Chapter 71

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"Shiiit..." Frank grinned when I slid into his passenger seat and he closed the door behind me.

Rico was right.

It didn't take anything for me to walk up to Frank and make him not even care that he had just seen me walking past with Remmey not even two weeks before.

Not Rico, but Remmey.

I realized then that Remmey had done that on purpose. Frank didn't even recognize me as Rico's. He probably thought that I was just another ho that Remmey had been walking to and from Pinemont.

One that stood out.

One that he wanted.

Just like Remmey said.

Frank looked at me through the windshield and adjusted himself before opening the driver's side door and sliding in beside me.

"Damn you got me hard," he said and immediately started unzipping his pants. He definitely thought I was one of Sweet Stacey Jones's hos.

Interesting that he didn't pay closer attention to his enemies than that.

And all this time I thought he was just like Wally B.

He was nothing like Wally B.

"Shit." Frank grabbed himself again and looked at me expectantly.

I realized then that I didn't really know what to do, and that I didn't exactly know what the plan was. So I stalled for time by untying my halter top and letting it fall down around my waist. Frank grinned and immediately went for me. He started kissing me and groping me. It felt weird. I didn't like him touching me. I fought the urge to push him away, and instead pulled him closer. He climbed on top of me and started pushing up my miniskirt.

I did push him away when he did that and sat up, heart suddenly pounding, as thoughts of the doctor on top of me threatened to make me lose my nerve. Then I realized what I had just done and climbed on top of him to regain what little control of the situation that I could.

I looked into his eyes and kissed him, breathing in as he panted out.

Just like Rico taught me to do.

Frank pulled back and stared at me. I closed my eyes and slinked my arms around his neck. far you willin' to go to protect your own...

Remmey's words rang back in my ears.

...would you kill for me, my love?...

Rico's words rang back in my ears.

I said that I would do anything for Rico, just like he would do anything for me, and I meant it.

I know he meant it, too.

Slowly, I slipped my hand down into Frank's pants, pulling him all the way out, and slid my tongue down his shaft. When neither Rico nor Remmey showed up, I realized that I was probably the one who was supposed to kill him.

I did this to buy time.

And to drop his guard the rest of the way down.

I tried to think of how I could get him while his eyes were still closed, and his head was still back.

I didn't even have a knife on me to slit his throat.

"Come here." Frank grabbed me by the back of the hair and pulled me up to face him. Then, before I knew it, he yanked my panties to the side, lifted me up and raised up into me.

I definitely didn't think that what Rico asked me to do would lead to going this far, but it was too late now. So, I just closed my eyes, arched my back, and rode him. I was hoping that...whatever they had planned...would happen faster with him totally zoned out. He grunted loudly and gripped my hips tightly. Too tight. When I opened my eyes and tried to slow him down, he only went faster and started shaking.

"Don't cum inside me."

I said that a few times.

Where the hell is Rico? Frank should have been dead by now. I couldn't go back to the doctor and ask him to keep another secret for me.

I just...couldn't.

He would only do the same thing that he did to me last time.

I put my hands on Frank's shoulders and gripped him tightly, trying to push myself up off of him.

He wouldn't let go.

I saw a slight movement to my left.

And a flash of light came from my right.

Suddenly there was glass everywhere and Frank's blood was all over my face and hands. I screamed once, looked over and saw Rico standing there grinning, and knew not to scream again.

"Fuck took you so long, nigga?" I looked to my left and saw Remmey standing by the passenger side, staring hard at Rico, looking angrier than I had ever seen him before. "Want none a that tha ma' fuggin plan, ya heard?"

Rico just grinned even wider and shrugged. Then he held out his hand to help me climb over a dead, bloody Frank and out of the car "My love," he whispered and kissed my cheek, while he helped me put my clothes back on, "you did good." He looked at me like he wanted me. "Real good."

Then he grinned over at Remmey again.

Remmey opened the door to a car that had just pulled up and put me in the backseat. Lola was driving. Then he closed the door and the last thing I saw was him stepping angrily to Rico.

When Lola dropped me off at the house, Rico was somehow already there waiting for me. He signaled for Rah and Chris to leave when I walked in, then locked the door behind them. When he turned to me, he didn't say any words. He just tore my bloody clothes off and took me roughly on the living room floor. When he finished, he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He made love to me again and again until, at last, he didn't have anything left to give.

It wasn't until he was finally done that he let me wash Frank's blood off my face and hands.

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