A magical Christmas 🎄 ✨️

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Jason thought it seemed ridiculous how his december has matched every hallmark movie ever made. He had been tree shopping, ice skating, had a snowball fight in wayne manor, and now found himself shopping for presents.

He wouldn’t have it any other way, watching Y-n walk down the bush christmas lit streets, the soft snow falling against their matching beanies. He adored how he would look back at him, his smile soft and noticeably excited for the holiday.

His voice snapped him out of his daze. “Hey Jay? You think Damien would want some new coloring pencils?”

If seeing him with a cold red nose wasn’t warming enough, him shopping for his many siblings definitely was.

“The demon child would like anything you get him.” Jason grumbled, playing off his utter love for Y-n. “You don’t have to get him anything, yknow?” He says, walking over to the shop window he was looking into, noticing an expensive coloring set.

Y/n pouted as he looked at his boyfriend. "But I Want to."

Jason raised a brow, looking at him for a moment “Are you sure you wanna get him something? He’s just gonna chew on them or rip it up and spit them back out. At least that’s what happened all the other years I can remember.”

Looking back at the shop, he saw they also had a mini coloring stand that would fit perfectly in Damien’s bedroom. They had a tendency to spoil his youngest brother.

The omega nodded his head. He got the stand and pencils for Jason's youngest brother. Y/n grinned at his boyfriend. The alpha was usually so grouchy so Y/n was happy that his boyfriend is happy for once.

His expression softened as he saw him smiling - it really was such a rare sight. He thought about teasing him, but decided against it, not wanting to ruin the progress he’s made. That kid sure was good at making him smile.

Jason paid for the stand and the pencils, handing the bag over. “He’s gonna be super hyped to see this, thank you.”
"Yeah." Y/n smiled as he and Jason got in the car, driving back to wayne manor. On the way Jason mentioned kids.

"Er kids?" The omega asked nervously

Jason smirked, turning his head back to look at him as he drove. He definitely caught onto the nervous tone and chuckled. “Yeah, at least one kid, but with that many siblings how could I not want more?”

He paused for a moment, seeing the nervous expression only becoming more apparent, “You don’t want kids, do you?”

"No I um." Y/n looked out the window.

He wasn’t surprised in the slightest with the answer, he probably should have asked that before bringing up kids. He felt awkward as he waited for him to finish talking, looking straight ahead as they rode in silence.

“Did you wanna talk about it?” He finally asked, though he kept his eyes on the road.

"Let's just er wait till after Christmas." Y/n said. Jason has always wanted kids but every time he's mentioned it this month y/n always changes the subject

He nodded, he wasn’t sure if he was going to get a definitive change in answer in a few days but it was enough for him. The longer they continued to ride, the worse the silence got.

“You could’ve just told me you didn’t want us to have kids,” he said softly, finally taking his eyes off the road. He knew it was important to him, so he probably should’ve made clear what Y’n’s stance was on it.

The omega looked out the window

Seeing the lack of eye contact once again, he decided to let the subject rest for now. They eventually pulled into the manor, coming to a stop. His expression was soft as he realized Y’n wasn’t ready to share but he hoped they could continue to talk.

“Come on, you gotta get the gifts out of the car.” He joked to try and make things less awkward, but he was feeling just as nervous as Y’n was.

Y/n nodded as he grabbed the gifts out of the car.

Jason followed behind, hoping to continue his playful attitude as they went into the manor, but it was difficult when he felt so much pressure. Y’n’s lack of response had made him feel like even bringing up the subject was now taboo, but he was hopeful he would tell him something sooner than later.

He made his way into the manor first, dropping the gift bags to the side and kicking some snow off his boots.

Y/n wrapped all the presents up in Jason's room. He was wearing shorts and one of Jason's hoodies

The sight made him chuckle as he entered his room, his eyebrows raised at the outfit. It was cute and he was sure he could get used to it, though he couldn’t help but tease him. “You’re just gonna spend the whole day in my room like that?” He asked jokingly.

"No I will come down and put these under the tree." The omega said

“It’s a little cold to be wearing shorts though, right?” He asked, closing the door behind him.

He couldn’t help but think of the cute way his legs looked poking out of the oversized hoodie.

"Yes, outside, but it's hot inside." Y/n said with a shrug.

He chuckled, seeing the logic in that answer. He wouldn’t deny that the house wasn’t at a nice temperature, it was very cozy.

“Just don’t get sick, alright?” He warned, though he felt like he was being more of a dad than a boyfriend at this point.

