The family of matsya, who had came to hastinapur just for formality is now returning to their kingdom after making a relation with the family of anga. " We would meet soon for the wedding talks " Matsya raj virat said, making vedangi blush. " Sure maharaj, but our next meet would be in anga " Karna replied. As the men ascended their chariots and maharani sudeshna sat in her palanquin, there was exchange of a thousand words through eyes, between vedangi and shvet.
Though there were another pair of eyes, which were fixed on kaurav nandini, who was whispering something in ears of maitreyi and giggling. As the Chariots moved away the princes of matsya stood looking at the princesses of hastinapur and anga.
" Noo kakishree, you have to come with us to anga " Snigdha pleaded bhanu with puppy face. " Putri, I have works here " Bhanu pouted. " Leave it sinu, they won't come " Shon mock glared at them. They all were waiting outside the chamber of karna, waiting for maitreyi, lakshmana and vedangi to come with their luggage, they all were leaving for anga except bhanu and suyodhan.
" Okay bhanu don't come! Just happy that you both are sending the kids, won't matter you come or not " Supriya said, tired by bhanu's excuses. Bhanu huffed and turned her back towards supriya crossing her arms. Supriya bit her tongue realising, what she said and slapped the back of her head lightly. " All the best, calm the volcano now " Suyodhan whispered, making the others suppress their giggles.
" Bhanu! You are looking so pretty in this lehanga " She mock exclaimed but no response from bhanu. " Bhanu sorry no, is he angry bird in you still chirping? no... Not chirping screaming " She added. Vrushali pulled her near, " You have to please her not make her more angry " She whispered angrily in supriya's ears. " So, now my sakhi from childhood won't talk to me for this small incident! Okay! Happens people forget " She mock sniffled her mock tears.
Bhanu immediately turned and embraced supriya , " Drama queen " Bhanu nodded smiling. Away from the world, who called them family of sinners, these two families had their own world, filled with happiness and giggles of them and their children. Where no one from the outer was allowed to enter and nor would their opinions make any difference to them. They loved each other more than blood relations and were ready to do anything for each other, they all felt blessed for being part of such amazing family.
The grand doors of the anga palace were pushed open by its princess . The walls also smiled as their princess entered the palace after seven long years grinning widely. She twirled around herself savouring the feeling of coming back to her own home after years, though hastinapur was her second home, but this was the place she was born.
Both queens, king and everyone were also smiling widely. Snigdha and maitreyi entered the main door by pushing a pot filled with rice grains as they were coming here for the very first time and also their hand prints coloured with turmeric and Vermillion paste were printed on the walls as they were lakshmis of this household. The palace was soon filled with giggles and laughter of the children.
" Won't you take care of your hair even after you get married?" Vrushali complained , applying oil on her dear daughter's hair. " Seems you are waiting for me to get married " Vedangi pouted, " Yes I am your enemy " Vrushali nodded negative. " I wonder, why everyone calls bhanu angry bird, when you are the one " She added. " Like mother like daughter " Came a voice from the door, karna was standing there biting his lips to stop laughing.
" I can't agree more baba " Vedangi giggled biting her tongue. " Huh! It should be, like father like daughter " Vrushali nodded negative and all three of them burst laughing.
Karna beamed at his wife and daughter with admiration, they both were giggling like this freely after a, long time, he sighed trying to erase memories of whatever happened few days ago.
" Maa? What does getting married feels like? " Vedangi asked clutching her mother's lehanga. " It feels, like you have found your another half and you are complete now in every sense " Vrushali answered gazing at Karna.
" Maa you know whenever I see around I find love stories of a prince, princess, king queen etc etc.. But when I look at you both I find what true love means for commoners, because you both have been loving each other long before you were king and queen " She layed her head on vrushali's lap and held Karna 's hand into her's.
" I always know you both would be there for me supporting me in any situation. You both love me more than anyone else, how fortunate I am to be born as the daughter of digvijayi angraj vasusen and his equally strong wife" She snuggled hugging them both, sniffling her tears, Karna and vrushali patted her back, letting her out all her hidden tears.
" What's special today? And where are those two ghosties? " Susharma asked as the family had gathered for dinner.
" Susharma... Not two actually three. See maitreyi is also not here " Chitrasen added. " What enmity do you all have with my daughter! Always troubling them " Supriya glared at them.
" Aree supriya aai don't call maitreyi bhabi your daughter, she would become sister of chitra bhaiya " Banasen added biting his tongue.
" Enough of your teasing sessions putron, lakshmana and vedangi are preparing today's dinner and maitri is helping them " Vrushali replied to everyone. " Wh.. What they both are making dinner! Are you sure you want us alive till her wedding? " Prasen mocked. " Prasen! Don't say such things at the dinner table , you all are going to live a long life " Duvra scolded them.
Lakshmana, vedangi and maitreyi came out of the Royal kitchen, some maida holding containers of food behind them. They both had made curry, rice, friters, rotis, Savouries and halwa. All the boys looked at them with wide eyes, while vedangi and lakshmana smirked. The dinner was perfect with all the food items tasting fabulous, both princesses received praises from everyone in the family, but what made them more happy was the smile and satisfaction on everyone's face.
They thanked maitreyi mentally for helping them all these dishes, otherwise everyone would have to sleep without eating anything, because lakshmana was going to add salt in halwa instead of powdered sugar and dough that vedangi had made for rotis was way too sticky.
Hey, my lovely readers, the next part is here .
This part is full of family moments, do you'll want me to write some more scenes or should I start their wedding track, please comment.
Let me know your thoughts through your comments, they are much important for me💖.
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