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Chapter: Forty-Eight

Wet Dog

"What the hell?!"

"Look calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down Harry James Potter."

"Okay sorry. Continue."

"This is crazy... So let me get this straight, Malfoy tried to use the cruciatus curse on you?" Hailey asked as her brother nodded frantically. He had finished telling Hermione, Hailey, Ron and Ginny about what had happened in the bathroom. "Then you used a curse you read in a book from the library?" The boy nodded again. Hermione was already mad at him, he didn't need Hailey to add up to that. "Then Snape put you in detention?"


"Are you not telling me something?" She asked sitting down beside him. He was about to open his mouth to protest when Hailey continued. "I know you worry about me and stuff... But you can't hide everything from me. Do you think I don't notice the way you have been acting the past few months? You have to tell me, Harry. I can try to help because what you did... You could have killed him."

So he did. He told her all about his suspicions on Draco Malfoy being a death eater.  How he thinks Draco had something to do with Katie getting cursed. The half blood prince book. How it didn't just have potion tricks, it had dark spells in them. "I know I should've told you... But... No one believed me. And I... Didn't want to worry you.'

"Harry... I am your sister. Even if the world was against you, I will always believe you." Hailey said looking up at him.


"No Harold. You should've told me the truth earlier. Am I mad? Yes. What do you have to do? Buy me chocolate. Other than that I'm not mad. Just throw the book away or something. It's not safe." She said as he sighed. She knew he wanted to keep the book, but it wasn't safe keeping a book that contained dark magic in it. "Clear?"

"Crystal clear... But what about Quidditch? We don't have a seeker."

"You'll figure it out. You always do."  Hailey said smiling up at him as he hugged her. Once again. The wise old Hailey made Harry feel better.

"I wish I had siblings like that," Ginny said making all four of them laugh. Harry and Hailey did have their fair share of bickering. But in the end of the day, Harry was the last bit of family she had. She tried her best not to argue with him and vice versa. "What? I just have obnoxious brothers."

"Hey, I'm not obnoxious!" Ron exclaimed pushing her as both of them poked their tongues out at each other.

"I'm surrounded by a bunch of kids," Hermione said shaking her head. She looked at the watch and got up. "Hailey and I'll be at the astronomy tower studying. If you guys need anything, you'll find us there." Their study session was still going on. They both were learning some advanced magic.

"Okay. See you two later guy." Ron said getting up to kiss Hailey's cheek.

"You guys are so cute, that it's gross."


Slytherin verse Gryffindor Quidditch match was something Hogwarts was obsessed with. Especially since they were rival houses. There was always this unwritten rule among all the students and teachers. Gryffindors and Slytherins cannot be friends.

Hailey and Hermione had come to cheer for their friends. It was the last match of the semester. If Gryffindors won, it would be Harry's first time winning a Quidditch cup as a captain, even though he wasn't on the match. Ginny had taken up his position as the seeker for the match while Dean Thomas took her position as the chaser.

Ron had insisted Hailey to wear his jersey. "Oh c'mon. If you support me, I can play better. Plus it looks cute. Now take it. No complaining." He had said.

"I honestly don't get Quidditch," Hermione said with a frown as Slytherin scored making half of the crowd cheer loudly. "Like, what's so special about it?"

"I wish I knew the hype." She said with a laugh. Even though they didn't know much about Quidditch, they certainly knew the basics. Especially since they had boyfriends who were on the team and Hailey's brother was the captain. But from the basic knowledge, they knew Gryffindor was playing good.

"Ron's playing good today!" She heard Colin Creevey say as he defended another shot.

All in all, the match ended with Ginny catching the snitch which meant Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup once again.

"Twice in a row!" Ron exclaimed pulling Hailey in a tight hug.

"God, you smell wet dog. Take a shower first." She said making the boy pout. "But that was a good match."

"Good? Bloody brilliant. Harry will be proud." He said swinging an arm around her shoulder. The team had quickly changed in the locker room and it was time for another Gryffindor common room party.

About fifteen minutes into the party the door opened revealing a pale Harry. But seeing everyone's faces he knew.

"We won!" Ron yelled pushing the trophy in his hand. "We won! Four hundred and fifty to a hundred and forty!"

"It was good. Can you believe it? Even Hermione enjoyed." Hailey said as the boy laughed. Everyone got out of their way to talk to him about his good leadership. But the most interesting part was when Ginny had came up to him with the most excited look on her face. And without thinking twice Harry had pressed his lips to hers.

"Holy shit," Hailey said as her jaws dropped, if it was possible, it would be on the floor. She looked over at Ron who fake gaged earning a smack on the back of his head from her. "They're kissing. Oh my god finally."

As soon as they pulled back the room was filled with wolf whistles. Harry's eyes immediately found it's way to Ron's. He gave him a small encouraging nod. "Even though that was disgusting. I suppose I can allow that."

"Give it a rest. It was adorable!" Hermione squealed.

"Go get some Harold!" Hailey exclaimed making her brother's face turn beet red. "Didn't think that was in him."

"Me neither."


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