Y/n nodded as he finished wrapping and went downstairs and put everything under the tree

Jason had followed behind him, he liked the holiday spirit Y’n seemed to have and liked seeing him so excited. He watched in awe as he placed every present neatly under the christmas tree, admiring the way his arms looked as he moved around.

Y/n smiled. Everyone was in the front room.

Jason nodded, seeing the majority of his siblings in the room along with Alfred and Bruce. He couldn’t help but give the small wave when both Bruce and Alfred glanced over at the two of them.

“Come on.” He said, taking his hand and squeezing it, leading him over to the group.

Y/n stopped as he hissed

He flinched a little as he heard the hiss, he never quite knew the extent of Y’n’s omega side, but he got the feeling it was pretty strong.

“Hm, are you okay love?” He asked softly, looking down at him and brushing his fingers through his hair.

Y/n froze. "Y-yeah. Er cramp that's all." Y/n said quickly

Jason felt the lie, he could sense when his boyfriend felt the need to downplay his discomfort so everyone else wouldn’t react.

“Can I do anything for it?” He asked.

Seeing the way he froze with everyone in the room, Y’n didn’t seem comfortable and he hated to see him that way.

"I'm f-fin." The omega said as he sat down and curled up

Seeing his reaction, he felt his stomach drop and he rushed over, crouching down next to him. He had a strong feeling this wasn’t about a cramp. Jason put his hand on his shoulder gently, looking him over for any hint at what could be causing it.

"Jason im fine honestly." The omega said as he sat up

He sighed, he didn’t want to be overbearing, but he hated seeing him like this. His heart ached for the omega and all he wanted to do was make it all better. He knew he was trying to play it off like it wasn’t that big of a deal, and he was trying to see that.

Finally, he just nodded, deciding to drop it for the moment. He was hoping that the distraction of christmas would distract him for now.

“Are you ready for gifts?” He asked softly.

Y/n nodded his head. "I can't wait for you to see your gift."

This sparked his interest, “What did you get me?” He wondered as he stood up. The group seemed to start heading over their way, everyone excited to exchange gifts.

Y/n smiled as he handed Jason a box

His eyes lit up as he took the box in his hands, feeling the paper and just the sheer fact that it was from Y’n that made him happy.

“Can i open it here or do you want me to wait til later?” He asked, his eyes on the box already, itching to open it up.

"Now." The omega said smiling

His hands immediately began to unwrap the gift, his body leaning forward in excitement to get to the contents inside. He finally tore the last bit of tape off and opened it to reveal…?

Blue powder came out as Y/n grinned

Jason jumped back in surprise at the blue powder, not exactly what he was expecting. He looked back at Y’n who was grinning ear to ear after the reaction he got.

“Was this a joke? Cause honestly it was funny.” He chuckled.

"No its not a joke. Keep digging." Y/n said smiling. He was standing by the tree

He raised an eyebrow and did his best to keep the amused expression on his face, as he continued to dig into the present. Did it really just contain a ton of blue powder? Now he was just getting confused, as he’d reached the bottom and it was still just blue powder.

But, inside was something. It was a card with the words: Hey daddy can't wait to meet you in 7 months

A small jolt rushed through his body as his jaw hit the floor, he stared at the words and looked up at Y’n who was grinning proudly.

“Are you-“ his breath hitched in his throat, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

Y/n had a hand on his stomach, smiling

He felt like he was gonna cry, this was probably his favorite present he’s ever gotten, he was finally going to have his very own child.

He immediately jumped up and pulled Y’n into a tight hug, his hands holding him close to him as his eyes began to tear up.

“Are we really having a kid?” He asked after a few moments.

"Yeah I'm 2 months. So that's why every time you said something about having kids, I changed the subject because I wanted to surprise you."

“You just had to keep me on edge huh.” He chuckled as he wiped away his tears.

His face couldn’t help but light up, a mixture of happiness and relief. “This is amazing! I can’t believe it.”

He pulled him closer, planting a kiss on him, “We’re finally gonna be parents.”

Y/n smiled brightly as he smiled

He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist, keeping him close as he kissed his forehead. He really couldn’t believe this, they were finally gonna be a family.

Jason chuckled when he realized that they were going to have a baby at Christmas, like the cliche hallmark movies. He didn’t mind, he was just happy they were finally ready to take the next step.

"Merry Christmas baby."

He grinned at the nickname, he liked this present more and more as he kept holding him.

“Merry christmas to you too.” He responded back as he kissed his forehead again, this time brushing his fingers through Y’n’s pretty hair.

This really was a magical Christmas

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