"YOUR TIME LIMIT IS 50 MINUTES." the teacher said to the class, "There will be no talking and avoid suspicious actions." he then checked his watch "Now, begin!" Today was finals, Keiko made sure to revise as much as possible, she was surprised every time when she would score 100% in every one of her papers, even with math, she was horrible at math. Or so she thought.
While everyone had their exam papers open, Nendou fell asleep on his desk. Keiko answered all the questions she knew the answers too but would guess the others and hoped it was enough to help her pass. Out of the 181 students at the school, she would always be 1st, teachers thought she was extremely intelligent while she just assumed it was dumb luck. No way was she smart enough to answer all these questions correctly and know the answers.
50 minutes was up and the papers were taken away, Keiko smacked her head on her desk as she listened to people wonder if they passed or not, or how they found the exam. She then got up and walked over to Kaidou, Kinekshi and Saiki "How do you think you three did on that test."
"I aced it." Kaidou replied confidently while Kinekshi gave an awkward look
"I did a terrible job. Although, it's my fault for not studying." he smiled, "What about you Keiko, how do you think you did?" he asked, the three were now looking her way.
She looked away and fiddled with her hands "I guessed quite a few answers so I'm not too sure."
Kaidou threw his arm over her shoulder "You always pass your exams anyway, you're just extremely lucky." he said Well yeah since it's a superpower she's not even aware of.
Nendou soon appeared giving a dumb smile to the four "I didn't study at all either." he said, almost as if he wasn't bothered.
Kaidou placed a hand on his hip "You're not even worried?"
Nendou gave a laugh and shook it off "You can just wing these tests." Soon the door of the classroom opened and the teacher called Nendou's name.
"If you fail three or more test sections, you're getting held back." he said, Keiko placed a hand on her chest 'Oh dear... Down a grade? That means he will be separated from us all' she thought sadly. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
Nendou seemed lost with what the teacher said and gave him a poker face, Kaidou placed a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry. Even if we're in different grades, we're still the same age. You don't have to talk up to us." he told him, already assuming Nendou was moving down.
"Hey, he still has time to study!" Keiko said while Kinekshi also jumped in.
"Don't give up already! if you just try hard-" but he was cut off by Nendou.
"Hey. What does 'held back' mean?" he asked, the three gave him a blank looked while her carried on speaking "I'm not worried about any test. I've got a trick up my sleeve."
"What?" the three asked.
He dropped a HB pencil on the desk while they all stared at it "It's right here." Saiki gave a bored look while the others eyes went white as they stared at Nendou hopelessly. 'It's over for him' they all thought.
It was now the next test and the teacher was up at the front again checking his watch "All right, begin!" Keiko did the same as she did with her previous test, also hearing Nendou shout out what he thought was the answers after dropping his pencil.
After the finals were finished the results were now on the wall, Keiko, Kinekshi and Kaidou stood there in shock "He's 90th out of the 181?" they all synchronized.
Kaidou snapped his head towards Nendou who was smiling proudly "How? You're always in last place!"
"I told you not to worry."
"Did you cheat?" Kaidou interrogated.
"No, idiot. I used my brain."
"I see, you hit your head and injured your temporal region."
Keiko jumped in between the two "The most important thing is that Nendou passed and he gets to stay in our grade." she concluded.
Kinekshi smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, he managed to get 6th place "Exactly. That's amazing, Nendou. That's really impressive you went from last place to 90th."
Kaidou didn't do too bad either, he got 51st place "Good grades won't help you fight." he said, hiding the fact he was annoyed since he studied all night.
And finally with Keiko, she obviously got first "Well at least we all passed, that's what matters in the end." she smiled 'I guessed quite a lot of the answers'
Nendou laughed and looked down at the blue-haired boy "You making excuses, little guy?" he asked mocking.
"I didn't lose to you! I'm not that..." he stopped and they all looked over at Saiki who was silent the whole time, they all looked at the bored and saw that Saiki came 91st. "Sorry..." Kaidou muttered, now realizing that Saiki scored worse than Nendou. "You didn't do anything wrong, Saiki."
"You got average too. So you don't need to worry about it." Keiko added Just as I planned.
Nendou then helped up his HB pencil proudly "But you know, this was awesome! My dad's old pencil has some real powers."
