Chapter: Forty-Seven
Hospital Wing
Hailey sighed as she sat there in the hospital wing holding Ron's hand. So apparently Romilda Vane had tried to slip Harry some love potion through chocolate. But Ron ended up eating those. Then they went to professor Slughorn for help and there he somehow got poisoned by the wine they drank.
"So, all in all, not one of Ron's best birthdays," Fred said. He and George had come down to Hogsmead to surprise him for his birthday. They definitely didn't expect this to happened. No one did.
"This isn't how we imagined handing over presents," George said putting down a large wrapped gift beside the table. Mr and Mrs Weasley too had come over as soon as they heard what happened. They were in Dumbledore's office talking about the incident.
"Yeah. When we picture the scene, he was conscious." Fred said wrapping an arm around Hermione.
"But I still don't get why Slughorn would want to poison Ron though," Hailey said. "I mean, I don't know him well, but he doesn't look like the type who would kill."
"Maybe the poison was for Harry," Fred said grimly. "Got the glass mixed up I suppose. You know people are after him. He's the chosen one and all." He took one of the chairs and sat down.
"Why would Slughorn want to kill Harry?" Ginny asked.
"You can't really trust anyone right now. Death eaters are everywhere." Hermione said leaning against the chair. Many words were not exchanged among them. Hagrid too came in who had a conversation with the Weasley twins and Harry.
Hailey wasn't particularly interested in the conversation they were having. Her mind was racing through all the things that could've gone wrong. When did she become such a negative person? Soon enough, Mr and Mrs Weasley came to the hospital wing. Mrs Wealsey immediately pulled Harry in a hug.
"Dumbledore's told us how you saved him with the bezoar." She sobbed. "Oh, Harry. What can we say? You saved Ginny... You saved Arthur and now you've saved Ron..."
"Don't be..." Harry mutter awkwardly looking back at his sister who smiled.
"Half our family does seem to owe you their lives, now that I think about it." Mr Weasley said. "Well all I can say is that it was a lucky day for the Weasleys when Ron decided to sit in your compartment, Harry."
"Not more than six visitors at a time." Madam Pomfrey reminded them. Harry, Hermione, Hagrid and Hailey were about to get up to let the family have their moment, but Hailey felt Ron clutch her hand.
"Oh no, Hailey. You stay. It's alright." Mrs Weasley said smiling at the girl. She came forward and brushed the hair out of Ron's face. "He'd want you to be there when he wakes up."
"He'd want her to be everywhere," George said snickering earning a glare from the two women. "What?"
"He's not wrong," Ginny said smirking.
"You guys are annoying. Besides don't tell me you don't want to spend Every moment with Hermione." Hailey said rolling her eyes.
"Shove off Hailey."
"Shove off Freddie."
Ron had woken up later that day frantically. "I had the weirdest dreams. I was falling off some roof." He had said and Hailey tried her best not to laugh at how confused the boy looked. "And then the love potion... It was so weird."
"Do you remember anything before you passed out?"
"Merlin... Yes. It was horrible. I don't know why... I liked Romilda... Eh... Harry threw his dirty sock at my face." His face scrunched up thinking about it.
"What? Why?" Hailey asked.
"Because I said I was in love with Romilda. He thought I was cheating on you or something." He said making her burst into fits of laughter. " She was imagining an angry Harry throwing a dirty sock at a drunk Ron's face. It was a serious situation, but it was Ron's storytelling skills that made it funny. "Don't blame him though. Thank god he didn't hex me."
A few days later was one of the most anticipated matches of the year. Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. And Hailey heard Luna Lovegood was going to be the commentator. Ron was really upset that he couldn't play. So Hailey had stayed in the hospital wing with him instead of going. Both of them were enjoying their time, eating chocolates and listening to Luna's hilarious commentary.
But soon enough they heard McLaggen had hit Harry with the bludger. He was rushed to the hospital wing immediately.
"You boys worry me so much. I will get grey hair before I turn eighteen." Hailey said shaking her head. She wanted to skip dinner so she could stay with the two but later had to leave because Madam Pomfrey sent her.
"Harry's gonna be upset when he finds out how much we lost by," Hermione said once they reached the great hall. Hailey looked around to search for Ginny, but couldn't find her. "Looking for Ginny? She got detention."
"Let me guess. She hexed McLaggen?" She asked as the girl nodded with a chuckle. "That nutter deserved it."
"Oh no. Who are you? And what have you down to your Hermione Granger?"
"Oh shut up."
They definitely destroyed the nerdy Hermione.
A/N: Don't forget to check my Spotify for the playlist.
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