Chapter Thirsteen

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You leaned up against the wall, sitting on the floor with the detonator switch in one hand, your other holding a pistol at the ready. The footsteps were heavy coming down the hall and you knew it wasn't your brother. The voice was wrong, the silhouette you saw for a second was off, and he's dead. You burned him and what gets burned stays dead. You cringed at the blood curdling noises that he was making, the laughing, snickering, and whistling as he came down the hallway.

"You know something?" He called tauntingly, near the door now, and you cocked your gun slow enough so it was inaudible, "I pictured this moment in my head, but it wasn't so dramatic! No, no, it was more with your body skewed up in a tree, pieces slowly falling to the ground as it decayed for the dogs to eat."

"Yeah?" You called back, "Well, I never pictured this moment, but when I blow your freakin' brains out, I'll make sure to say a little prayer for you."

"No, you won't."

"You're right," You nodded even though he couldn't see you, "I'm not much of the praying type."

Just as you finished your sentence, he came around the corner and you shot at him, but he pulled back just in time.

"Fiesty!" He shouted excitedly and you crawled behind a nearby table, "But you're not as strong as you think you are, little sister."

You checked how many bullets you had left, and it wasn't many, so you put a hand to the floor. You tried to reach his pulse, but you were yanked back, your powers not strong enough.

"The hell." You muttered under your breath, panic starting to rise in your chest.

"That won't work," He laughed, "Baby sis, do you even realize that you've been shot in the leg?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, checking your legs, and sure enough, there was a spot on your left calf that was staining your pants with blood, but you couldn't feel it.

"You keep using your body as a weapon," He continued, "And soon enough, it'll break."

"You're not my brother." You grumbled, loading up what you had, and deciding you'll have to do this without your abilities.

"Well, not technically," He thought out loud, looking down at himself as you searched your person for any last second help you might've packed, "The body is some dead war hero turned super soldier, the hearts from a couple of athletes, sets of lungs from some swimmers, and blah, blah, blah..."

You went up and shot out in his direction, hitting him twice in the chest and once in the knee.

"Ow!" He yelled, shooting back blindly as he limped a bit, "That hurts! And like more than physical, I'm talking real emotional bruises here, ya know, cause we're family."

You were breathing heavily, two bullets left, and you didn't even get him to the ground with that attack, but he nicked your arm.

"But the brain!" He yelled, his voice angry and defiant, "The brain is all Leo L/n! And my god, does he have issues," He was loading up something of his own as he spoke and you were running out of time, "Abandonment issues, mommy and daddy issues, and don't even get me started on how much he loathed you," He shook his head, his own heart bleeding out, but he barely noticed as his other just seemed to pump stronger, "Mother's favorite, the perfect daughter, and how close you were to your dad. Oh my god, it's like all he thought about was trying to be better than you in something. But, well, we both know he died before that could happen," You shut your eyes, trying to will those thoughts away because he was trying to toy with you, get your guard down, and you couldn't let him, "Come on out, Y/n, show me what you've learned!"

"You need a court order for birth records in a big city," You started, and he had a look of confusion that you couldn't see, "But in a small town, well, there's no need."


"Do you know why people buy babies?" You didn't wait for an answer before continuing, "In the old days it was people who couldn't have them. Now a days," You widened your eyes in disbelief, "It's a fucking service industry, selling them, or," You then smirked to yourself, "So, you're just bought goods, harvested to be some meat vacuum of everything they could jam pack into what they deemed a viable vessel to hold it all," You loaded your last clip, two bullets left, and took a deep breath, "But there's a slight snag in all that malware."

"Oh, yeah?" He smirked, thinking you were just stalling, and he wasn't completely wrong, "What's that?"

"Your brain might be my brother's, but it's still the only one you have."

The second you finished your sentence, you popped up and sent one shot out, using his voice and heavy breathing for a location, and the brain matter splattered back against the wall before he fell to his knees and then on his face.

Your arms were fritzing, blinking the yellow dust particles and the longer they went out, the more you realized you were in terrible shape. You must've slid into something when you jumped out of the way of his shots when he first showed up because your shoulder had a massive hole in it. You eyed the bloody pole where you had retreated and cursed yourself for being so sloppy. Your leg gave out and you limped, holding onto anything you could to get back to the detonator that was abandoned on the other side of the room.

You needed to blow this place up and you needed to do it before more guards found you, if there were more. There was also mountains of evidence and dirt on people from all over the world that no one person, or even SHIELD, should be in possession of. Sure, you wiped the main system, but this group wasn't stupid, there were surely backups throughout this place.

You made it out the long halls and through the door before you heard more coming from behind it. You hit the button and the entire place blew to pieces, floating in a dark smoke-filled sky within moments. You fell back against a tree trunk and heard the dogs barking as they ran away from the explosion. Your face was covered in soot and some cuts from the debris, but you were breathing. Your ears were shot to hell, being so close to the explosion, but you counted yourself lucky.

You were breathing.

You called the helicopter to land in an open area in the woods and loaded the wings onto it before putting in a location without a second thought. You sat back, clutching your shoulder as your powers faded more and more, needing a recharge. They weren't vanishing, you could still feel them trying to heal your leg, but you were so physically exhausted from the effort that you ended up passing out only about ten minutes into the flight.

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