< Christmas Eve >
{ Tate }
I guess you could say Ashton and I were a little over excited for Christmas this year. It's our first Christmas as a little family and we're soaking it up. Riley's feeling ten times better too. We've barely been giving him Motrin.
Ashton was up way before me, as usual, this morning. I slowly got out of bed and put clothes on my naked body and made my way out to the living room and kitchen. My grandma and Anne were in the kitchen making breakfast, Ashton and Harry we're laying on the living room floor playing with Riley, and Lauren was sitting on the couch watching HGTV on the tv that I know Ashton put on. He loves that channel.
I walked over to the boys and leaned down to kiss Riley.
"Do I not get one?" Ashton sassed.
"Oh please, she gave you plenty last night and I'm sure you gave her just as many" Lauren smirked.
"What?" Ashton glared at her as he sat up and pulled me down on his lap.
"One, the room I'm in is right below yours. And two, Tate's neck has a big hickey on it" Lauren smirked again. My eyes widened and Ashton moved my hair to look then laughed.
"Damn. I got you good" he laughed. I was suddenly embarrassed.
"Just keep your hair down and it'll be fine" Ashton laughed and kissed my temple.
I turned in his lap and buried my head in his chest.
"Don't be embarrassed Tate. Ashton's neck is covered in them too" Harry smirked. I had to laugh a little.
My grandma and Anne called us in the kitchen and we all made our way there.
"Best part of them being here is us not having to cook" Ashton laughed as he sat Riley in his highchair.
"What's on your neck there Ash?" Anne smirked. My eyes widened.
"How about you Tate?" my grandma laughed.
"Nooo" I whined and turned to Ashton who was a red as a tomato.
"I remember the first time Tate was over in Australia and she and Ashton came downstairs for breakfast. I thought an octopus attacked her" Anne joked. My eyes widened and Ashton let out a whiny "mom".
"Hey, I'm allowed to embarrass you" Anne fought back and pushed us to sit at the table.
"You should've been in the house when he came to Tampa after they started dating" my grandma laughed making me groan.
It was nice, after the embarrassment had died down, sitting all together and eating until halfway through, I saw scrambled eggs fly past my face and Ashton groan. I turned and saw Riley throwing the eggs off his highchair tray at Ashton. Everyone was laughing but Ashton and I knew we had to stop it. We were going to have to parent now.
"Riley, stop" Ashton spoke sternly. Riley literally just looked at him, picked up the eggs, and threw them off the tray again. Ashton looked at me and tried to hold his laugh back.
"He's not even one yet and already testing you" Anne laughed.
"Riley, no!" I raised my voice slightly when he grabbed a handful again, and he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Momma's got the touch" I smirked at Ashton.
"Oh great" Ashton rolled his eyes.
"It's because you already let him get away with stuff. Like when he's hitting you, you just laugh and don't stop him" I smirked.
"Okay okay I get it" he got defensive.
Our Christmas Eve was going great. We all showered and we all got our matching pjs on and were watching a Hallmark Christmas movie. Riley was curled in Ashton's lap and drinking from a bottle (I've given up on breastfeeding him- he doesn't like that anymore). I was up and under Ashton's arm and in his side. Lauren was cuddled up with my grandma and Harry and Anne were cuddled.
Riley fell asleep not long after he'd finished his bottle, so Ashton excused himself and put Riley to bed. When Ashton came back, he stood in the doorframe of the hall and grinned oddly.
"What?" I asked as everyone looked at him.
"He's asleep so Santa can come" he beamed like a child. I grinned and got up and followed him into our room to get Santa's presents.
We got them all put out and set up. Ashton even put a half drank glass of milk out and a couple of cookies that were half eaten.
"You know he's not going to know what's going on right?" Lauren sassed.
"That's not the point. It's our first Christmas with him and it's supposed to be special so we have to do all of it" Ashton sassed right back.
"Yeah Lauren. Don't be such a grinch" Harry snapped.
"Knock it off. Leave your brother alone" Anne stepped in.
Ashton and I retreated to our room and got in bed when everything was ready and the house was locked up. We couldn't wait to get up and do presents with Riley. Our family isn't going to come up until we finish our Christmas morning to give us our space as our first Christmas as a little family.
"I can't wait to get up," Ashton told me as he pulled to into his body.
"I know. I think he'll like ripping the paper" I laughed.
"Oh definitely. And your camera is charged so we can film. It's already set up on the tripod" Ashton smiled and kissed my head and I nuzzled into him.
"Are we waking Riley up or letting him wake us up?" I asked.
"He's up at 7:30 anyway so I say we let him do it" Ashton smiled.
I tilted my head back on Ashton's chest and he leaned his head down and placed his lips on mine.
"Go to sleep. Tomorrow is an exciting day" Ashton giggled and pulled the covers up some more.
