TOMORROW WAS VALENTINE'S DAY, Keiko was usually never one for making special valentine's gifts for people but over the past few months, she's made so many more friends. She wanted to make a gift for Saiki, more like a gratitude gift for being her friend, although he may not see it, Keiko feels much closer to him than she did before. She hoped he like chocolate covered dates, she added extra toppings to decorate, making her gift look more appealing. She chose to make Saiki something because of his love for sweets.
(Saiki's valentine's gift)
It was now valentines day, Keiko was carrying her box of chocolate covered dates to her classroom where she hoped Saiki was in, as she turned the corner of where her classroom was, she saw Kaidou coming out with a girl, he turned back and gave a smug look to whoever was in there, that's when she heard the dramatic gasp of Nendou from inside.
She walked in to see Nendou curled up against the wall looking miserable, from what she could guess it was something to do with Kaidou, she looked up and saw Saiki standing in front of him giving an unsympathetic look, "Ah, Saiki." Keiko said, giving a closed-eye smile. He turned around and looked down to see the box in her hand.
She took a few steps towards him and held out the box "Happy Valentine's day Saiki. I made you some chocolate covered dates, think of it as a gratitude gift." she said, passing him the box.
He took at and opened it, now inspecting the sweet treats that were carefully made from her delicate hands "Thank you Mochizuki, but I've done nothing to deserve your gratitude."
She laughed like he just made a joke "Silly, It's a thank you for being my friend. I did the same for Kaidou, Kinekshi and Nendou last year, that's when we never really spoke but we've gotten closer over the past year and it's nice being your friend. That's of course you see me as one too." she smiled up at him.
Saiki thought for a moment, did he see Keiko as his friend? He doesn't really have any friends, they all just hang around with him while he stands there in silence, he wouldn't really call that friendship. But with Keiko, he's actually had conversations with her, he remembered when he went to her specifically to get rid of a mindless bug in his house. He sighed internally and gave her a stoic look before giving her a nod "I see you as a friend Mochizuki, it's nice to talk with you." That was the most pathetic thing to say it like that, and I was being genuine as well.
"No fair! My best bud gets a valentine's gift and no girl wants me!" Nendou shouted, now ruining the moment between the two.
Keiko was sat in her bedroom doing her homework, she was wearing a short purple dress with a cardigan to go over it, she always loved wearing dresses they were her favourite to wear. She was home alone right now, her dad working while her mother was visiting her parents house to see how her mother was doing, Keiko didn't need to go as she paid them a visit the day before to deliver her grandparents some cake to treat them.
A knock on the door was heard, 'Who could that be?' she thought, now getting up and going to the front door, when opening the door, she was Saiki dressed up casually and was wearing a really nice jacket "Hello Saiki, is everything okay? Would you like to come in?" she asked.
"Do you want to come to the theatre to watch a movie with me?" he asked, her eyes shot open in surprise 'Saiki's never invited me out to spend time with him.' she couldn't pass on the opportunity so she gave him a quick nod and said she would love too.
"Two student tickets." the lady at the ticket area said, since Saiki invited Keiko, he offered to pay for her. They accepted the tickets and went towards the food area to get some popcorn.
"I'm really excited, I haven't been to the theatre in ages, thank you for inviting me." Keiko said, she was surprised to see that Saiki looked happy, she didn't know this but he had gotten a ring so it stopped him from hearing people's minds, this way the movie was never spoiled for him.
"I don't go often either, but I've wanted to watch this movie for a while now and I remember hearing you wanting to watch it." he said, 'It's nice to know that he was thinking about me.'
They bought their popcorn and walked together towards the theatre room, that was until Saiki and a much older man knocked into each other, Saiki tripped up and dropped his popcorn while the man turned around and gave him a glare "Watch where you're going!" he shouted while his girlfriend complained that some of the food nearly got on her.
Keiko was not happy with how the man was speaking to her friend when it was a clearly an accident "Hey asshole! You both walked into each other, its your fault as well. It was obviously an accident and he meant no harm by it, the least you could do is ask if he's okay since you knocked him over, you great big jerk!" Keiko snapped both shocking the man and Saiki I think this is the first time I've ever seen Keiko actually ever get mad, and it wasn't even that serious.
The man tched and turned away "Whatever..." he muttered before walking away with his girlfriend.
"People are so rude." Keiko said, she turned to Saiki and helped him up, "Are you okay Saiki? You're not hurt, are you?" she asked.
"I'm fine, I was caught by surprise, that's all." He told her, now wiping the dust off his clothes.
"Oh dear what a waste of food..." she muttered. Someone had come to clean up the mess and the two ended up going to their designated seats in the theatre room, they both sat in silence as they waited for the movie to start.
"Saiki?" a feminine voice spoke out, Saiki's eyes widened and he turned to see the one and only Teruhashi sitting next to him, Keiko turned and leaned forwards now in sight of the girl, Teruashi's eyes widened now 'What is she doing with Saiki? Are they on a date?'
Teruhashi smiled, "And Mochizuki too... What a coincidence." she said, before looking away and blushing as she was so close to Saiki.
Keiko smiled "Yes it is, it's nice to see you Teruhashi, I didn't know you liked action movies." she said.
Teruhashi glanced at her "I don't mind them." it was silent again until the blue-head spoke up again "Saiki, I'm not trying to make excuses, but I'm saying this so you don't get the wrong idea. I'm here with someone."
'Why would Saiki get the wrong idea if it was just a coincidence?' Keiko thought, that's when she heard a voice speak out "Kokomi! I brought popcorn." Keiko turned to see a blue haired man who had similar features to Teruhashi, he was wearing sunglasses, wait, sunglasses? In a movie theatre?
The guy had noticed Saiki and took off his shades "Hey, you! Who are you to my Kokomi?" he asked, Keiko's eyes widened as she realized it was Touru Mugami, the main character of the movie she was going to watch.
"O-oh, we are just friends of Teruhashi." Keiko replied with a stutter, she had never met a celebrity before, it was quite nerve-wracking.
Teruhashi gasped "Don't take off your sunglasses." everyone in the move theatre turned around and were gasping and shouting when they recognized that Touru Mugami was standing in a theatre room with them.
"It's the star Touru Mugami!" everyone jumped up and headed towards him, hoping they could receive an autograph, everyone pushed through knocking into Keiko and Saiki as they tried getting to the blue haired star.
Saiki grabbed Keiko's hand amongst the crowed "come on, let's get out of here before one of us gets hurt." he told her, now pulling her away and dragging her out of the movie theatre.
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