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Chapter: Thirty-One

No Shit Sherlock

"I'm tired," Hailey whined wrapping her arms around Ron. Her head was pressed against his chest as she yawned.

"And that is because you and Hermione studied too late last night." He replied resting his chin on top of her head. Actually she and Hermione were researching in the library about what happened the other day. They found out it indeed was possible to resist the veritaserum through a few methods, which calmed her down. But it took them a while. And along with that, they had class, and DA training. It was sucking the energy out of her. "You're so small."


"You're small," Ron said with a laugh. "You're like a small cuddly little panda." He said as she scoffed. He was always taller than her. But he loved it.

"Hey guys! Stop with this PDA. I'm sick of watching you two smooching all the time!" Harry exclaimed making both of them groan. "You two are attached by the hips."

"Jelly much Harold? I bet you wish this was you and Cho." Hailey said making her brother turn red. She chuckled to herself before going over to help the younger students who were talking with Fred and George. More like those two were trying to sell their products to the kids. "I feel like there is a ninety percent possibility that you guys are trying to sell your products."

"We are indeed." Both of them said with a similar grin. "Fancy some puking pastilles?"

"Nah, I'm all good." She said holding her hands up. "I remember Harry and Hermione strictly asking you two not to sell products in school guys." She said as the younger students left.

"We know. But we can't help it. We need to promote our shop." George said with a small shrug. "Want one fever fudge? You know they are free for you." Fred said.

"And why is that?"

"You, first of all, are one of our financiers," George said.

"Second of all, you get family discount." Said Fred. "So that makes it completely free for the lifetime."

"Family discount?" Hailey asked with a confused look. "Friends and family you mean."

"You are a friend and a family Hailey Potter." They both said she looked at them with a look of awe. That was the sweetest thing they had ever said to her.


"Of course. We all know Ron will get down on one knee as soon as you two graduate. Then you'll officially become our family." Fred said as Hailey looked at them with a blank face before hitting the back of their head. "What?"

"I thought you guys were being all sweet. I should've guessed." She said shaking her head in disbelief. They really need to stop with the getting married joke.

"Oh c'mon. Don't say you don't want to marry our little Ickle Ronnikins." George said holding her shoulder to turn her towards Ron who was talking to Harry. His red hair fell over his eyes as he smacked Harry before both of them burst into laughter.

She was imagining him wearing a black tuxedo. Standing at the end of the aisle looking as handsome as ever. She would definitely make Hermione her maid of honour. Harry would probably be Ron's best man. She would ask Sirius or Remus to walk her down the aisle. Mrs Weasley most probably would ball her eyes out. Would she invite the Dursleys? Absolutely not. And-

"Yup. Now she's imagining her entire wedding including the wedding song and whom to invite." Fred said with a laugh nudging Hailey bringing her out of her imagination. She blushed before pushing George's arms off her.

"Absolutely not. You guys are mad." She lied. "And what about you Freddie? Planning on getting down on one knee any time soon?"

"No actually." He replied truthfully. "I and Mione talked about wedding a few days back. She said she wanted a proper job and all before tying knots. That would take several years. But I'm ready to wait. I'll wait my entire life for her."

"Hermione is doing a great job at making you deep," Hailey said as George nodded along.

"I know right! There are these times when he just randomly starts talking all this deep shit making me feel even more single than I am." The boy said making her laugh. He and Angelina had broken up. Both of them said they were not ready for a serious relationship yet. But they were good friends.

All of a sudden there was a loud banging noise. All three of them shared a look. The entire DA had stopped moving. Nigel slowly walked towards the source of the noise. Another loud bang. This time Harry moved forward and saw the walls crumble a bit. Another loud bang and the glasses broke down making all the students grab their wands.

Hailey moved in front of the crowd towards Hermione and Ron, followed closely by the Weasley twins. Ron clutched her hand as soon as he saw her, immediately pulling her closer to him. "What's going on?" She asked.

As if on the cue Harry pushed himself and Nigel away from the wall as it broke down making the grounds shake. Hailey's jaws dropped as she watched Umbridge standing there with the Inquisitorial squad behind her. Draco was standing closely holding Cho by her collar.

"Get them," Umbridge said as all of her squad were circling them. And of course, the first few people they took were Harry, Hailey, Hermione and Ron.

"Get your fucking hands away from me, I can walk." Hailey spat venomously at Goyle tried to hold her, making him take a step back.

"Well guess what Potter? You don't have a choice." Malfoy said who grabbed Hailey by her bicep while Goyle grabbed Ron. She tilted her head to the side to see Umbridge taking Harry somewhere ahead.

"Where is she taking him?" She asked Malfoy as she knew he would know what's going on. He was a teacher's pet (only for Snape and Umbridge though).

"To Dumbledore's office." He said with his signature sneer. "The minister is coming over. That old hag and your brother are over."

"You son of bitch." She said as she slapped in hard across the cheeks getting everyone's attention. She always got mad when someone talked bad about Harry, Ron, Hermione. Or her parents, or Sirius or Remus, or Hagrid... More like anyone she cared about.

"Wicked huh? That's my girlfriend." Ron whispered proudly to Goyle who had his jaws slightly apart. No one had hit Draco... Other than Hermione and now Hailey of course.

"And my soon going to be sister in law." The Weasley twins said who was right by them making him roll his eyes.

"How dare you..." Draco whispered not really knowing what to say. His pale cheeks were now red as he stuttered. "Y-You filthy-"

"Half-blood? Thanks." She said rolling her eyes as they waited in front of the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance of Dumbledore's office. Only Harry and Cho were taken by Percy which completely changed all the Weasleys mood. Though he pretended like he didn't even see his siblings, but all four of them were clearly hurt.

Ten minutes went by. But nothing happened.

"What do you reckon is going on?" Hermione asked Hailey who shrugged.

"Dunno... Something bad I'm guessing." She answered truthfully. She was guessing the ministry will do something to Dumbledore and make Umbridge the headmaster. Well, that was always their goal.

A few minutes later, the gargoyle finally moved. Umbridge was there with Harry, Cho, Fudge, Kingsley, McGonagall and Percy behind her. She had a big smile plastered on her toad-like face. Fudge came forward and cleared his throat.

"Students, welcome your new headmaster."

No shit Sherlock.

A/N:  I hate Umbitch. But update cause we reached 11k +

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