Chapter: Thirty-Two
Fred and George's Fault
Dear Moomy, Dadfoot,
I hope you two are doing great, cause we are not. You might know, that Umbridge is our headmistress now. She changed everything. We along with the rest of the DA had detention with her the other day. And guess what?! My hand hurts like a bitch because of that bitch (Sorry not sorry about my language). Harry feels guilty that it's all his fault that Dumbledore almost got into Azkaban. I mean, I think it's my fault too. So can't really blame him. And, what really happened to Dumbledore? Is he okay? I mean, he literally vanished off the room with his phoenix. Honestly, now if someone tells me that pigs fly. I'm going to believe it without the blink of an eye because of the number of unusual things I've seen in the past almost six years.
That's not the only thing right now, we have O.W.Ls. The teachers are giving us homework like we're some machines. Snape gave us a five feet long essay to do this weekend, can you believe it? I bet he was one of those students who reminded the teachers about the homework. Wait... You were his classmate. So you must know. Did he do it? You know what, tell me about it when we come back. Anyways I'm going to fail. Sorry in advance for that.
Anyways, the ministry is taking over Hogwarts. So I don't think I'll be able to write anymore as they will be checking our letters (Especially ours as we are the so-called threat), so consider this my last letter before summer. Stay safe and take care of yourselves.
Love always,
The smarter, prettier overall better twin aka Hailey Potter
Hailey tied the letter to Hedwig and sent it off. It was true indeed. O.W.Ls were just around the corner. Hermione and Hailey had spent most of their time in the library studying as much as they could. Both of them had dark circles under their eyes and rarely did anything other than study.
Harry and Ron were pretty chill though. They were studying, but not as much as the girls. So those two along with Fred went to the kitchen to bring some food for them.
"Hello ladies," Fred said cheerfully as they all sat down beside Hailey and Hermione. "We bought you food!"
"And it is your favourite Hails. chocolate muffin." Ron said as he put the chocolate muffins and biscuits in front of them.
"Thank you," Hailey said smiling at them gratefully.
"You guys didn't have to though," Hermione said taking a biscuit.
"Oh please," Fred said dismissively. "I did this for my girlfriend."
"And I did it for mine," Ron said.
"And I did it because I was hungry," Harry said with a small shrug shoving an entire biscuit in his mouth before chewing. Someone has been spending too much time with Ron. Well of course as they are best friends, share the same dorm and the breaks. "So which subject are you doing?"
"Cool. I didn't finish the Divination homework yet." Harry said dusting the crumbs off his hands. "Can I copy your Ron?"
"Wait... Divination homework?" Ron asked as Hailey and Hermione shared a look. "Bloody hell. I totally forgot about that one. Hailey can I cop- Oh I forgot you don't have that Divination." Both of the boys got up to bring their books.
"So, you and Georgie are leaving next week?" Hailey asked as she took a bite from her muffin.
"Yup," Fred said proudly popping the p. "We'll make a grand exit. So grand, that Hogwarts will remember us forever."
"They will," Hermione said with a smile as Hailey awed. They were her otp.
"And all our products are free for you two. So, you can come to our shop whenever you want." Fred said as Hailey rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me Ms Potter-Weasley. I can bet on my life that you two will get married within the next five years."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"What are you guys talking about?" Ron asked as he sat down with his Divination book.
"Nothing." Hailey lied. "So what homework do you have?"
"Something about predicting the future," Ron said with a shrug.
"Yeah. A few things about what will happen in the next ten years." Harry said pulling the parchment and quill out of his bag before pushing his glasses further on his nose bridge. "So what will happen in the next ten years Ron?"
"Dunno... Fred and George will have a shop." He suggested.
"Yes... And of course, I'll suffer. What will I suffer from?"
"Someone will steal your car."
"Brilliant. Then... I will break a leg."
"Yes. And... We'll be twenty-five or twenty-six, so we must have a family."
"Yeah. I don't think I'll marry Cho. So I'll write I won't be married."
"Okay, and I will be married to Hailey and-" Hailey's eyes widened like the size of a golf ball as she looked at Fred who smirked and muttered a told ya so. Hermione covers her mouth and giggled. Ron and Harry were having too much fun throwing around weird ideas to even notice them.
"I predict the future better than Trelawney does," Fred whispered making Hailey blush even more. Did Ron actually want to marry her?
Oh my god, Hailey Lily Potter! You're fifteen! JUST FIFTEEN! Stop thinking about getting married for Merlin's sake. You have O.W.Ls to think about!
Yes right. Sorry. I shouldn't get distracted. But what if-
No what if's! STUDY!
It's all Fred and George's fault.
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