[Unpacking ]

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Y/N Blackwell

8:00 AM
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock I started feeling around the air mattress I was laying on to find it.

When I finally found my phone I turned off the alarm got up and went to the bathroom brushing my teeth washing my face and taking a nice hot shower.

8:50 AM
After the shower I started moisturizing with Shea butter, cocoa, butter, and lotion picked out some underwear then walked to my closet picking out an outfit

   Going back to the bathroom to do my hair

Finishing the look with some light make up, when I was done I put everything back in their respected places then I walked downstairs seeing Zuri cooking breakfast,

and Jaden and Layla sitting at the island in their pajamas eating I said good morning to everyone and made myself a plate

" this is so good thank you Zuri" I said with the biggest smile food was always the way to my heart,

" You're welcome" she said with a smile making her own plate and sitting with us.

" What do you guys plan on doing today besides unpacking, because I was think
we hit up the furniture store and get actual places to sit" I said making everyone laugh and agree with me.

9:40 AM
I was sitting on my he island waiting for the girls to get ready, I heard someone
coming down the steps so I looked up seeing it was Zuri dressed and ready to go.

(Zuri's outfit)
I put my phone down and started talking to Zuri about her outfit and talking pictures for each others ig when Jaden and Layla came down the stairs dressed

( Layla's Outfit )

(Jaden's Outfit )
Once everyone was ready we all walked out side and got into Zuri's black Rolls Royce with red and black leather seats.

I connect my phone to the Bluetooth, putting in directions to the nearest furniture deals, and we started driving with the top down blasting
Bed time by Flo Milli

11:45 AM
We got to furniture deals, park the car, and walked into the building.

" welcome to furniture deals, I am Devonte is there anything specific you guys are looking for or are you guys just looking around?"

The man at the front desk said he was brown skin with locks covering his face he looked to be 28 or 29 with some tattoos on his arms from what I can see

" hi we just moved here and where looking for bedroom furniture" Zuri being the one to speak first.

" alright I can show you some sets and you can tell me what you think about them" Devonte said

showing us some bed room sets and we each picked our own he add them to the cart on a tablet he was holding
asking if we wanted anything else.

" do you guys have any massage chairs" I asked " yes we do actually" he answered

" would you like to check them out?" He asked

" yes" I replied with a smile on my face.

He took us to the front of the store and there was two different massage chairs,
one with the black and one was brown

" can I have the black one" I asked he quickly nodded and add it to the cart.

After we did all the paperwork Devonte said everything would be delivered some time in between 8:00 and 9:00.
4:30 PM

We finally got home form furniture, shopping and decor shopping I was mon my phone ordering more things for my room when I got a notification from Instagram

Kaicenat wants to dm you

Yo, I'm kai you might know me I'm
A streamer I was wondering if you
Wanted to be a guest on my stream
Hi, kai i would love to be on your
Stream just send a date and time
And I will fit it in my schedule
Great how does tomorrow at 7 sound?

       Sounds good just send me the
       Addy and where all set
Alright see you tomorrow
Here's the address
****************** Theyluv_Y/N
See you tomorrow and thank you

10:00 PM
I finally had a bed and my room was decorated to my liking

(The vanity is in the closet and the k will be whatever you're first initial is)

(You can pick one of these for your stream room or find your own)

I went down stairs to make me some dinner because everyone was sleeping in the comfort of their own beds and I was the only one up and I hadn't eaten since breakfast

11:00 PM
I was done cooking and was heading to the living room to watch something while I was eating I went to Netflix went to my account
and turned on my favorite show at the moment Mr. Iglesias. ( it's really good you should watch it)

11:30 PM
I was finished my food and started doing the dishes that I left in the sink I added some water and Dawn dish soap and started

cleaning them when I was done I went to the living room turned off the tv
fix up the pillows on the couch turned off all the light and quickly ran up the stairs with my phone flashlight on running into my room

I walked into my bathroom turned on some nice hot water took off my clothes and got in the water pressure felt amazing on my sore body I grabbed my vanilla sugar scrub putting it

all over my body getting all the dead skin of my body I put on my purple exfoliating gloves got a bar of Dove put some on the gloves and started to clean my body once I was done with that I got some liquid vanilla body wash

added it to the gloves and washed my body again I let the soap wash off my body I got out the shower grabbed my towel out of my towel warmer and put it on I

went to my sink and started to brush my teeth and doing my skincare walking out of the bathroom still I'm my towel over to my closet I picked out some silky pajamas

Hoping into my bed turning on my tv going to Netflix and turning Mr. Iglesias back on slowly starting to feel my eyes get heavy and falling into the darkness of sleep.


Devonte Smith
Job: furniture deals/streamer

Any thoughts on this chapter?
Words : 1100

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