The Less I Know The Better Pt.3

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Kendall stops dead in her tracks and turns around when she hears Y/N's voice. "What do you want Y/N?" she says, furiously wiping away her tears.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Y/N asks softly as she rushes to Kendall and tries to wipe away the tears falling from the model's eyes. "Nothing." Kendall whispers, taking a step away from Y/N.

"Please Kendall." Y/N says, reaching for her hand.

"What Y/N?" Kendall asks tiredly. She just wants to go home and get away from the suffocating presence of her best friend, or former best friend? She doesn't even know anymore.

"What's wrong. You can talk to me." Y/N says sincerely, looking into Kendall's eyes. "No, I can't. Just... just leave me alone." Kendall says before turning around and walking away from Y/N.

"No!" Y/N exclaims, running in front of Kendall to stop her from leaving. "Y/N get out of my way." Kendall cries out, trying to push Y/N out of the way but the singer stands steadfast. Kendall doesn't stop and she continues shoving Y/N, hitting her chest with her hands but Y/N takes it, she lets Kendall get all her frustration out, but she doesn't move.

"It's ok." Y/N says, wrapping her arms around Kendall's body and holding her tight, not caring that her shirt is being soaked in the supermodel's tears. "Shhh, it's okay Kenny. It's gonna be ok." Y/N whispers soothingly as she rubs circles on Kendall's back.

"What's going on Kendall?" Y/N asks after Kendall calms down.

"You haven't spoken to me in weeks and now you're running out on me and crying? What's going on?" Y/N asks seriously and Kendall looks down at her hands.

"I can't." Kendall whispers, shaking her head while still looking down at her hands.

"You can." Y/N says, trying to encourage her.

"I can't Y/N. Not with you." Kendall says, finally looking up at Y/N.

"But I'm your best friend Kendall. Or at least I thought I was." Y/N says, the hurt clear in her shaky voice. Kendall looks away, unable to look at Y/N and see the hurt swimming in her eyes and echoing in her words.

Kendall didn't want to hurt Y/N, that was the last thing she wanted to do. She's tired of hurting the people who love her.

"Y/N, I need to go." Kendall says quietly before walking away and going to Bella's car, where she sees the model waiting for her.

"We need to talk about this." Bella says seriously as she pulls out of her parking spot. Kendall just nods and stays silent throughout the drive to her house.

When they get to Kendall's house, both women find themselves on Kendall's bed with two glasses of wine.

"So, what the fuck is going on?" Bella asks, getting straight to the point.

"Nothing." Kendall mumble, bringing the wine glass up to her lips.

"It's not nothing. You haven't spoken to Y/N in weeks, and she's your best friend. Then you storm out crying after she finally confesses her love for you in a song..." Bella starts saying and Kendall's head jerks up at the word 'finally'. Bella takes her wine glass away from her in case she spills and puts it on the nightstand.

"What do you mean finally?" Kendall asks. "Kendall, Y/N's been in love with you for years." Bella says and Kendall furrows her eyebrows. This can't be true; Y/N can't be in love with her.

"You really didn't know?" Bella asks when she sees the conflict and confusion in Kendall's eyes.

"No. She never said anything." Kendall says and Bella scoffs.

"Kendall, she's been trying to ask you out for god knows how long and she flirts with you all the time. How could you not know? Everyone else knew." Bella says, honestly shocked that Kendall didn't notice Y/N's advances.

"But she was just joking. Y/N's not the in love or relationship type." Kendall says slowly. For as long as she's known Y/N, she's maybe seen her in one or two really serious relationships.

There's no way she's actually in love with her, is there?

"Kendall, Y/N is the in love with you type. It's why her other relationships never worked out and why she gave up on it altogether. She's in love with you and she knows that it wouldn't be fair to others if she dated them but could never give herself completely to them." Bella explains slowly, scooting closer to Kendall.

"It's why her and Paris started sleeping together. They both knew they couldn't give each other what they needed. It was just sex and a failed attempt at getting over someone." she continues explaining carefully.

"Wait, she didn't have feelings for Paris?" Kendall asks softly.

"No, she slept with Paris to get over you." Bella says and Kendall immediately drops her head in her hands.

"I'm so stupid." she cries into her hands.

"Hey, you're not stupid." Bella says softly, wrapping her arms around Kendall and pulling her closer.

"I am. Bella you don't understand." Kendall says, removing her hands from her face. "I fucked up. I fucked up so badly." Kendall says, her breath getting shorter as she feels her anxiety start creeping up.

Bella moves her hands to Kendall's shoulders and tries to get her to calm down. "Hey, Kenny breathe for me. Just follow my breathing." Bella says, while taking deep breaths in an attempt to get Kendall to mimic her breathing.

Kendall watches Bella and tries to copy her breathing but all she feels is her lungs compacting and not enough air getting into her body.

"I-I c-ca-" Kendall stutters but can't get the rest of the words out as she scrambles to control her breathing.

"Shh, Kendall come on, copy my breathing. In and out." Bella says before grabbing Kendall's hand and placing it on her chest so the model can fell her breathing.

Kendall focuses on the rise and fall of Bella's chest under her hand and tries her best to copy the motion. She starts taking deep breaths, following Bella's breathing.

"That's it. In and out Kenny." Bella encourages the other model as her breathing starts slowing down.

After a few more minutes of Kendall copying Bella's breathing and Bella whispering encouraging words Kendall feels much better, grateful that she has her best friend with her but saddened that it isn't Y/N. Y/N always knew how to help when she would have an anxiety or panic attacks.

