You woke up to someone banging on the door. You rubbed your eyes as you made your way to the door and opened it.
"Mornin sweet pea"
Jesse stepped into your apartment and set in your chair.
"Well come on in I guess" you said sarcastically before closing the door.
He was already dressed in jeans, his boots and a black t shirt, still in his hat a signature belt. He looked up at you and smiled.
"Did I wake you?" He asked obviously knowing the answer.
You where still in your long shirt and spandex from last night. You hair you could only imagine was a mess.
"No I've been up for hours" you rolled your eyes and walked into your bathroom.
You left the door open as you brushed your teeth. Jesse didn't say anything as he sat there in silence just watching you. His eyes made there way to something else in the corner of the room when you walked out.
"So what are we doing today?" You asked while opening your dresser drawer.
Thank goodness you had gone shopping earlier this week. You pulled out some light colored skinny jeans with a white colored tank top. You where never really one to dress up for really anything unless it was a party. You left your hair down for today and just ran a brush threw it. You turned around to see Jesse red in the face, it took a second for you to understand why. You had forgotten he was there when you changed, you had just put on display you black lacy undergarments.
You turned red "you know a decent gentlemen would have looked away" you mumbled.
"Sorry darlin, you make it so hard" he joked.
"I'm ready" you said grabbing your keys.
"Then let's go" he smiled while standing up from your chair and making his way towards the door.
*timeskip end of the day*
(Cause I'm lazy sorry guys)
You and Jesse had spent the whole day together and had such a fun time. You didn't do much but walk around and talk but you didn't mind. Only know did you realize that even though you talked with him all day you still knew nothing about him. Looking up at him walking next to you
"Jesse you never told me anything about you, I mean we've talked all day but I still don't really know anything about you"
He turned to you with a pained expression
"(Y/n), you know me better then anyone else, what happened to you?"
"W-what do you mean?"
"Why don't you remember? Our childhood, my parents you parents, the way we where"
"I'm sorry but I don't know what your talking about" you felt truly sorry because you had no idea what he was talking about.
"Let my show ya somethin" he grabbed your hand and lead you to his apartment.
"Jesse what are you doing?"
"Lookin for somethin" he searched through a box he had stacked in the corner.
He pulled out a dusty book and opened it, bring it over to you as you sat on his bed.
"Jesse what is this?"
"My ma made this, it's a bunch of pictures of us when we where younger" he flipped through the pages of the mementoes where very faint but you remembered them.
He named off what you and him where doing in each picture. In one you where shooting BB guns together and in another you where covered in mud and smiling. A year slipped down your cheek, how could you forget this? All these memories, how could you not remember them? But something wasn't adding up.
"Jesse...why did you leave?" You clutched onto your shirt and looked him strait in the eye.
"It's complicated"
"It's complicated? It's complicated?! Jesse Mcree your mother was heartbroken when you ran away! I was heartbroken! What was I supposed to do?! Go back to my parents!" You broke down crying, the painful memories of your parents beating you rushing back. You knees Gabe way as you where about to crumple to the floor Jesse caught you.
"Im sorry (y/n), I never meant to hurt you" he sounded so sincere.
"Why? Why did you leave? What was more important then your family?" You whispered to him.
"It's a long story"
"I have time" you said getting a bit angry at him
He sighed
"I didn't want to leave, but I had too. I joined this gang called dreadlock, they took me in and changed me as a person. I wasn't going to leave you and my family but they threatened to kill you and my folks if I didn't go with them. Later on the gang disband and I started working for bounties, overwatch caught me in the act and made me choose between being locked up or joining them. Like any sane being I accepted"
"Why didn't you look for me?"
"I still thought that you would still be farming in Texas, not killing people in Switzerland" he chuckled, holding you closer.
There was a brief moment, a phase in time as you took in all the information.
"(Y/n), why didn't you remember anything?"
"I'm not sure..."
"Hmm... well what have you been doing all this time"
"I ran away not much longer after you did because of my parents. I had no other way of making a living other then killing people. One time I fell in with the wrong crowd and I got drugged......" more tears fell down you cheeks as you continued
"I became a lab rat, tested of every vial and antibiotic they could find, one day I ended up with my power. They didn't know how but they thought I was a masterpiece. I escaped one night and ran and never looked back..."
*Jesse pov*
I hugged her tighter as I heard her story, I can't believe those people did that to her. I could have been there to stop it but I wasn't. An anger rose inside of me that I could do nothing to stop the horrible things that happened to her. Lifting her chin I placed a soft kiss in her lips.
"I am never going to let anyone hurt you ever again"
She closed the space between us once again and kissed me. This kiss was different from the first one, it was filled with a lot more passion and love.
As she got up from our space on the floor she was now on her knees, our lips never parted. I grabbed her waist and and stood up, pulling her with me. She giggled and kissed me again.
"It's good to have you back (y/n)"
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