Keiko and Kinekshi's faces dropped realizing that Nendou's father passed before he was born "What? Was that pencil your late father's?" Kinekshi asked.
"Yes!" The five walked down the hall together with Kaidou still complaining about Nendou scoring so high.
It was another day in school and the class was talking about doing Karaoke together, "Mochizuki do you want to come to karaoke with us?" one student asked.
She gave a soft smile and looked up from what she was doing "Oh no thank you, I'm not really into that sort of stuff." she replied knowing that she was busy going to cafe Mami with Saiki, he told her that since he was walking home with her she would have to sometimes come to the cafe with him since he was a regular there.
Kinekshi and Yumehara were also asked too, Nendou and Kaidou were expecting someone to ask, the student looked at them awkwardly before turning around "Yoshida, you want to come too?"
"What about you, Mera?" someone asked, Mera was short plump girl in Keiko's class, she didn't really speak with her often but from what she could tell, the girl loved food.
Teruhashi was soon asked but she rejected the offer as she had to do something else which made all the guys in the class miserable and want to call the karaoke off.
It was now after school and Saiki and Keiko sat in the cafe together Saiki ordered a coffee and a coffee jelly while Keiko ordered a hot chocolate and caramel-shortbread.
"Y'know before I started walking home with you, I've never actually been to this cafe before. It's so nice and relaxing." she smiled.
Saiki looked out the window "That's one of the reasons why I like it here, It's quiet and they serve good coffee jelly."
Keiko giggled "I still don't understand your obsession with with that, I mean I like it but you love it way more than any other person would."
"You just need to see from my perspective, that's all."
The waitress soon came over to the two with their orders "Sorry to keep you waiting... what?" Keiko recognized that voice, she looked up to see Mera nearly dropping their orders "Saiki and Mochizuki!" she gasped, she soon dropped her tray and the orders fell to the floor.
"Oh goodness." Keiko gasped, she got up and helped Mera pick up the broken pots not realizing that Saiki had saved his coffee jelly and her caramel-shortbread. Mera ran off to grab a cloth, while Saiki ate his coffee jelly and placed the shortbread in front of Keiko's seat.
"I'm sorry, I'll clean that up." Mera ran over, Keiko stood up and Mera looked down in shock "What happened to the coffee jelly and the shortbread?" she asked to see it was no longer on the floor, Keiko sat back down and saw that her shortbread was on the table.
"How-" she looked up and saw that Saiki placed a finger over her lips, while Mera was distracted by cleaning up he quietly told Keiko "Keep quiet about it, you'll get another one for free."
Keiko nodded and they both waited until their orders were replaced and where now in front of them "I'm sorry. I've always been so clumsy."
"It's okay, mistakes happen." Keiko replied, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
"The manager wanted to offer you both another as an apology." she said, now placing another coffee jelly and caramel-shortbread on the table "And so, both of you..." she held her hands together and sweat nervously "Please keep my job a secret!" she begged, Keiko forgot that students weren't allowed to have part time jobs.
Mera than scooted over next to Keiko as she carried on speaking to them both "If the school found out, I would have to quit. And it won't just be this job. My morning newspaper and milk delivery, job at the gas station, Chinese restaurant, convenience store, lunch place, flower making, babysitting, and tutouring... They would make me quit all of them!" she concluded, Keiko gaped at her 'That's like 10 jobs' she sweat dropped.
Keiko placed a comforting hand on her shoulder "We wont... will we Saiki?" she asked, he shook his head and she turned to Mera again "Why do you have so many jobs?"
"My family is poor." she started which didn't surprise the two one bit as they noticed all the things at school like her lunch, gym uniform and the missing lenses on her glasses. Mera then looked over at Saiki's coffee jelly and and Keiko's shortbread drooling at the sight, she gasped and shook her hands "It's okay! Don't mind me." she said, she was already drooling over the food meaning that Saiki and Keiko couldn't eat it anyway so they gave it to Mera.
As she enjoyed the sweets, she thanked the two for saving her life and rambled on a bit, soon the two left and Mera waved them goodbye, they looked back and noticed that Mr Matsuzaki, the gym teacher had now walked into the coffee shop, Saiki then changed the rule with his psychic powers that students where now allowed to have jobs, making sure that Keiko didn't notice.
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