{ Ashton }
Yesterday, I found out that Tate and Riley get to join me on the whole tour. I know Tate's a little worried about Riley but it'll be okay. This is also the first time Tate will get to join for a whole tour. Today's a packing day since we leave tomorrow. We do need to run out later and grab a few things.
I got up before Tate. Riley wasn't up yet either. I gently moved Tate off of me and rolled out of bed. I grabbed my phone and IPad from my nightstand then made sure Tate was still covered. Over the years I've learned she gets mad if she wakes up with no covers.
I walked out to the kitchen and sat at the counter with my coffee. I was getting things downloaded to my iPad for Riley. Most of his stuff is on mine and Tate's phones. If we were going to be on a bus for five months, he needed something else.
A little while later, Tate came walking in with Riley who looked half asleep. The shirt she wore pooled around her thighs, reminding me she only had on her underwear underneath. Her hair was up in a bun and Riley was rested on her hip. But she still looked gorgeous.
"Morning love" I smiled as she made her way to the coffee pot.
"Morning" she smiled. She got her a cup then got Riley a sippy cup of milk and came around the counter to me. She kissed me softly but we both pulled back when Riley's hand pushed between our lips.
"Besides packing, what do we need to do today?" She asked with a little yawn. I smiled and grabbed Riley from her and settled him on the counter in front of me. He was too busy sucking away on his sippy cup to realize he wasn't on Tate's hip.
"We need to go get diapers and soap and stuff. Maybe some stuff for Riles to eat on" I shrugged. When Riley heard his name, he perked up, "Yeah you" I laughed and tickled his sides.
"Daddy! Daddy no" he squealed and dropped his sippy cup. Good thing it's spill proof. I kept tickling him and his squeals got louder. I stopped when Riley got out of breath and I could tell his heart was racing. That's always something I have to be aware of when we play.
"Alright buggy, want some breakfast?" Tate asked Riley as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders from behind.
"Foot Oops!" Riley cheered. Tate laughed and kissed the side of my neck.
"Do you want anything" she mumbled. I shook my head no and she unwrapped herself from me and walked over to the pantry. She grabbed Riley his Fruit Loops and brought them over then sat in my lap.
"I like this" I smirked.
"I know, I can feel" Tate snorted back.
After the three of us got ready, we headed out to the store. I noticed Michael's car in the parking lot so I guess he was doing all his stuff last minute too.
I grabbed a cart and put Riley in the seat and gave him my phone. It's the only way we can keep him still. We grabbed all that Riley would need first, including snacks, then grabbed what Tate and I needed.
We walked down the hygiene aisle when I heard Tate squeal. When I turned around, Crystal and Michael were behind her laughing while she had her hand over her heart.
"You are way too easy to scare" Michael laughed. I started to laugh too. I knew Tate probably freaked out.
"Hey Mikey" I smiled, "Last minute I see" I joked.
"You're standing here too" he shot back then moved past me to Riley. I quickly grabbed my phone from my son as Michael picked him up from the cart.
"How do you think Riley's gonna handle bus life?" Crystal asked, glancing at Michael and Riley.
"Honestly, I don't know" Tate laughed, "The real question is how are you all going to handle being on a bus with a toddler" she finished, making me laugh too.
We stood and talked for a little while longer then we both headed off to finish up.
{ Tate }
After we ran into Michael and Crystal at Target, we finished up what we came to get then headed to get some lunch before we ran to the pharmacy then to home.
We decided on Chipotle. Ashton parked and I got Riley out and we got in line.
There were a couple of girls who kept looking back at Ashton. He was too busy playing peek-a-boo with Riley and my shoulder to notice. People won't ask Ashton to talk or take pictures when we have Riley. I could tell these two really wanted to ask but held their tongues.
"Are you guys fans?" I quietly asked. The one nodded and I smiled, "I'll get his attention" I told them.
I turned around and Ashton frowned at me.
"Baby, talk to these girls. They keep looking back" I told him. He nodded with a smile and moved in front of me and started a conversation. They talked until it was their turn then we stopped.
Ashton and I got our chicken bowls and got Riley a kids quesadilla. Riley's to the point where he can eat most of a kid's meal.
When we got to the pharmacy, I went in to get Riley's medicine for the next few months while Ashton stayed in the car. Riley was sleeping and we didn't want to wake him.
I walked up to the counter and the pharmacist walked over and asked me who I was picking up for.
"It's for Riley Irwin. I called about it" I told her as she started to look through her computer.
"You called to get 5 months of his medicine?" She questioned. She probably thought I was crazy or dealing out his meds.
"We're going to be gone for 5 months with his dad" I explained. She knows what Ashton does so she believed me and got Riley's meds together.
When we got home, Ashton and I got to work packing. We had a shit ton of it to do. We started with Riley. I did his clothes while Ashton got the other things: diapers, sippy cups, pacifiers, toys. Riley was "helping" Ashton.
We all got packed up pretty quickly, except for a few things we needed to use tonight and in the morning, and got all our bags by the door.
Ashton and Riley had already taken a shower, so it was my turn to hop in. It didn't take me long, I was determined to cuddle up with my boys.
I couldn't help but smile when I came into the living room. Both my boys were curled up under a blanket and watching Nemo. I quietly crawled under the blanket and Riley leaned into me. I kissed him and settled in and started watching.
Getting Riley to bed after was easy and allowed me to cuddle into bed with Ashton.
The morning was hectic. We had all arrived at the airport and were now waiting to board. The sun was shining and it was bound to be a good day.
I was sitting and talking with the girls when I noticed Ashton and Riley over by the windows. Then Ashton bent down and took a picture. He typed something then my phone lit up with an Instagram notification:
liked by calumhood and 324,355 others
@ashtonirwin: Riley is ready to fly✈️ SO excited to spend tour with my little man and my girl! But I also can't wait to see all you lovely fans
I could already tell this was going to be fun.
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