So it’s almost time for school to start again and you’ll be a little busier than you have been recently. Don’t let anyone try to tell you you can’t be bored at home year-round! All the same, if you’re not as stubborn as we are and you’re actually looking for some way to escape your boredom, peruse our list for great ideas. Or busy yourself suggesting additions–the comments box is only a scroll away!
1.Star gaze in your backyard
2.Look at old photographs (you were so cute… what happened?!)
3.Make a collage/poster out of your old photos
4.Rearrange the furniture in your room (ask for permission first!)
5.Paint/draw a picture
6.Write a thank-you note to someone important in your life
7.Teach your pet a new trick (be patient!)
8.Write a poem
9.Plant something (in a pot or outside if it’s warm enough!)
10.Climb a tree
11.Throw out stuff you don’t need (donate old clothes!)
12.Make a CD or playlist of your favorite songs or as a gift for someone
13.Learn words in a foreign language
14.Talk to your parents about your ancestors (believe me… it’s cooler than it sounds!)
15.Ride your bike
16.Learn to do a sudoku in the newspaper
17.Go jogging, bike riding, roller skating, etc
18.Call up neighborhood friends and play soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis, Frisbee, etc
19.Teach yourself sign language (use or to find info on it!)
20.Reread your favorite childhood book
21.Bake cookies
22.Lie out on the grass and decide what the clouds in the sky look like
23.Call someone you haven’t talked to in a REALLY long time
24.Take a bubble bath
25.Make a movie/documentary
26.Write in a journal
27.Cut out cool newspaper/magazine pictures and make a new wallpaper (ask for permission!)
28.Mow the lawn (your parents will LOVE you!)
29.Set up a tent in your backyard and go “camping”
30.Go sledding!
31.Learn to cook something new (pasta is an easy starting point)
32.Make a video on your computer (see if you have the right program first)
33.Invite everyone you know and have a snow “war” – make teams, forts, and snowballs!
34.Make someone a card just because
35.Learn origami
36.Ask your dad for some scraps of wood, nails, and a hammer – see what you can make!
37.Play a board game you think you’re too old for
38.Learn a card trick
39.Read a joke book
40.Play Wallyball! Look up rules at:
41.Plan a fun outing for another day
42.Learn how to do a French braid on someone else’s hair… then try your own!
43.Put together a puzzle
44.Rake and then play in the leaves
45.Have a squirt gun or water balloon fight
46.Play 20 questions
47.Invent a new game… maybe even make your own board game with pieces and all!
48.Learn to juggle
49.Pick a bouquet of flowers and put them on the table as a nice surprise
50.Have a car wash or lemonade stand
51.Invent a secret code
52.Hide a “treasure” and make a scavenger hunt for your friends
53.Start your own blog
54.Play a nice, funny prank on someone
55.Make a time capsule
57.Learn some big words to impress (or confuse!) others with
58.Go exploring! There are probably tons of things you forgot you had at home…
59.Have a picnic in your backyard
60.Watch TV on mute and make up the dialogue
61.Think of nicknames for everyone you know
62.Start collecting something
63.Start a nature scrapbook
64.Sidewalk chalk!
65.Make goop! (Mix 2 cups water, a few drops of food coloring, and 6 cups cornstarch/cornflour.)
66.String beads or macaroni on some dental floss to make a cool necklace or bracelet
67.Make a smoothie
68.Make birthday cards for all your friends and family so they’re ready for the year
69.Put on a play
70.Collect canned goods for a soup kitchen
71.Use fabric paints to decorate a shirt
72.Make your own list of things to do when you’re bored!
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