You glanced up at the alarm clock that had been going off your who knows how long.
"Shit!" You cussed as you jumped out of bed and scurried to the bathroom.
No response
"Jesse!...jesse wake up!" You ran back into his room and shook him.
"Hmm?" He looked up at your before rubbing his eyes.
"Jesse we are going to be late!" You said while going back into the bathroom and brushing your teeth.
"Late for what?"
"Jesse the mission!"
It's like a light bulb went off in his head.
"Oh yeah..haha that mission" he chuckled
He strolled into the bathroom like he didn't have a care in the world and started brushing his teeth.
Meanwhile you where all over the place trying to get everything ready. Overpacking because you weren't sure what you needed or how long you would be gone. Jesse had finally gotten out of the bathroom and out on his signature look before tipping his hat.
"I'm ready when you are darlin"
You looked over at him to see him already to go.
"What?" You questioned on how it was so easy for him to get ready like wtf.
Rolling your eyes you picked up your backpack before grabbing your handgun from the dresser and placing it in it's holster on the side of your thigh.
"Okay ready"
You two ran down the hallways to the docking area. The ship was ready and everyone was boarding. You both composed yourselves before walking to the ship.
"I didn't know other agents where in this mission too?" You mentioned
"Nah hun i think there either on a different mission and there dropping us off or they are going to the same place as us but with a different task" he whispered down to you
"Oh makes sense" you nodded.
You boarded the ship and took a seat next to Jesse as the ship was taking off. You looked around at the other agents. None of them seemed familiar to you so you just sat next to Jesse and closed you eyes while leaning your head back. Truth was you didn't fall asleep until super late last night due to the um incident. Then you had to be up early and do your job the next morning. Ugh.
"You tired?" Jesse asked
"What do you think?"
"Well I mean you out on one hell of a show last night and you got the bruises to prove it"
You hadn't even looked at your bruises this morning because you where in such a rush.
"Are they bad?" You opened one eye to peer at him.
"I wouldn't say there terrible" he came closer to examine your neck.
You could feel his faint breath down your neck. This action made you blush and grow hot.
"Well she beat the crap out of me so-"
"Not really"
"Wha-what? What you mean not really?" You where chocked at this.
Was he just pulling your leg?
"You'd be surprised (y/n), I looked at her medical file later last night after everything that went down and you managed to give her a concussion" he patted your head
"That's my girl" he smiled
You felt pride towards his same action but then again she did hold you and gunpoint and almost killed you. You where thankful to Gabriel, if he didn't show up who knows what would have happened. You would have probably ended up dead.
This much thinking made your head hurt from lack of sleep. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes once more before taking a same nap.
*jesse pov*
(Y/n) slept with her neck in an awkward position until the ship hit some clouds and things go bumpy. He head landed in my shoulder.
I sat there you a few minutes before noticing an agent starring at us.
"She had a ruff night" I whispered to him.
He slowly nodded his head almost worriedly and looked away.
I put my hat over my face a decided to take a nap of my own.
*timeskip landing*
*(y/n) pov*
Once again jolting awake as the plane had a bumpy landing. You rubbed your eyes and put your hair up into a pony tail. (Reminder your wearing your mission outfit) Jesse was grabbing our stuff before the large door of the ship opened into a ramp and we walked out into a desert. It was beating hot, there was a breeze but it was a hot one. There was nothing but dessert as far as you could see until you saw a same town south of where you were. You pointed it out to Jesse.
"I'm guessing that's welders we are headed?"
"Ya" he looked over at you.
"You gonna make it?" He questioned
"Yeah..... yeah I think I'm good"
You dropped your bag down and pulled out a map. There should be two towns in this area plus the headquarters of dreadlock. You nodded to yourself and pointed at the town closest to you.
"I think we should go there first" Jesse nodded in agreement as you both started walking and made sure to check behind you every now and then.
Okay guys it's not like anyone reads these anyway but there will not be an update Tommorow because I am going to be working a haunted house and I won't be home till late. I also cannot promise there will be one on Saturday either because I have a tournament and probably won't get back till late but I will try my best and if you get a chapter then that's good but if you don't I apologize that I have a busy life.
Also guys please I need requests for stories! I've only had two so far and they have been really fun to make so please give me ideas!
Anyway I'm sorry this chapter was a little short but I love you all and I hope you have a good day!
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