Ch 42 [Ryuko Return's]

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[Art is not mine]

Y/N's P.O.V


Y/N:"Hah, weren't expecting that now were you?"

Satsuki:"Matoi, you will release Junketsu or i will have to remove it by force."

Ryuko:"Hahahah! You think i'm scared of you Satsuki!? I'll just have to cut through you!"

Satsuki:"Then you've made your choise. Life-fiber syncronazation-

Kamui Senketsu!"

Y/N:"Never thought i'd say this but, kick her ass Satsuki! I'm rooting for you!"

While the two began there fight i prepared to battle Tanjiro once again, by now i'll be getting even with these fight's.

Tanjiro:"So brother, you come to face me again?"

Y/N:"I've come to put you down for good, Tanjiro. How many time's have we done this?"

Tanjiro:"Too many time's to count. But this duel will settle who the superior child is, once and for all."

Y/N:"Indeed, i won't be pulling my punches anymore so be ready for that."

After our little monolouge we dashed at one and other with our devil sword's drawn ready to kill the other.

Each clash of our blade's sent spark's around the ruin's of Honnoji academy leading to a smaller fire starting on the ground. Me and Tanjiro were both hell-bent on killing eachother that i didn't see how much Satsuki needed help.

Ryuko:"I expected more coming from you, Satsuki Kiryuin. That ugly ass Kamui is no where near as strong as i am."

Senketsu:"Ryuko listen to me! You're not yourself, you have to take of Junketsu!"

Ryuko:"Not a chance in hell! With this i'm a hundred time's more powerful!"

Y/N:"Ryuko! I'm gonna-Gah!"

Tanjiro:"This fight is not over, Brother, not until the other is dead."

Y/N:(Damn him, why did he have to turn out so horrible? Look's like i'll have to finish him off before i can help Satsuki with Ryuko.)

Me and Tanjiro's blade's once again began to collide as he stopped me from getting inbetween Ryuko and Satsuki. I felt the need to ask him, why? Why he needed to join this psychopathic bitch in her hope's for conquest.

Y/N:"Why Tanjiro? Why join a psycho like Ragyo? You know she won't hold up her end of the bargan. You're not that stupid."

Tanjiro:"Heh. I'm a becoming an open book now ,brother? Are my motive's any more clear than before?"

Y/N:"I don't care about your motive's or your reason's behind joining her but the one thing i know is you didn't join her for free."

Before Tanjiro could speak i glanced in Satsuki's direction and saw she was no longer wearing Senketsu but insteed it was Mako and she was clung to Ryuko while Satsuki was now wearing the nudist beach attire. Is this effort finally working in our favor?

Ryuko's P.O.V

Mako:"This isn't happiness, not even close!"

Ryuko:"And what do you know about it?"

I swatted her away only for her to come back again and again.

Mako:"Idiot idiot idiot! Fine just kill me!"

I raised my scissor blade and swung down at Mako only to injure Senketsu. As his blood sprayed around my wedding alter i finally woke up completely.

Ryuko:"I-I have to pull myself back together-

-Or i'll never be able to wear Senketsu again."

With what strength i had i grabbed Senketsu out of the air and Syncronized with him once again.


[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I'll see y'all later peace]

|And another one|

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