Ch 43 [Ryuko Return's PT2]

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[Art is not mine]

Satsuki's P.O.V

After giving Senketsu to Mankanshoku i went to confront Nui. I had to keep her away from Mankanshoku and Matoi until she's released from Ragyo's control.

Satsuki:"What's wrong? Not strong enough to face me alone?"

Nui:"Why you little!"

I guess i'm kinda picking up on Y/N's idea's. Taunting the enemy in combat really does work.

Elite Four:"Gotcha!"

Nui:"Missed me. Maybe next time."

Satsuki:(Too late now Nui. There she is.)

Ryuko:"I think it's time for round two bitch.-

-You should quit while you're ahead, i'm never taking Senketsu off. He's much more comfortable on me then that monster Junketsu."

Ryuko's P.O.V

Now i'm free from there control. And i'm gonna make a point.

Ryuko:"Bring it on little bitch."

Nui:"Okey doki, here i come."

Ryuko:(So she got my scissor blade from me ey? I think it's time to take back what's mine.)

I waited for her to attempt to use what me and Y/N call a stinger attack before i took my blade's back. As expected the plan was successful and i got both blade's back without a problem.

Ryuko:"There both mine now pinky, let's shut you up. Sen'i Soshitsu!"

I swung the two blade's around her for a second for this one reason.

Nui:"....My arm's! Oh my god oh my god oh my god my arm's! Do you have any idea how valuble my arm's are!?"

Ryuko:"That's why i cut 'em off dipshit."

Nui:"Just kidding. If my arm's get severed they'll just pop right back on, eh?"


-My bad."

Nui:"Ahhh! I hate you."

Ryuko:"Good. Now tell Ragyo's ass kisser's they're next."

Before i had the chance to finish her off Tanjiro came in and opened a portal to get them out of there.



We both ran into eachother with a tight hug both of us also had our regret's from this event.

Ryuko:"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have came here alone. I'm sorry Senketsu, and i'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have left alone."

Y/N:"I shouldn't have left you alone, Ryuko, i shouldn't have left."

After a while we finally got back to the other's but i had a temptation to hit Satsuki.



Y/N:"Are you okay Gama?"

Gamagori:"I'm fine."

Ryuko:"How were you even wearing Senketsu? He linked to people who are related to me in some way. Wait a minute!"

Satsuki:"Is it coming to you?"

Ryuko:"We're sister's aren't we?"

Satsuki:"Indeed Matoi, we are sister's by blood."

Ryuko: Ya know, i don't feel like hitting you anymore."

Sukuyo:"Girl's dinner is ready!"

Look's like we're having a picnic for dinner insteed of just sitting in a house.

We all sat down and ate together like it was one large family get together, it was probably one of the best time's i've had in my entire life.

Mako:"So yummy!"

Y/N's P.O.V

Before the picnic.

Y/N:"Oi Shiro, how much longer do you think it'll take to get those new goku uniform's finished?"

Shiro:"Not much longer. Tomorrow they should be finished and battle ready."

Y/N:"Alright, some good news at least."

Only me Shiro and Satsuki knew about these newly enhanced goku uniform's for the elite four, and my god they're gonna need 'em for this coming up battle.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

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