t h i r t y - s i x

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{ Tate }

Last night was our first night in our new house and I'd say it was successful. Riley slept in his room and didn't come into ours which we called a win. He only woke up once but Ashton got him back to sleep within a few minutes.

Ashton and I were up early because we had to wait for a delivery guy to get here. For Christmas, Ashton and I got Riley, and the new baby, a play set for the backyard. I honestly think Ashton is more excited than Riley will be.

There was a knock on the door around 7:30 and Ashton and the delivery guy carried all the boxes to the backyard. The only work I did was hold the gate open so they could walk into the yard. The boys were coming later to help Ashton put it together.

Ashton's putting a lot of work into our backyard. He's got lots of plans. He already dug up some grass and laid out some rubber stuff where the play set was going to go. Next he wants to dig a hole and put a trampoline in the ground.

Ashton got to work opening boxes and laying out what he needed while I stood in the doorway of the house and back patio.

As I stood there, I heard Riley whining. I walked through the kitchen and turned the corner and saw Riley at the top of the stairs waiting for me to come get him. We have a baby gate up so he has to wait for us.

"Good morning" I cooed at him and stepped over the gate, "Let's get you changed and we will go outside with Daddy" I told him. Riley nodded and laid his head on my shoulder as I carried him to his room.

"Daddy do?" Riley asked as I got him dressed,

"Mommy and Daddy got you a Christmas present but it came early so Daddy's putting it together. Your uncles are going to help" I explained. Riley nodded and I put him on his feet.

We got to the back door and I could see that the boys were here and they were all getting to work.

"Daddy!" Riley yelled and took off as soon as I opened the door. I followed behind as Ashton picked him up, "I help Daddy?"

"No buddy. This is a big people thing. You and mommy are going to go to the store. Can you help Mommy get some swings?" Ashton talked to him. Riley nodded aggressively and wiggled so Ashton put him down.

"We getting one baby swing and two regular?" I questioned and Riley returned to my legs. Ashton smiled and nodded and got back to work.


Riley and I had to go a couple places. We were getting swings but we also needed to get a few things before we fly out to Australia for Christmas. Since the only thing Riley cared about was swings, we stopped at the outdoor store first.

I grabbed a cart and we walked back to the swing sets. I grabbed a blue baby swing and set it in the cart, making Riley whine,

"No baby" he told me,

"But it's for the baby. We will get you a big swing" I explained. He grinned and jogged over to the other swings,

"Bwue" he pointed. I smiled and grabbed two and set them in the cart.

"Okay, lets go buy them then go to Target" I laughed.

We got to Target and Riley was not happy. He wanted to go home and play.

I sat him in the cart and pushed it over to the baby section. We were in a desperate need of diapers and baby wipes. I grabbed a couple boxes of diapers and few packages of wipes and put them in the cart.

"For baby?" Riley asked and pointed to my stomach as I pushed him away,

"No bubs. These are for you" I laughed and went down another aisle.

"No Mommy! Mommy! Back!" Riley started screaming. I pulled him back and stopped in the aisle. Riley pointed to a little stuffed bear that was wearing blue pajamas,

"For baby bwudda" he told me. My face softened.

"But what if it's a baby sister. Baby sister might not want blue" I told him. Riley shrugged his shoulders and kept pointing to it,

"Okay. We will get this for baby brother OR baby sister. When baby is born you can give it to them" I smiled and grabbed the bear for him. We checked out and headed home.


Riley was in need of a nap so as soon as we were in the house, I put him in his bed then went to get the stuff from the car.

I sat the target bags on the kitchen table then carried the swings to the backyard where they boys were almost done.

"Hi baby" Ashton grinned and came and took the swings from me and put them on the ground, "Where's RiRi?"

"Nap. He was getting really cranky" I laughed.

"When does he wake up? I wanna see the little guy and we're almost done" Michael pouted.

"Give him an hour" I smiled and took a seat on the outdoor patio couch.


Riley took a longer nap than expected. By the time he woke up, the boy's had finished his swing set.

Ashton came out the back door with Riley and Riley just grinned.

"Go play" Ashton nudged the toddlers back. Riley grinned and took off, his uncles following behind him.

Since Riley was being watched by the boys, Ashton and I went inside to pack. Ashton had grabbed the target bag and sat it on our bed and pulled everything out.

"Is this for Riley?" Ashton questioned and held up the stuffed bear Riley picked out.

"No" I laughed and walked over, "Riley picked that out for the baby, even if it's a girl" I smiled

"Aww. That's cute" Ashton gushed and pulled me into his side.

"We just need to save it and he can give it to the baby when he comes to meet them for the first time" I smiled. Ashton nodded and sat the bear back down.

"Are you excited to go home for Christmas?" I asked as the two of us moved around the room packing.

"Yeah. And all the Santa presents made it there. Mom called and told me" Ashton nodded. I laughed. That's the only thing with long distance Christmas and small kids.


That night, we had all showered and ate dinner. Riley was now settled on the couch watching Sesame Street while Ashton and I double checked everything and printed off boarding passes and stuff we'd need for both sets of customs.

After getting Riley in bed, Ashton and I headed to our room for bed, knowing we had an early morning before us.

We both brushed our teeth and I washed my face before we headed to bed. I climbed in first, crawling under the covers as Ashton pulled his shirt and sweats off, leaving him in his boxers, then climbing in bed next to me.

I rested against him, letting my hand play with the waistband of his boxers. He pulled me close, pressing a kiss to my head before falling asleep.

<next morning>

Our morning was hectic. Riley was throwing a tantrum and we were running late to the airport. Then I was acting like a bitch because my hormones are off the wall. Luckily Ashton stayed calm the entire time.

Now, we are 10 hours into our flight and Riley's slept the whole time. I was able to relax with him asleep because I wasn't worrying about him screaming now.

Ashton was still as calm as he could be. He was also just really happy to be seeing his family.


Riley woke as we landed. He was fussy at first but when we told him that grandma was waiting for him, he was all smiles.

As we came around the corner in the airport, we saw Anne standing by the wall. Ashton put Riley down and pointed to her.

"Gwamma!" Riley sprinted as fast as his little legs could go to her. She scooped him up and peppered his face with kisses as Ash and I approached.

"Oh baby boy" Anne smiled, leaning up and kissed Ashton's cheek,

"And my girl" she grinned and hugged me, with a Riley's till in her arms, "How's the baby?" She asked,

"Really good" I answered. Anne set her hand on my stomach for a second and smiled.

"There's a little bump" she laughed. Ashton laughed too and then went to grab our bags ready to go celebrate with family.

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