have time for your bullshit!"

I started to drive up the side of the mountan going at top speed's of over one hundred and eighty mile's per hour, i knew i was likely breaking a whole hell of a lot of traffic law's but right now that doesn't matter, i have to get to Honnoji acadamy and fast.

After a couple second's i glanced up and saw one of the oddest thing's i've seen since i got here.

Y/N:(Is that Mako...WITH A MACHINE GUN!? How in god's name did she get a hold of that kinda shit!?)

I kept speeding up the side of the mountan in hope's i'd get there in time and maybe be able to help those two out, in order to pick up the pace i used my devil trigger to speed up some more, now i was going over two hundred and sixty mile's an hour, at this rate i'll be up there in no time at all.

After a little bit i finally got up there and continued on foot, the gate wasn't much further so i could likely get there without my motercycle now.

Y/N:(Almost there, just a bit further.)

I ducked behind a corner and peaked out to check when it would be safe to run.

Y/N:(Damnit, this isn't good.)

When i glanced at the gate i saw three people there, i knew Mako and Ryuko but there was another girl there and she had gotten a hold of Senketsu.

Maiko:"Kamui Senketsu!"

Y/N:(I have to wait, if i run out now she might hurt them, wait wait, NOW!)

I leaped out from behind the wall and put the tip of my Rebellion against the back of her neck.

Y/N:"You have two option's, one you take off the kamui here and now, two i rip it off of you, your call."

After a moment or two Ryuko rushed her and got Senketsu off of her, i guess i make a pretty good distraction on occasion's.

Ryuko:"Nice to see you made it Y/N, you slept in pretty late."

Y/N:"Sorry 'bout that, but what matter's is that we still have time to get there, if we hurry we might actually make it."

Mako:"Yeah, let's go and fast!"

The three of us made a mad dash for the gate in hope's we'de be there before it was too late, and by some stroke of pure luck we made it before the first bell, that was a trip in of it self.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, i'll see y'all later peace]

|Damn we are on fire, four chapter's in less than forty eight hour's hopefully we can keep this up!|

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