Chapter 32

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Vrushali was staring at her own reflection in the mirror with admiration, especially those white strands of hair that had started to appear recently. " What are you so engrossed in? I haven't saw you admiring yourself so much " Supriya asked keeping tumbler of water on a table and standing besides her. " Priya we are growing old! See these white hair strands " Vrushali said with a small smile.

" Yes jyeshth rani, we are growing old, but look at arya! He is still so young, no wrinkles no white hair " Supriya sighed with a smile. " Just like his aradhya surya dev " Vrushali added looking at karna, who was discussing something with shon. " Gossiping about me? Huh, that's not good " Karna shrugged his shoulders coming near them. " Why would we gossip about you arya ? We have many more topics to talk about " Supriya raised her eyebrows. " And.... We are not like those girls who used to hind behind trees to get just one glimpse of you " Vrushali twisted her mouth.

" Are you speaking about those ladies, who used hide behind trees and used to admire my brother while he was praying to surya dev standing in ganga maa " Shon came there trying to hide his giggles earning a glare from karna. " Vrushali, did you forget, those girls used to stare at shon too " Radha maa added from behind.

" What's the use of those pretty girls staring at me maa, you got married me to durva " Shon said with a mock pout. " What do you mean durva isn't pretty? " Vrushali asked raising her eyebrows. " No.. Noo.. I mean durva is more pretty than those girls " Shon acted being scared and all of them burst laughing. " I know you both love these three girls of mine from the core of you heart " Radha maa thought to herself and nodded her head.
" Sudeshna! How did you agree for that wedding " Keechak threw the glass of wine in his hand on the floor.
" Bhratashree trust me, she is really a very good girl " Sudeshna replied with a smile. " But she is a suta! We had decided that we would marry your children to a royal household and gain their alliance " Keechak said.
" Not us, only you thought it bhrata. But our shvet loves her and she belongs to a good family too. She would be our perfect kulvadhu " Sudeshna said.

" But she is suta sudeshna. And what if she tries to take your son on her side and shvet starts getting away from you? " Keechak said smirking. Wrinkles were seen on sudeshna's forehead, she stormed out of the chamber and hurried to her own, pondering of her brother's words.
" Mamashree, when would you stop poisoning our mothers mind " Uttar said angrily, entering the chamber.

" You! What would you do little boy " He laughed, " Mamashree you troubled our jyeshth but now we all won't let you trouble our to - be bhabi all four of us would be standing by her " Uttar replied. Keechak gritted his jaw and pushed uttar, uttara came running and glared angrily at him.
" Huh coward! Calling himself strong by pushing a Young boy " She smirked sarcastically. " Behave yourself uttara! You are talking to your mamashree " He roared.

" You don't deserve to be called as our mama. All you want is to get us married, keep your lusty gazes on women,create alliance with kingdoms so that your power would increase . When this all belongs to our pitashri and our jyeshth " Uttar replied him.
" Your pita can't disobey me " Keechak laughed. " Just wait till bhabhi arrives your days would be over " Uttara said pointing her finger at him and the siblings went out of the chamber, making keechak rock his fist on a nearby tabletable in anger.
Dasis were applying a paste of chandan powder on vedangi and lakshmana's face. A pigeon came through the window fluttering his wings and settled on vedangi's shoulder, the dasis moved aside, being scared. " Aree calm down, he is my pet " Vedangi giggled as the pigeon rubbed his beak on vedangi's neck.
" Cuckoo, from where is the letter " Vedangi opened the letter tied to his right feet.

" Tai, you should change his name. He is a pigeon and you have named him cuckoo! " Lakshmana said pouting.
" Lakshu, first of all she is ' she ' and not ' he'. And I call him cuckoo lovingly. You change the name of your horse, ' shera ' . It's a horse and you call him shera " Vedangi twisted her mouth. Vedangi opened the letter, by reading the name, she kept it aside and continued her work.

" Whose letter? And why did you ignore it? " Lakshmana asked confused. " Nothing, you just ignore " Vedangi plastered a smile. " Tai! Tell me " Lakshmana insisted. " Matsya yuvraj's ! In this one month he didn't bother to check upon me, how am I? How am I feeling? Nothing bothers to him. " Vedangi wiped a tear. " Tai, don't cry" Lakshmana came near her and kept the letter in s drawer.

" I did sent him a letter, but he didn't even reply. I don't want to gain anyone's sympathy but I am trying to handle myself, I had went through a huge incident lakshu! He didn't even bother to ask me how am I? " She cried more, lakshmana consoling her.
" Tai, he must be busy in some work, he is yuvraj and his mamashree would have kept him busy" Lakshmana said, vedangi nodded a bit and went to clean the chandan paste on her face.

" Meow... Meow... " Came a voice from the door. Lakshmana and vedangi glanced at each other and rolled their eyes, " Dvi.... " They turned to see dvipat standing and smiling sheepishly. Dvipat jerked and twisted his mouth looking at lakshmana.
" What happened? " They both asked.
" Lakshi didi , why are you looking like a witch " He faked horror.

" If ketu would have saw you like this, he would definitely be frightened " He shook his head. " Come on bhaiya, I am not like you, I am brave " Vrishketu entered there, and sat on vedangi's lap. Dvipat pouted and went out angrily.
" I just want to go away from here shankh! Mamashree is literally troubling me and trying to poison mama's mind against me. He don't even let me sleep peacefully, gives me loads and loads of work to do! Vedangi needs me, she is trying to handle herself " Shvet clutched his hair in frustration , shankh kept his palm on his brother's shoulder.

" My vedangi would also have to suffer this after getting married " He closed his eyes in despair, " This.. This was the reason I was stopping her from loving me " . " Putron " Maharaj virat called them, shankh and shvet stood up immediately adjusting themselves. " Pranipat pitashri " They greeted. " You both leave for anga tomorrow itself " Maharaj said. " Pitashri, but who will handle everything here? " Shvet exclaimed.

" Leave it all on me, bahu needs you now more " He smiled, shvet hugged his father out of affection, shankh also joined them. " Go, start your packing " He said separating them.
Hey, my lovely readers , the next part is here.
As some of you asked, their wedding would take place after some more time.
Hope you liked reading this chapter, let me know through your comments, they are much important for me 💖.

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