< Christmas Day >
Like clockwork, Riley's cries came from the baby monitor at 7:30 am exactly. Ashton jumped up next to me.
"Come on! It's Christmas!" He squealed like a child. I laughed and got up with him.
"You get Riles and I'll get the coffee and start the camera" he ran out of the room. I laughed and walked out and down the hall into Riley's room.
"Merry Christmas Riley Roo" I grinned as I walked over and picked my smiley baby up. He giggled and laid his head on my shoulder.
"Let's go see Daddy and open your presents from Santa" I cooed.
"Dada Dada Dada" Riley giggled.
"Yeah let's go find Dada" I smiled and kissed his head.
When we got to the living room, I saw Ashton by the tree with his phone out. I put Riley on his feet and sent him towards the presents. He stopped when he saw a few of his gifts unwrapped. He may be a baby but he knows that they are for him. His hand covered his mouth and he looked around. Ashton laughed and put his phone down then handed the coffee in his hand as he plopped on the floor next to the presents.
Ashton pulled Riley to him and he helped him open the presents while I took a few pictures. Ashton grabbed one and unwrapped it, leaving just the box. Riley started hitting hit then almost had a tantrum because he couldn't open it. Ashton's dad relaxes kicked in and he quickly opened the box and allowed Riley to pull out the stuffed animals inside.
"Who is that bubby?" I cooed as Riley's face lit up.
"Is that Pooh and Tigger" I smiled.
"Can you say 'Pooh'?" Ashton coaxed.
"OO OO" Riley cheered.
"Ehh, close enough" Ashton shrugged.
Riley was attached to Pooh and Tigger. Ashton and I had to take them away so he could open his other presents.
Riley loved his new toys, especially the cars and his Pooh.
I was sitting up on the couch under a blanket and watching my boys play on the floor as our family slowly made their way upstairs. As soon as Harry came up, he joined Ashton and Riley on the floor and I went into the kitchen to do breakfast.
After we ate, we all decided to do other presents. Ashton handed mine first and it was kinda heavy. I slowly unwrapped it and saw the IPad box.
"Ash!" I squealed and hit his chest making him laugh.
"You needed it" he defended. I smiled and kissed him quickly.
"Thank you baby" I grinned then grabbed his gift and gave it to him.
He unwrapped the camera and laughed.
"Since Riley broke yours" I smiled.
"Thank you" he smiled and kissed me again.
"Okay stop kissing and open what we got you all" Harry stood and dragged a large wrapped present to us.
"What the hell did you get us" Ashton laughed and started peeling the paper off.
Ashton and I were sent into laughter when we saw the new Casper mattress.
"You've only been complaining for like ever about needing a new one" Lauren laughed.
"Thanks guys" I smiled then turned to watch Harry help Riley open presents.
Ashton and I took it upon ourselves to make Christmas dinner since his mom and my grandma have been cooking for us since they got here. We had music going and we were looking like idiots dancing around.
As I worked at the stove, I jumped when Ashton's arms went around my waist and his head buried in my neck.
"I love you" he spoke, sending vibrations through me.
"I love you too" I giggled and turned my head to kiss him.
"Can you believe that we've been together for almost ten years and this is our eighth Christmas together" Ashton mumbled into my shoulder.
"It's crazy honestly. And we have a kid too. Didn't see that one coming until well after we got married" I laughed.
"Same but I'm kinda glad we had him. Don't know what life would be like without him" Ashton smiled.
"How's everyone else's Christmas's going?" I asked once I walked away from the stove. The others all went to Australia for Christmas. Emma even went with Calum.
"Good. They all had dinner together and they said to tell you to post our Christmas picture" Ashton smiled as I laughed.
I grabbed my phone and hopped up on the counter. I got on Instagram and quickly posted the picture of the three of us in front of the tree:
liked by sierradeaton and 243,747 others
👥: ashtonirwin
@tateberklee: Our first Christmas as a family in the books and so many more to come 🥰❤️
I smiled and watched Ashton post the same exact picture:
liked by calumhood and 343,858 others
👥: tateberklee
@ashtonirwin: Merry Christmas from the Irwin's and soon-to-be Irwin 🎄👨👩👦
"I can't wait to be an Irwin" I grinned and kissed Ashton's cheek.
"I can't wait for you to be one either" he smiled and leaned in to kiss me right as the oven went off.
"Damn" he mumbled and pulled away.
The Christmas excitement wore Riley out and we managed to get him to bed early, allowing all of us to go to bed early.
After I stripped to my underwear and put on one of Ashton's shirts, I quickly did my nighttime routine and climbed into bed with Ashton who was almost asleep. I moved to where I was cuddled with him and my head was on his chest and my hand went to his stomach, right above the waistband of his boxers.
"First family Christmas was a success" Ashton groggily spoke.
"Very successful" I smiled and kissed his chest.
"Goodnight Tate" was the last thing mumbled before Ashton was completely asleep and I was right behind him.
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