Mafias object (Part 1)

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y/n is the next Mafia leader. His parents lead a powerful mob. He has been trained in many weapons and are an incredible sniper. Red Hood aka Jason Todd is trying to get him to reform the mob and join him in taking out villians. Red Hood walks into y/ns mob meeting and immediately has 6 heavy guns trained on him. He puts his hands up and says, '' Heard you're recruiting.''

Y/n raised an eyebrow as the omega looked at the hero. "Yes. Why? You want to join?" The omega asked the alpha

"Not just join. Want to partner with you and take down villians. I'll protect you as you grow as a leader. With my skills and your ability combined. we can make a difference." Jason is a very smart, and powerful individual. He's good at fighting, very powerful and can even use magic. Although that's just barely and mostly weak spells, it can still be useful.

Y/n laughed. "And im supposed to trust and alpha."

Jason was taken aback by his laugh. "You know Alphas and Omegas are naturally meant to be together. I can protect your pack for years to come. Not even to mention I can take out any alpha pack that wants to steal you. I can protect, I can fight, I can think. I'll be an asset to your pack and your strength and abilities will be mine when we inevitably fall together." Jason had a natural way with words even though he seemed rude.

Y/n looked at one of his men. All his men were Alphas. They were his pack. Family.

Red Hood looked at the men, then to Y/n. "You call these men your family? They don't respect you and you know it. They'd ditch you the minute they could get ahead themselves. I can tell they don't trust you and that you don't trust them. I'm not saying we should get rid of them immediately, but you can't trust these men."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "What so your gonna take my men and think their just ditch me because I'm an omega and your an alpha?"

"I'll say it how it is. These men don't respect you. As an alpha I can notice it in a second. They don't follow you like a pack leader should be. They don't care what you have to say and they could care less if you lived or died. They only follow you because you're their leader. But given the choice between you and their survival, they'd choose their own lives each and every time."

"Alright. Go with red hood." Y/n said to his men to see if they would

The men hesitated. They looked towards Y/n, then to Red Hood. They thought about it for awhile but eventually came to a decision. All of the men sided with Red Hood. "You see? This proves my point. They would betray you, if it meant they could get ahead. I'm trying to protect you. I'm trying to help. I never asked anything of you and I won't unless we partner. I'd die for you and you know it." Red Hood was very intelligent and charming. He always got his way.

Y/n stopped as he looked at all his men. They would never do that If his dad was still in charge.

"What happened to your dad? If I may ask." Red Hood noticed the change in mood with Y/n. He wanted to help in any way he could as they grew closer. He also had a very sharp mind and knew something was bothering Y/n.

"None of your business." Y/n snapped as he looked away. "Your not taking my place **Alpha**."

Red Hood chuckled as he looked down at Y/n. "It's all a matter of time. I can tell that you're not fully in charge here. Your weak. Your men can see it." He was trying to get Y/n to trust him and become weak, so he can easily take over and control him.

Y/n looked at his men. The ones who were there for his **birth**

"I'm sure they were there for your birth and were loyal to you, up until you took over and started leading. You aren't a true leader like I am. You aren't built for this." Red Hood had no sympathy for Y/n as he wanted to take his position over.

Y/n glared. "Are you guys seriously siding with him?" Y/n asked his men.

The men hesitated, as if they wanted to say no but couldn't. They finally answered, "Yes we are. You haven't been doing a good job as a leader. As much as it hurts me personally, we would much rather follow him." Red Hood had successfully pulled Y/ns men away from him. They would follow him now.

"I've been doing." Y/n stopped. "Oh I see." Y/n scoffed as the omegas jaw clenched

Red Hood chuckled and smirked. "Aha. You see I've proven my point. These men no longer follow your orders. They see me as the alpha now. As their true leader. I don't blame them as you're weak and not suited to lead. I have a place for you though. Be mine and you won't have to worry that anymore."

"Fuck you." The omega snarled.

Red Hood raised an eyebrow. "That wasn't very nice. I've done nothing but try to help you in every way I can." He said with a cocky smirk on his face. He wanted to provoke him as much as possible. He saw him as easy to provoke and the perfect person to be controlled.

"Leave my house." The omega snapped

"Make me." Red Hood challenged. "You won't do it."

Y/n punched Jason hard across the face

Red Hood stumbled backwards as he was punched. He touched his face where he was hit and looked at Y/n with a look of pure hatred and rage. He smiled with anger as he looked at Y/n. "You couldn't hurt me even if you tried."

"Get out of my house." The omega yelled as he looked at Michael, one of his men that is his dad's friend.

Red Hood laughed, even though he was obviously injured. "Your men can't protect you. I have them on my side now." Red Hood looked at the man he called Michael. "You know it's true. They would defend me over you."

"Really? Who do you guys choice?" The omega asked.

