[Fresh Start]

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Y/N Blackwell
6:00 Am
I was on the plane to Atlanta with my sister zuri and my best friends Layla and Jaden, it was like a breath of fresh air getting away from California it felt like I was finally free from my
abusive ex.
The only thing really keeping me going was my sister,job, and my best friends.

We had about 3 more hours on the plane and I can't wait for them to be over. I just
want to get to my new place, so I can settle in and get a feel of everything. I looked to my right to see Jaden

Asleep with her head on Zuri's shoulder and Zuri watching one of the movies she downloaded
Before we got on the flight,I looked
at the row across for us and seen Layla playing some games on her phone to pass the time.

I decided to listen to some music and read a book to pass the time I went to one of my favorite playlist of love songs and started reading.
After about 30 minutes of reading I was getting tired

I decided to take a nap so I closed my book, placed it in my bag, took off my headphones put on my sleeping mask because it was really
bright on the plane and closed my eyes drifting into the darkness of sleep.

Zuri Blackwell
6:30 Am
We're on the plane to Atlanta and I look to my left to check up on Y/N, only to find her sound asleep, she looks so peaceful like she
didn't have a care in the world. She looked relaxed and calm.

I looked at her wrist to see light, purple handprints on them, it brought me back to when she showed up to my house

with a huge cut on her stomach.

I remember when she showed up at my door with huge cut on her stomach
That had blood seeping out of it that-completely covered the white shirt she was wearing
tears in her eyes she look pale and I could see in those beautiful coco brown eyes pain and hurt.

I immediately jumped into action.
I grabbed her and ran into the downstairs bathroom sitting her on the toilet seat and looking under the sink for the first aid kit i pulled up her shirt,
cleaning the wound with alcohol and peroxide once the blood finally stopped, I grab some

healing ointment and some Band-Aids and  gauze to wrap up the wound. "What happened" I asked looking at her with concern written
all over my face,  she looked at me then to the floor over and over as if saying she was scared to answer.
I lifted my hand to place it on her shoulder and she flinched,

It was almost if she thought I was going to hit her. I carefully bent down so she would look in my eyes asking again "what happened" she looked at the bathroom wall for a good 30 seconds before answering

with tears streaming down her face. " jorden got mad at me because when he got home dinner wasn't done" she paused then looked at me and continued.

" he started yelling at me calling me all kinds of names like a dumb bitch,whore,and slut" she stopped talking and look at the wall again.

" when I tried to explain why it wasn't done h-he grabbed the knife off the counter and started cutting me"
she started to get choked up with tears and broke down.

I didn't know what to do but to hug her and try my best to comfort her she started talking again.
" he told me that he didn't want to hear my excuses he grabbed his keys walked back to the door and looked at me he told when he got back dinner better be done"

it was hard to understand her because of the tears but I knew understood enough to get what she was saying. She continued once more.

" I didn't know what to do, but I packed a bag and drove here because i couldn't be there anymore."
It was quite for some time then

finally I asked how long has this been happening. She looked and me the to the floor and said something but I didn't hear
her " huh" I asked

  " 9 months" she spoke louder and my heart dropped to my ass as she
looked away from me.

I looked at her in disbelief of the news. The room became silent the only sound in the room was her quiet sobs. I finally got the courage to speak again.

" why didn't you tell me sooner" I asked she looked up at me

" I didn't know how I was scared if I told anyone it would get worse but this was the final straw I couldn't take it anymore" she responded, some little tears slipping from her eyes.

" your not going back there" I told her with a stern voice and a straight face. She looks confused as to what I meant.

" what do you mean" she asked " you're not going back there"

I  responded she looked me in the eyes, I watched as her face filled with joy and happiness, tears still falling, but this time not sad tears happy tears.

She ended up staying the night at my place. And the next morning when Jordan was at work we packed all her things and she stayed with me.

[End of flashback]
7:00 Am
I was pulled out of my thoughts when one of the flight attendants tapped my shoulder,

" would you like anything to drink or a snack?" She asked

I was actually kinda thirsty so it was perfect timing
" can I get a sprite" I asked she sent me a small smile and nodded.

She got a cup and some sprite of the cart in front of her, and gave it to me 

" thank you" she smiled and nodded once again before continuing her journey down the aisle.

Y/N Blackwell
8:00 AM
I woke hearing my name being called, when I opened my eyes I was face to face with Jaden.

" the plane is landing" she said I was to tired to talk so I just nodded my head and started getting my things together.

8:30 AM
We were waiting for our bags to come from the conveyor.
I finally start to see my suitcases coming down along with everyone else's.

9:00 AM
We finally made it to the new place, I was so excited I got all my bags and ran into the penthouses lobby to get the keys,room number, and the floor it was on.

By the Time i got all the information the girls where waiting by the elevator waiting for me I gave them all a key and we went to the 10th floor to room number 490

we made it to the penthouse it was huge I ran up the steps to find the biggest room out
of the 8 bed rooms.

There was a long hallway and at the end there was a room with large double doors I ran to them, swung the doors open, and it was beautiful The ceilings
were super high.

Whole bunch of windows black out curtains there were two other doors in the room that I could only assume we're a closet in a bathroom so I walked towards one of the rooms and opened it to find a bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and walk to the second room, seeing that it was a beautiful walk in closet.

I instantly knew this room was for me and ran downstairs to get my

I hauled all my bags up the steps and back to the room, placing them on the floor I started unpacking, going to the closet placing shoes on shelves and clothes on hangers.

Just making everything to my Likee

I then picked up another suitcase sitting in the bathroom and unpacking everything such as
skin care, body wash, deodorant, Shea, butter, cocoa, butter, perfume, lotion, sugar, scrub, exfoliating, gloves, and make up.

once I was done, I blew up an air mattress took a shower, changed into some pajamas, setting an alarm for the morning, deciding
that I was going to go shopping for furniture and room. Decor then went to bed.


The penthouse


Hope you enjoyed it!
Words: 1419

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