"Are you ok?" Bella asks and Kendall just nods her head, reaching for her glass of wine. "You know you didn't fuck up, right? You just need to talk to Y/N and I'm sure this whole weird phase between you guys will pass. She can deal with you rejecting her." Bella explains, thinking that Kendall means she fucked up her friendship with Y/N because she didn't speak to her.

"That's not why I fucked up Bells." Kendall says timidly. "What do you mean?" Bella asks, confused.

"I was jealous of Paris and it scared me. That's why I didn't speak to Y/N. I couldn't face her after what I realised and after I figured out why I was feeling jealous I thought it was too late to say anything." Kendall says, confessing what's been plaguing her the past few weeks, months if she recognises all the denial.

"What are you saying Kendall?" Bella asks.

Kendall takes a deep breath. It's now or never. "I think I'm in love with Y/N and that's why I was jealous of Paris and went off the way I did." Kendall says and she feels lighter, like a burden has been removed from her shoulders.

Her heart however is thundering in her ears. This is the first time she's every revealed this to anyone or even said it out loud. It's the first time she's ever told anyone that she also likes women.

"Oh Kenny." Bella says, wrapping her arms around Kendall, a smile planted on her face.

"So what are you gonna do?" Bella asks.

"You need to break up with Devin first." Bella says, when she sees the confused look Kendall is shooting her.

"Then maybe you should sit down and talk to Y/N. It's time for honesty now." she continues.

"You're right. I'll call Devin tomorrow and talk to him." Kendall says. "And Y/N?" Bella asks, one eyebrow raised questioningly. "I don't know. I just need to think of what I'm going to say to her." Kendall says before taking a big sip of her wine.

"You're going to tell her that you're in love with her and then you two are going to kiss and make up and we can go on cute little double dates." Bella suggest jokingly, but with a small air of seriousness.

"Double dates? Really?" Kendall says, staring at Bella disbelievingly. "It would be so cute Kenny. You can't deny it." Bella says in her defence.


It had been a week since Kendall and Y/N spoke to each other. Kendall broke up with Devin almost immediately, and thankfully he took it well, or as well as she could've hoped. She almost went to speak to Y/N too but couldn't bring herself to do it.

Every time she picked up her phone to call the other woman her nerves got the best of her and she put it back down again. She couldn't tell how many times she typed in Y/N's number, only to clear it and put her phone away.

Bella would ask everyday if she did it and every time Kendall would just shake her head helplessly. How was she supposed to face her best friend after everything that went down, and tell her that yes, she loved her too? It sounded easy enough, but for Kendall it wasn't.

Yes, Y/N practically confessed her feelings to her through the song but so many things could happen.

What if they tried dating and found out that they aren't really in love with each other? What if Y/N already moved on? What if them dating ruined their friendship for good? What would people say when they started dating?

Kendall had all these questions and still no answers. She could take the risk and lay her heart bare in front of her best friend or she could live with regret and the knowledge that no matter what, her and Y/N were never going to be the same again.

Y/N on the other hand was eager to just talk to Kendall. She knew that the song might've had that effect on the model but she needed to speak to her and straighten things out. Kendall deserved to know how she felt about her. She deserved to hear it from Y/N, alone without others there to judge them.

The only problem was that Paris and Bella kept her from going to Kendall first. No matter how many times she asked, they would tell her to wait, to let Kendall come to her. It had been a week of this and Y/N was sick and tired of it.

So, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Bella and Paris were out on a date and Y/N knew for a fact that Kendall would be at home (she double checked with Kylie).

When she gets to Kendall's front door, she knocks, waiting patiently when she hears the familiar pitter-patter of Kendall's footsteps on the hardwood floors.

Kendall walks to the door, unsure of who could be knocking, it was probably Kylie or Hailey, but they had keys so why would they knock?

What she sees when she opens the door steals her breath away and before she can close the door, the woman she's so undoubtedly in love with walks in with a shy smile on her face and nervous fingers playing with her rings.

"I need to talk to you." Y/N says softly as she walks closer to Kendall.

"Y/N..." Kendall breathes out, not knowing what else to say.

"We were supposed to talk weeks ago and that never happened. This might be my last chance and I'm not gonna let it go." Y/N says earnestly.

Kendall looks at her dumbfounded, unable to say anything as she watches Y/N nervously looks at her, as though asking for permission to speak.

Kendall takes a deep breath before looking up at Y/N and nodding for her to continue talking. Y/N lets out a relieved sigh, she really thought Kendall might just chase her out of her house.

"I love you Kendall. I think I've always loved you." Y/N says seriously, looking Kendall dead in the eyes.

It was true, she's loved Kendall for years, since they met, really. She was just too scared to ruin their friendship and figured that the less Kendall knew about her feelings, the better. So she messed around and joked about them dating, or at least she let Kendall believe she was joking.

"What if this doesn't work out and I lose you?" Kendall asks, finally voicing the fears that had been plaguing her for the past week.

"You could never lose me." Y/N says before surging forward and pulling Kendall into a passionate kiss, trying to convey all her feelings in the one kiss. What surprises her is when she moves to pull away, Kendall's hand grips the back of her neck and the model pulls her in for another kiss, also trying to show Y/N her emotions.

The two eventually separate when air becomes a problem and Y/N rests her forehead against Kendall's, eyes fluttering open as she watches Kendall's eyes stay closed as the model tries to absorb the moment.

"I love you too." Kendall whispers against Y/N's lips before claiming them with her own once again.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry this is so late. I needed to take a break from writing to focus on myself and last year was just a whirlwind of craziness. I'm trying to get back into writing, and hopefully I'll be able to update more often.

As an apology please accept this last part of The Less I Know The Better. It's not my best work but hopefully you enjoy it.


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