< Christmas Day >
{ Tate }
"Mommy" I lightly heard, "Daddy" the same voice spoke,
I felt Ashton sit up next to me as I opened my eyes. He grabbed Riley from the floor and pulled him in bed with us.
"Good morning baby boy" I spoke roughly. I was feeling awful this morning. This may be the sickest morning I've had so far with this baby.
Riley laid down between Ashton and I and snuggled up for a little bit before sitting up,
"Santa come?" Riley asked,
"Yeah, Santa came. We will go open presents in a little bit. We have to wait for Harry and Lauren" Ashton explained,
"Go see Gwamma?" Riley tilted his head making me smile,
"I'll take you to Grandma" Ashton laughed and got up with him. I really didn't want him to leave but we do have a child to take care of.
When Ashton came back in the room, he laid back down and cuddled me,
"You're feeling pretty sick this morning aren't you?" He asked and placed a kiss to my head,
"It's your baby's fault" I joked. Ashton laughed and pulled the blankets up on us,
"Close your eyes for a bit. I'll wake you when Harry and Lauren wake up so we can let Riley see what Santa brought" Ashton whispered, lightly rocking my body and putting me back to sleep.
Ashton woke me up a little later, telling me everyone was up. We headed into the living room where Riley was sitting in front of the tree with Harry, presents in front of each of them.
"Do you want to open your presents from Santa?" Harry asked Riley as Ashton and I sat on the couch and pulled our phones out to take pictures.
It was more enjoyable this year for Riley since he was actually able to rip open his presents. This year for Christmas was a lot of dinosaur things, since that's what he's in to. He also got some Elmo and Mickey Mouse things. That was from Santa.
Now it was time for him to open his presents from Anne which was mainly Paw Patrol and Toy Story.
As soon as Riley had unwrapped everything, he made sure Ashton started to open them. After Ashton would open one toy, Riley was already handing him another.
While Ashton opened Riley's stuff, I opened some stuff that was for the baby that Anne gave us. We got a few cute gender neutral outfits, a few bibs, and a couple baby toys and little essential items. We already had a lot of baby stuff. We kept a lot of Riley's stuff since we knew we were going to have more kids at some point soon.
I looked up and Ashton had all of Riley's toys out and he and Harry were laying on the floor playing with Riley. I can't wait til the new baby is old enough and Riley and them will be able to play together, Ashton of course joining in too.
My attention to the boys turned when Anne sat next to me,
"Soon baby number two will be joining the fun" she laughed,
"I was just thinking about that" I smiled, "I think Riley will like having a playmate, although he usually gets mad at Ashton when Ashton doesn't play the way he wants" I joked,
"Riley will have Jack to play with soon too" Anne nodded.
Riley hopped up off the ground and came and climbed in my lap, resting his head on my chest. I could feel his heart beating quickly. He just needed to calm down.
"Is he okay?" Anne asked as she rubbed Riley's back.
"Just got too hyper" I smiled and kissed the top of Riley's head,
"He hasn't even been playing that long. I know he's having all the surgeries. Are there any other options?" Anne questioned. Ashton had now joined us,
"They said if the third surgery doesn't go the way it should, he'll have to get a new heart" Ashton mumbled and pulled Riley from my lap to his. A new heart had always been talked about since before he was born, but doctors are hopeful we won't have to go that far.
The doorbell rang and Ashton got up to answer. Riley was now off and playing with Harry and Lauren again. Suddenly, Ashton started yelling.
{ Ashton }
The doorbell rang and I didn't want to make my mom get up for it. I put Riley down and he went back to playing as I went to get the door.
I pulled it open and my heart dropped seeing the person on the other side- my father.
"Ashton, son, you're looking good" he smiled,
"Do not call me son" I bit, "What the hell are you doing here Josh?" I spit,
"Since when do you call your father by his first name" Josh chuckled but I kept my straight face, "I've heard you're engaged and you've got a kid and another on the way. I just wanna see my grandkid" he smirked.
I was boiling. The man leaves when I'm two and has the audacity to show up here now,
"Baby? You okay?" I heard behind me then arms snaked around my waist,
"I'm fine. Just go ba-" I started but was cut off,
"Ahh this must be Tate" Josh spoke up. I wrapped my arm around Tate and held her in my side as my hand rested on the small baby bump,
"It doesn't matter to you" I told him and held Tate tighter,
"Hi, I'm Josh. I'm Ashton's father" Josh spoke and I heard Tate gasp and pull back from me. I grabbed her hand and held it behind me,
"Look, you need to get out of here. It's Christmas can't you be a nice person for once and just leave. I know you're good at leaving" I raised my voice again,
"Ashton? Tate? Who's at the door?" My mom walked up and I moved to the side,
"Get the hell out of here" she gritted,
"Look, I just want to talk to my son" Josh spoke as a car pulled in the driveway, both my grandma and grandpa getting out of the car.
"You need to leave and stay away from my mom, siblings, my girlfriend, and my kids" I stepped forward, letting go of Tate as my grandpa walked up and stared down Josh,
"Fine, I'll go since it's Christmas, but I'll see my grandkids," he said then turned and left.
Everyone got in the house, I took Tate with me up to my old room. I sat down on my bed, my hand in my heads as Tate sat next to me and pulled me into her,
"You okay?" she asked, taking my hand and playing with my fingers,
"He left when I was two, showed up when I was 10, left again and now he's back, wanting to know me" I yelled, "And on Christmas"
"Look, I don't know why he came but he's gone now. And we will be back home soon so he won't be coming to see you" Tate told me. I know she's right. It just makes me mad that he showed up after years up not being there.
"Why don't we go back downstairs. I'm sure Riley is wanting to play again and is probably driving Lauren and Harry nuts" Tate laughed. I agreed and we walked back down, Riley coming in contact with my leg.
"Hey goob" I smiled and picked him up, lightly tossing him before catching him and holding him on my hip.
I'm hoping that my dad showing up today is the only day he will show up to ruin. I just don't want him showing up in LA and trying to bother Tate and Riley.
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