His men, the ones who would normally protect him at all costs, took a step backwards towards Red Hood. "You're the leader we choose. We'd rather be under your leadership than this Omega." Red Hood chuckled as the men took another step backwards, completely abandoning Y/n.

Y/ns ears went down. "W-what?"

All of the man he grew up with and called family turned their backs on him and joined the side of the Alpha. Red Hood laughed and smiled smugly. "Didn't you hear? Your men won't protect you. As you've seen, they would rather be led by an alpha. They chose me and it's time for you to do the same."

"You Alphas are shit. Omegas and Alphas should be equal. Omegas are not your toys." Y/n yelled as he clenched his jaw.

Red Hood laughed at his speech. "You can try to convince yourself all you like. But no matter what you say, we both know that's not true. Omegas are weak and are always lesser than alphas. I couldn't count on my fingers how many Omegas fall under the control of Alphas. I'm just surprised you got this far as one. But I'll make sure that doesn't happen again. It's time you learn your place."

Y/n growled. "Leave my fucking house."

"I think I've been too easy on you. Time we switch things up. I'll make you my omega now, and you'll do as I say." Red Hood smirked and reached for Y/n. He wanted to prove his dominance by making him his omega.

Y/n backed up. "I don't need an alpha."

Red Hood smirked as he walked towards him. "No you need an alpha. Someone who knows how to protect you and take care of you. I can do both of those." He got close to Y/n and got in his face. "Your only option is to accept it and become mine."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll have fun playing with you. You'll be mine regardless if you want it or not. Just a matter of time." Red Hood smirked and got very close, only a few inches away from Y/n.

Y/n glared. "This is my territory. This is my mansion, my home. Now leave. And if you guys are siding with him, then have at it."

"That mansion, is now mine. That territory is mine. And those men are mine. I own everything you have. And as soon as I own you, I'll truly have everything." Red Hood grinned as he moved an inch closer. He could barely hold his excitement. He was going to have a lot of fun with this little omega.

"Well your not having me. Now leave." The omega yelled.

"I'd like to see you try and stop me." Red Hood was inches away from his face. A clear expression of intent and desire. He wanted to take him over and he was going to do anything he could to make that happen, even if he had to force it.

Y/n glanced at his men. He couldn't believe what was happening. This wasn't right

The men just stared back at the two of them. Their minds made up and nothing could change that. Red Hood kept looking down at Y/n as he moved closer yet again. He was almost touching him at this point.

"Your not going to get away with this." The omega said as he pointed his gun at Jason

Red Hood smirked, as he saw Jason's gun. "Is that a threat? From an omega?" He laughed as he looked at Jason with mocking eyes. "Do you think I'm scared of this? I'd like to see you actually shoot me."

Y/n growled. "Leave. And take those un loyal assholes with you."

"I think I'll stay here. As is my right as a leader. You are weak and should be treated as such. Those loyal assholes you call men, have chosen me over you. They'd rather be mine than be yours and rightfully so. Your weak, you need protection and that's the only reason they ever cared for you at all. I'm sure they were just waiting for someone like me so they could get rid of a weak omega like you."

"You won't win Jason. I'm going to change the world. Omegas deserve better. I'm done sitting back and seeing Alphas rape omegas in the streets,  beating them because they did something. Its wrong."

"Yeah sure you are. Omegas deserve what they get. They're weak and inferior and are natural servants to people like me. We're naturally meant to dominate them. It just sounds like you're mad because you are one and you're weak. You can't protect people because you're weak. Let me handle it." Red Hood laughed at his talk of changing the world when he couldn't even protect his own house.

Y/n shot Jason's leg. "I'm not asking again."

Red Hood dropped to the ground as he screamed in agony. He couldn't believe that this omega had actually hit him. He was shocked and in pain. He looked down at his leg, then back at Y/n with an angry look. He was furious. He needed to make him pay for what he just did.

Y/n was slightly shaking but he wasn't backing down. "Now leave."

Red Hood scowled as he struggled to get up. "You're making a big mistake. I'm the one who should be in charge here. I'm the alpha. You'll regret making this decision in the future." He took one last look at Y/n. "I'll be back for you. It's only a matter of time before you need me." Red Hood stumbled out of the room and out of the house. He wasn't done with this omega.

Y/n sighed as he looked at the men. "I can't believe you guys."

All of the man he knew, grew up with and thought of as family turned their backs on him. They didn't even look back and all followed Red Hood. They were gone in a heartbeat as they had chosen the side of the alpha. They left the omega all alone. The only thing that remained was a lot of confusion and a whole lot of sorrow.

Y/n whimpered as he slid down the wall and threw his gun.

Y/n sat there in silence with his head in his hands. He was thinking back on the time he had spent living with those men who just up and abandoned him. He never thought they'd leave or turn against him. It was clear that the omega had no one now.

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