Chapter 9

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*(y/n) pov*
You spent the night in Jesses room, nothing happened you just slept. Part of you was sacred that he would leave you again if you left.
"(Y/n), you wanna shower first?" He asked
"Um sure but I don't have any clothes" you shrugged
" take this" he looked through his dresser drawer before pulling out a rustic red shirt and tossing it at you.
Walking into the bathroom you looked under his sink for a towel and found one before turning on the shower and taking off your clothes.
You took your hair down and got in, feeling the water rush down you. You noticed his body wash and opened it, it smelled like him, masculine and outdoors like. You smiled and took some, rubbing it down your body and rinsing it off. Then taking the shampoo and conditioner and doing the same, getting ready to step out you where expecting a towel or rug but there was only cold tile as you slipped and hit your head so that you sat right across from the door.
You heard heavy footsteps approach the door
"(Y/n) was you okay?"
You made a quick attempt to cover yourself with your towel, not well but hopefully it covered everything.
His eyes averted to the ground
"I just wanted to make sure you where okay darlin" he smirked
"I-I'm good, just slipped" you chuckled awkwardly.
He nodded and closed the door behind him as you sighed in relief and got up. Putting his shirt on and your underwear you knew it was a risky move but you trusted him and you didn't want to be uncomfortable. You decided to leave your wet hair unbrushed and grabbed your stuff walking out of the bathroom. The cold air hit your semi dry skin and made you shiver as you walked out of the bathroom and saw his sitting there playing with his revolver.
He noticed you and got up to grab his clothes and walk into the bathroom without saying a word. Maybe he was mad at you? Or maybe he was just tired. You let that go and set your stuff down by the ground next to his bed and climbed in.
His sheets where soft and warm contrasting with the bitter cold air. You snuggled in and wrapped your arms around his pillow while laying your head on it.

*jesse pov*

There was a loud noise in the bathroom and that made me worried. I got up from where I was laying on my bed and walked over to the bathroom door to hear a groan from the other side. Opening the door without another thought I raced in to make sure she was okay.
My eyes darted to the ground as soon as I saw (y/n) on the floor with nothing but a towel covering her.
"I just wanted to make sure you where okay darlin" I smirked
"I-I'm good, just slipped"
I nodded slowly and closed the door behind me sighing in relief. The image of her wet body covered in nothing but a small towel kept rolling through my mind. I felt the tent in my pants perk up as I cussed at myself for thinking of her in that way. I laid back down and toyed with my gun, trying to keep my mind off of her before I lost it.
She finally came out of the bathroom in my shirt on, I could see her lace underwear just a little bit underneath it. Damn this women was trying to kill me. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom without saying a word. Once I was in there I locked the door and sat down on the toilet seat. Unzipping my pants so I could take care of this 'problem' before taking a shower.

*(y/n) pov*

You had been laying there for about five minutes before he finally came out of the shower. You did do some snooping but didn't really find anything good.
The door opened revealing a half dried off Jesse with long hanging shorts on. His abs glistened from the water as your eyes traveled all the way down to his v line. You tried to look away but you found it rather difficult, luckily he wasn't looking at you at the moment. He hung up his towel and walked in the sit next to you. You had regained your composure at this point and he laid next to you.
He looked over at you as you did the same just starring into each others eyes.
"(Y/n), did you ever wonder why you didn't remember your childhood?"
"No, I guess I never thought about it, why?"
"Well I was thinking... when you had all those experiments done on you, do you think maybe you lost your memory's a side affect of something they gave you?"
"That would make seen I guess"
You didn't really know the reason why you didn't remember but he did bring up a good point.
"Well I mean they left me with an awesome power so I guess it wasn't all for nothing" You smiled over at him.
"What exactly does your power do?" He asked
"I'll show you"
You saw his metal belt laying over in the corner  and using your power you picked it up and brought it over to where you and Jesse where laying without having to lift a finger.
Jesse looked shocked and maybe a little freaked out. He reached out and grabbed the belt from mid air.
"That is the most amazin thing I think I've ever seen sweet pea"
He smiled over to you
"Do you think you would be able to control my arm?" He questioned
"Maybe if I tried really hard"
He held out his arm and laid it on the bed, using more of your pier then before you lifted only one of his fibers before giving up.
You panted gently
"Cybernetics are harder to love because they are connected to a nervous system" you explained
"Well I guess that makes sense"
Nothing much was said after that. He pulled you in close and wrapped his arms around you.
"Don't worry I'll still be here in the morning"
He said reassuring you.


Okay heres the thing guys, do you like it when I change the POV? Also do you like the way this story is headed and is there anyway that you might change it? I'm open for suggestions! Love you guys! Your the best!

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