It had been a well since your last mission and you where just polishing up on your shooting skills. You where trying to get yourself to shoot your handgun with only one hand just in case you couldn't use the other hand. You had hit the target a couple times but you still where not as accurate as you wanted to be. You heard footsteps approach you but you paid no mind until you heard a familiar voice.
"Whatcha doing darlin?" You turned around to face Jesse.
He wore his signature outfit with his cowboy hat which made you giggle.
"I'm trying to shoot with one hand on my gun" you explain
"But I'm not having much luck" you gaze turned back to your gun that was sitting on the table.
"I just might be able to help with that" he grinned.
You picked up the gun with your right hand and pointed it at the target. Jesse stood right behind you, placing one hand on your lower stomach and another on your hand holding the gun. He breathed down your neck while you tried to stay focused.
"Slow your heart beat, gain a sturdy stance and fire"
You hit the dead center of the target.
"I did it!" You squealed
You turned around and gave him a hug.
"Thanks so much Jesse" you gave him a kiss on the cheek.
You could see I small hint of pride in his eyes and blush on his cheeks.
"Well since your here do you want to spar?" You asked smiling
"Sounds like a mighty fine idea" he smirked
You both made your way into the next room which was a training area.
"Know hold on, I'm not much for hand to hand combat darlin" he said holding his hands up as if surrendering.
"Ah come on Jess, I'm not exactly the best at it either" you groaned
"Okay okay yeah got me"
You both stood about a duels length away from each other and got ready.
"Ready go" you grinned
You took your shirt off revealing your sports bra, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to focus.
"That's cheatin" he frowned
"No it's not" you chuckled and ran towards him.
You went to round house kick him when he grabbed your leg and slung you backwards. Before you could touch the ground you regained your balance and swung your leg to tip him. It worked and he hit the ground with a thud. You let your guard down as he grabbed your arm and pulled you down and punched your stomach.
"Ah" you grunted
You kneed him in the side before rolling off of him and getting back up. You grabbed his hat out it on your head and set your hands on your hips.
"Well it looks like I won" you said looking down at him.
"Oh yeah?" He kicked your shin and you lost your balance.
You fell of the ground trying to forget about the pain in your leg as he climbed on top of you and pinned your arms on either side of your head.
"I win" he smiled while leaning down and kissing you.
He let go of your hands as you ran them through his hair a deepened the kiss.
One of his hands traveled up your shirt before you heard someone clearing their throat.
"Excuse me but the is a public training facility so save it for the bed room"
You looked up to find a not so happy Gabriel.
You turned bright red and pushed Jesse off of you.
"Um, sorry Gabriel you right" you blushed
You got up and left immediately with Jesse following not far behind.
Once you where somewhat far enough away you stopped walking and leaned against the wall of a hallway.
"Jeez that was a bit embarrassing" you placed a hand over your face.
"Yeah well that's Gabriel for ya" Jesse spoke while standing beside you.
Just then you saw Hanzo walking down the hall.
"Greetings (y/n) and Jesse"
"Hi Hanzo!"
"I have a message from Commander Morrison, he is expecting your presents right away" he said
"Okay we will head there right now, oh and Hanzo we should get drinks some time!" You said while in the process of walking off.
"Yeah cause that sounds fun" Jesse said sarcastically.
You both walked down all the way until to made it to Commander Morrison's office. You heard banging and loud thuds. What the hell was happening? You didn't want to knock on his door. In all honestly you where kind of scared to. Suddenly the door opened revealing a crying agent who scurried off. You gently knocked on the door before hearing a fierce 'come in'.
When you entered Jack was all red faced and looked like he could punch something.
"Everything okay?" You asked kind of concerned.
"Now things are yes" he seemed to calm down a bit as he sat down in his chair.
"There was a minor problem with that agent but now it's taken care of" he said
"Um okay"
"Now the reason you are here is because I have seen that the two of you have worked really well together in past missions, am I wrong?"
"No sir" Jesse spoke up
"So on the mat note I am sending you both to Route 66 in order to deal with some gang violence happening there, only kill if it's necessary and for the love of god do not make me do anymore paper work!" His voice rose higher at the end.
I wonder that the other agent did to make him so mad?
"What gang sir?" You asked
Okay you guys I'm sorry I know this isn't my best chapter and it kind of goes all over the place but I was tired and had no idea what to write but now I kind of have a set up from what's going to happen. (Insert evil laugh)
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and love you!
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