neck kisses

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It was one of those rare, quiet evenings where everything  just felt right. The apartment was dimly lit, the soft glow from the table lamp casting a warm hue across the room. You and Jenna were sprawled out on the couch, her legs draped lazily over yours, The TV playing quietly in the background, though neither of you were really paying attention.

Jenna was scrolling through her phone, but you could tell she wasn't actually looking at anything. She was distracted, glancing over at you every now and then with a playful little smile tugging at the corners of her lips. You caught her eye, raising an eyebrow.

“ what's up?” you asked, your voice soft, your fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on her thigh.

She set her phone down and shrugged, that familiar mischievous glint in her dark eyes. “nothing...just thinking”

“ about?”

Jenna shifted a little closer, her hand moving to rest on your chest as she tilted her head slightly, her gaze locking onto yours. “ about how much I missed you today” she said,  her voice low and sweet, her lips curling into a teasing grin.

You smiled, tour heart fluttering at her words. “ oh yeah?”

“ mhm” Jenna hummed, leaning in slowly. You could feel her breath against your skin, soft and warm, as she moved closer, her lips grazing your jawline.

You let out a soft breath, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. “ Jenna...” you murmured, but there was no hint of protest in your voice.

She didn't say a thing, just smiled against your skin before pressing a soft kiss to the side of your neck. Her lips were warm, featherlight but they lingered, making your heart race just a little faster. Her hand slid up, cupping the side of your face gently, as she continued to kiss down the length of your neck, her lips grazing your skin, sending small sparks of warmth through your body.

You couldn't help but lean into her touch, you hand moving to rest on her waist, pulling her a little closer. Jenna chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against your neck as she kissed you again, this time a little firmer, a little slower. The feeling of her lips on your skin made your pulse quicken, your breath catching in your throat as she kissed her way back up, just behind your ear.

“ missed me, huh?” you whispered, your voice barely above a breath as you tilted your head slightly, giving her more room.

Jenna smirked against your skin, her lips trailing soft lazy kisses along your neck. “more than you know,” she murmured between kisses, her voice soft and teasing. “ i couldn't stop thinking about you all day”

You closed your eyes, letting the warmth of her words and the feeling of her lips against your neck wash over you. Your grip on her waist tightened slightly, your fingers brushing against the fabric of her shirt as she continued to kiss you, slow and  deliberate, each kiss leaving a lingering warmth in its wake.

Jenna pulled back just enough to look at you, her eyes dark and filled with something both playful and affectionate. She brushed a strand of hair from your face, her thumb grazing your cheek as she smiled. “ you have no idea how much I love this,” she whispered, her voice soft, barely above a breath.

You smiled back, your heart swelling at hr words. “ I think I do,” you murmured, leaning in to kiss her softly, your hand cupping the back of her neck as you pulled her closer, feeling the warmth of her body against yours.

The room was quiet, the world outside forgotten as you and Jenna stayed wrapped  up in each other, the wsrmth of her neck kisses still tingling on your skin, leaving you breathless in the best possible way.

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