You had just made the long and dry walk to the town. By this point the open wasteland of a desert had turned into a mountain range of sand and cactus.
"You think they could have dropped us off a little closer" you panted and stretched your back as Jess had come to a stop.
You muscles where sore but you couldn't just stop in the middle of a mission.
"Yeah, that mighta been a little better" he added.
He looked around as there was a small diner and an abandoned auto repair shop/ has station nearby.
"Jeez talk about a ghost town" you saw a shadow from overhead as you looked up to see train tracks that ran overhead. They seemed pretty sturdy but rusty. You wondered if a train went over them if the would brake or not. You didn't want to think about such thoughts while you where standing right underneath of it, luckily Jesse pipped up.
"Well I don't know about you darlin but I sure could use a cup of coffee" he nodded towards the diner.
(Also I know that the dreadlock gang is not stationed in Route 66 but for the sake of this sorry it is)
"Um sure"
You where really in no hurry to complete the mission. Jesse walked into the diner with you in tow. You both sat down in a booth next to the window, the o mic waiter came over and asked us what we might like. I ordered a black coffee as did Jesse.
"I didn't get to have any coffee this morning cause we where in such a hurry" he chuckled
"I mean you where taking your sweet time anyway so you probably could have" you raised an eyebrow at him.
He gave you another chuckle followed with a small smile. The omnic came with the coffees and placed them down on to table. Jesse laid down two silver-ish coins and scooted them over the the innocent who gladly took them with a gently thank you before walking back over from the counter.
You took a sip of your coffee, it ran down your throat. You placed you cup back down in the table and looked out the window. You noticed it was moving, almost like shaking. You looked closer at the glass as Jesse looked at you questionly.
Suddenly there was a loud boom that went off it sounded like right above your heads. You saw an explosion outside as the scenery from the window was now covered over with a thick layer of black smoke. Another went off a little closer as you felt yourself being pulled onto the black and white checkered tile floor.
"Jesse don't you think we should stop whoever is doing that?" You questioned even though you where pretty sure he couldn't hear me.
An explosion had gone off right by where we were making your ears ring and your vision blurry.
"Jesse?" You said again as you looked over you shoulder at him.
He looked up at you before getting up. He had a gash on his forehead with blood dripping down his face. He held out his hand for you which you took. You got up and looked out where there was once a window but now a bunch of shattered glass scattered on the debris filled floor.
Looking out past the broken window you saw train boxcars scattered around in front of the diner. You looked up to see the railroad tracks where on fire while the tracks themselves where in two separate pieces.
Fire was spread out in the screen before you as well as smoke from the fire and explosions. You saw men behind on of the boxcars, he looked like he was lifting something. You walked out of the diner with Jesse trailing behind you. You took out your gun and held it in your right hand as you crept around the boxcar. You saw the man more clearly now, there where several others with him. They where placing goods and boxes on a hovercraft. (Idk what there called)
"Hey!" You yelled
'Don't kill anyone unless necessary'
Commander Morrison's words repeated in your head as the men turned to look at you.
You held your gun up at them.
"This isn't yours! Leave!" You shouted at them.
Your eyes wandered down there bodies to see if they where armed. Of course they where. But you noticed a tattoo on on the the mans shoulders. It was a deadlock tattoo. You knew what it looked like because Jesse had the same one on his left arm.
"Oh yeah what are you gonna do princess" the man had a thick Southern accent like Jesse.
"I'm not afraid to shoot" you inched closer and closer to them.
You voice was filled with determination.
"I don't think so" he smiled
You squeezed the trigger but aimed it to the ground just a few centimeters away from where his foot was. He grabbed you arm.
"That was not a smart idea" he said
You could smell whiskey on his hot breathe. You spat in his face.
"Damn Bitch!" He threw you to the ground.
"Whoa there, now I know you didn't just lay a hand on my girl" Jesse came out from behind the boxcar.
The men seemed to pause as they took him in. Almost as if they had seen him before.
Jesse slowly walked closer and closer before turning around and looking at the sun before turning back to the men. By this time you had gotten up.
The men still seemed to be in shock, not moving, none of them even looked at you when you where getting up.
"Well now if it ain't Jesse Mcree and (y/n) (l/n), nice to see yeah again you son of a bitch"
Haha I left you on a cliff hanger! Sorry if dint update for a while I literally fell asleep while writing this last night so I finished it up today. Also my dumbass was saying 'dreadlock' when it's actually 'deadlock' so forgive me. I'm stupid. Anyway I love you guys hope you have a great night!
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