Chapter 13

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*knock knock*
*knock! Knock!*
"Jesse there's someone at your door" you said tiredly while rolling over and hugging a pillow.
You laid on Jesses chest while his arms where laid haphazardly around you.
"Jesse it's me! We have a mission to be at in like 15 minutes!" You heard Gabriel yell through the door.
Jesses eyes opened
"Alright I'm breaking down this door!" You scrambled to get up and ended up falling of the bed right as he kicked the door open.
You hid on the opposite side of the bed and tired to make yourself unnoticeable.
"Jesse for gods sake get up! And get (y/n) she didn't answer her door either!" Gabriel said before stomping back out of the room.
Jesse popped his head over the side of the bed.
"You okay darlin?" He chuckled
"Oh yeah I'm great" you said sarcastically before getting up while still holding a sheet around you and walking out and making your way to your room that was right next door. You hoped that nobody saw you but at this point you knew they where going to figure out eventually. Your legs where a little sore from earlier this morning but you kept trying to stay still.

*timeskip departing for mission*

Once again loaded onto ship and flown to your destination which was kings row. This was a good mission for you since you could move and manipulate metal. The mission was to extract information for the omnics database. We where told that they had been plotting against overwatch for some time now.
"Arriving at Kings Row" Athena announced
The ship landed and you, Jesse, Gabriel and Tracer jumped off.
"Okay, (y/n) and Tracer are going to sneak in and grab the information and Jesse and I will stand guard and take care of any disturbances" you all nodded your heads before splitting up.
You had resided to be the distraction for the men inside while tracer grabbed the information. You walked up in a black pencil skirt and a white button up shirt with rolled cuffs. Your hair was up in a bun and you put on fake glasses to finish the look. You opened the door to see three men and a receptionist that all seemed to be working there.
"Um hello, I was wondering if you have heard of our new security system?"
"Ma'am I think you have the wrong building" the lady said
"No, I don't. Do you know who I am?"
"N-no ma'am"
"How disrespectful I should fire you right in the spot" you scoffed
"I'm the Lady Rosaline" you elegantly placed your hands on your hips
"Oh! Ma'am you must excuse me! I didn't know!"
"Of course you didn't, a commoner like you doesn't know the difference between a salad fork and a dinner fork" you smirked before continuing "and you! Why haven't you made me any tea? Do I look like a patient women to you?" You asked the one man standing in the corner.
He shook his head and walking away hastily.
"Now I need you to get my the paper work on Ali Smith and you to give me your phone!" The two men scurried to complete the task there where each given. Once the man gave you his phone you told him to step away as you texted Lena and told her to start retrieving the information.
You knew you had about 12 minutes to pull this off maybe even less. You had an earpiece in your ear that connected you to Jesse and Gabriel if you ran into trouble.
The women behind the desk started to look worried as she looked at the man. They exchanged all knowing glances before he pulled out his gun a pointed it at you.
You used your power to grab the gun out of his hand and toss it away from him. He looked shocked before you roundhouse kicked him. The other man who went to get tea had come back while his jaw dropped when he saw the scene before him. He seemed to be more skilled the the other as he dropped the cup but didn't grab for his gun instead trying to fight hand to hand combat. You had to admit you weren't the greatest at this but you could hold your own. You punched him twice in the stomach before looking up at the last man to see him with his finger on the trigger ready to shoot. Before you could even activate your power the man hit his knees as blood started to stain his white dress shirt. You looked over to see Jesse holding his gun up to where the man used to be standing. You mobbed at Jesse before you got a text from Lena.
'All good to go'
"Good because their going to call for reinforcements soon" Gabriel said before hurrying out of the building. You ran to the ship with the others following close behind and took the phone and smashed it beneath your heels before taking them off and walking over to Jesse and sitting next to him. You leaned your head on his shoulder before you closed you eyes and started to sleep peacefully.

*jesses pov*

Gabriel had just gone over the plan as him and I stood outside the building. We where sitting on a bench trying not to look suspicious.
"So how was she?" Gabriel turned to me and asked
"Wait what?"
"How was she? Ya know in bed?"
"How did yo-"
"It was pretty obvious, plus her bra was laying on the floor" he smirked
"What the fuck man? Not nice to be lookin at someone else's women" I stated
"Nah, she's all yours" he chuckled
Just then I heard (y/n) yelling through the ear piece.
Damn she was one good actress.
I heard her struggling before I rushed in and pointed my gun at the man holding a gun up to her. She looked caught off guard as she didn't have time to react. I shot him right between the eyes before we had to go. Reinforcements would be on their way soon. We ran up to the ship and I sat down with (y/n) following close behind and laying her head on my shoulder.
God what would I do without her.

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